Ok, have you tried this? There is some missing code from the ini files.....Try this: Right. I want you to go through this file path to get to your Skyrim Editor file.. (NOT the Skyrim EditorPrefs, just a file, as an image of a gear and pen on it, called 'Skyrim Editor').. Go to your computer, click C:\ Program files\ Steam\ Steamapps\ Common\ Skyrim. In the Skyrim folder, look for 'SKYRIM EDITOR'. (it might be FALLOUT EDITOR, depending on the game you got Creation Kit with) Click this note pad file and you will see a massive list of code...the 1st category says 'General'. At the bottom of the General category, I want you to click in the space you see below the last code line, and add this case sensitive line Letter for Letter: bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 no spaces, and make sure you don't miss the capital letters...there should be a space between that line you added and the next category title, '[Audio]' like there was a space before.. In that Skyrim Editor file, I want you to look for the [Archive] Category. (All the way down near bottom, it is there, dont worry). Check that the bottom line says: SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, Hearthfires.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa This allows mod (featuring DLC content) plug in files to be loaded. Without this code, Creation kit won't load the respective files. Again, once you have typed this last line in, make sure there's a space (line) before the [sound] category, and SAVE the amendment. Please ensure there are spaces between the hyphen after 'Skyrim', and that there ARE spaces after the commas between bsa codes..okay? The line finishes with NO full stop...good luck :smile: See if your CK loads after inputting this data :smile: