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Everything posted by ayianazera

  1. I got CBBE myself and really want to use the Maxwell Outfit by Anano but can't because it won't fit CBBE and I'm still learning NifSkope things so can't convert it myself (wiki page isn't basic enough for people new to NifSkope and such), so I was wondering if anyone can maybe make a CBBE version from the outfit(s)? Original one: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14668//? Recolor which I prefer: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15243//? Really hope someone can make a CBBE version from it. Also, I was told that Caliente and/or others are working on some CBBE/UNP convert program or such, was there any main forum topic/post on this? And if so can someone link it please, would like to know how that is going.
  2. Been a while now after some mod testing and went looking for new mods again, I got all DLC blocked, yet still seem to find tons of mods that require DLC.. So either the blocking thing is broken or modders are too lazy to add the tags, if they're even able to add them that is, or know how to.. :confused: It's still a bit annoying but oh well.. at least the blocking thing helps with some things, thanks for the link. :blush:
  3. Hello all. (Sorry if something similar is posted, forum search results came up negative, aswell as google which isn't a surprise actually, google is known for that hehe.. Feel free to move it if it's not in the correct forum section.. :ohdear: ) I've had Skyrim for a while now, and am still looking for mods that can make it more fun to play, but there's one big problem.. Half to most of the mods are for UNP.. I get it that probably most of you are UNP lovers but there are CBBE players out there in the big world aswell in case it wasn't noticed yet.. :ermm: It's kinda curious.. if you make such a great mod, or several mods, and want tons of players to download, endorse and enjoy the mod, why not make them for both (mainly) UNP, CBBE (and as extra maybe) whatever other body mod is out there? And if it's too hard or takes too much time, why not ask others to help with it? :rolleyes: Ok so I've been wondering, does anybody know how to edit UNP/CBBE clothing with Blender/NifSkope to fit either bodies? And for me that'd be UNP to CBBE. I'd be happy to help make some guide or tutorial on wiki or such but need some help myself to start with it all.. Are there any youtube video's, wiki's, etc out there that explain how to convert it all? And please don't bother to link any of these 3 wiki pages..: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Converting_an_armour_to_another_body_for_Skyrim http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Skyrim._Part_1 http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Skyrim._Part_2 They might explain basic/advanced stuff, but not like what to look for, what numbers and such are UNP, what is or would be CBBE and what do I change from the UNP to make it fit CBBE, because that's nowhere on those wiki pages, and thus, not helpfull.. :sad: I hope someone can help by explaining or replying with some tutorial link for it, or if anyone who understands Blender/NifSkope some more then me and wants to make or work some guide let me know. :happy: And it's probably good advertising or whatever too if modders get more endorsements because both UNP, CBBE and other mod users can use their mods. :blush: It's past midnight here as I am or was working on this topic/post, but will spend more time tomorrow looking for other tutorial stuff, if there is any that is, and usefull ofcourse.. Regards, Ayiana
  4. Hi all. (Sorry if it's in the wrong section/place, bit hard to know where to post such things on these forums, or if such a topic exists already.. the search came up with all but the correct results so don't think one exists.) :laugh: I'm really enjoying the site and found many great mods, but something is really annoying me, and I'm pretty sure tons of others aswell.. If you've only bought the plain simple Skyrim version, no Dawnguard or other goodies, you usually want to find mods that work with your Skyrim version. What I find extremely annoying is when you see tons of fun/cool or usefull mods, just to find they only work with Dawnguard.. It is possible to add a "Dawnguard compatibility" or something similar option to the filter? That way we can choose whether or not we want Dawnguard-only mods to show up if we don't have Dawnguard.. because i'm kinda sick of seeing so many Dawnguard mods when not having Dawnguard. :sad: :blush: Anyway.. hope it's possible to make mod searching easier, and again sorry if it's in the wrong forum place, feel free to move it to the correct one if so. Regards, Ayiana
  5. :ohdear: Site is having another brain fart today or something, and it seems to be turning into a daily thing.. :confused: they're only forcing people to use other mod sites if they don't fix the issues, :mellow: meaning expanding the servers or changing host/datacenter to allow more people to visit the site daily without causing gateway and tons more issues.. :ohdear: And I know this is a good site for mods and such so please fix it guys.. (And to reply to some random post) Paying and giving them your money apparently won't solve it for maintenance.. seeing tons buy premium or whatever it's called and still have the same issues as everyone else..
  6. So.. guess I should post my question on Yahoo as nobody knows what mod the hairstyle is from.. u.u Or do someone actually know c.c? http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/20001-1-1341573966.jpg http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/24310-1-1348273987.jpg
  7. Hello all. Been spending some days hunting for good mods, and found an Undead race mod with some image with a hairstyle but can't seem to find the hairstyle mod. Does anyone know what hairstyle mod it's from? Screenshots below. http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/20001-1-1341573966.jpg http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/24310-1-1348273987.jpg
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