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Posts posted by gabrhost

  1. Just ordered my Valve Index kit a few days ago, and I noticed that the VR control scheme for this game is trash.


    While there has been one incredible improvement by fholger (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/41931), there hasn't been any attempts made to map the Valve Index finger tracking, to a pre-existing hand model/textures for more immersive use.


    I am excited to get my new Valve Index set, but it feels like something is missing without one of my favorite VR titles supporting the full hand control. Especially with the physics-sandbox nature of the Fallout series. Something as simple as a pair of hands for default, one with a pip-boy attached, maybe even a full body texture to look down and see attached to those. One mod similar to this was posted for Skyrim VR by prog0111, located here (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23416)


    I understand this wouldn't be any small feat, so I am simply suggesting that anyone who has the capability, or knows someone who would team up with them to help put something like this together. I personally don't know enough about coding or the Fallout engine to make this happen myself, but I can see the mapping needing to be done being rather straight-forward once the controller inputs are mapped, and simple finger positions/ animations to those positions, are mapped to those.


    I think even the ability to just grab junk items and throw them, by actually grabbing them would be cool.


    Another part of prog0111's incredible Avatar mod, includes holsters for weapons. This concept would be amazing ported over to Fallout 4 VR for things like grenades, and other weapons. People would kill themselves in-game less often, and the pip-boy is sort of a pain to navigate anyway without a pose-able pointer finger.


    Being able to physically watch my hand push over physics-oriented items by simply bumping into them would be cool as well.


    I think everyone here would enjoy giving one faction or another the middle finger every now and then as well.


    Small improvements, with significant increases to play-ability, and immersion.


    I have a feeling something like this is in the works somewhere somehow. Still, without any certainty, I am here posting this to hopefully inspire someone to make this happen.



  2. 1) there will NEVER be third party mods allowed by Beth for Fallout:76- not Novemeber 2019- not ever.

    2) there will NEVER be private servers you run on your own PC that you mod- NEVER.


    'private' servers are servers you may each month to RENT from Zenimax server farms.

    'mods' are PAID downloads from the Atom Store that modify gameplay rules on the rented server.


    NOT my opinion. Todd Howard's definitive statement on the situation. And they're not likely to even do this since the game is AAA's biggest failure, set to go F2P in the near future and rely entirely on Atom Store revenue.


    Back to this thread's topic of unapproved mods...


    A mod to 'sell' ammunition when the ruleset for current servers is this does not happen. What could possibly go wrong? I don't know- maybe a POLICE RAID on the home of the person producing and promoting such a mod. Yes really. Rockstar, with GTA online, have already engaged in exactly this form of police state action.


    I understand many people here are terminally naive, still thinking Beth is some sort of 'good guy'. Nothing could be further from the truth. 'Mods' that impact the general gameplay on a Beth server are not mods but illegal hacks. And the law is well established in Britain, Canada, Australia, the USA, and many second and third world hell-holes where big publisher money is 'welcomed' that online game 'hackers' should face the full weight of the criminal and civil law.


    IF people mess with Fallout:76 mods here, it should only be with things that modify the experience on the user's CLIENT system. Better textures. Better bodies. Stuff that other players will not see or know about.


    And the owners of Nexus, will in a heartbeat, turn over details of any 'modder' on this site who is accused of engaging in illegal hacks. To even talk about hacking the way gameplay works in 'fallout:76', even for 'testing', is as stupid as it gets.


    Please protect yourselves. Please don't be mislead by the pre-existing community here into thinking you have a 'right' or a 'duty' to continue the LEGAL concept of modding Fallout 4 into Fallout:76. If you must do this kind of thing, here is NOT the place to talk about it.


    The hard truth is that Bethesda and modders have parted ways FOR EVER. Beth is now another kind of company altogether. It isn't going to have a change of heart in the future- Beth's future is all mobile games, loot boxes and microtransactions- gaming as a service- as much money as possible extracted from kids and vulnerable adults- and the power of their billions smashing to dust anyone who dares to offend them (like hacking their online games).


    Please listen to what Todd Howard says, NOT what you think he says. He is a remarkably 'honest' and outspoken man. Not the 'sweet little lies' about nebulous and undefined futures, like Starfield and Eldere Scrolls 6. But the FACTS that Todd Howard lays down with total clarity.


    NO private servers for Fallout:76 in the form you think you want.

    NO mods for Fallout:76 in the sense you understand modding.


    And ZERO tolerance for third party modding of Fallout:76.


    Only yesterday I read a thread in the fallout Reddit (NOT the FO76 reddit Beth set up and controls) where a person who couldn't get the game working on his ultrawide monitor contacted Beth support talking about his attempts to modify the .ini file. He got a response back from Beth's LAWYERS warning him that modifying ANY of Fallout:76's files was a serious breach of the Law. For modifying the lines in the .ini file that simply control the games resolution.


    Beth is NOT your friend, and in the context of Fallout:76 Beth is fully your enemy.


    PS above and beyond all this, the FIRST anti-cheat system the awful lazy devs at Beth will soon introduce into Fallout:76 (and will be part of the attempt to shrink the size of future updates) will confirm the correct nature of all game files (outside user options). Simple hacks into game files will then cause the game to re-download itself. Trying to circumvent this by keeping older game files will mean your game is no longer compatible with current servers.

    lol *cough* we have private servers *cough*

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