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About necKros

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    Fallout 3

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  1. I didn't know there were japanese voices! I'm so trying them now :3
  2. You could always be imaginative and become a leveled wolf, or even name the transformation Fenrir :turned:
  3. Yeah. Try the psb command in the console, that will give you access to dragon shouts, like breathe fire/ice, call storm and or fireball.
  4. You can attack. The only thing you can't do (for the moment) is fly.
  5. Yup. I was thinking about this a few days ago. There is a small trickery with how the engine manages weapons and shields. Basically, there's a bone called Shield, which carries the function to tell the engine where shields and left handed weapons (in dual wielding) should appear during the animations, both sheathed and unsheathed. It's very easy to change this bone position to the back of the player, but then it will always stay in that position. The solution for this is unclear for me. We'd have to create a new bone in the back or use one of the existing ones (quiver, bow, weaponback -2H-) and somehow tell the engine to move the shield mesh from that bone to the left hand one. I don't know how to do that and I think those kind of skeleton interactions are hardcoded into the engine. *edit* Looking the OB mod.
  6. Could be done. Even the flying part. There was this angel race mod for OB where you could actually use your wings and fly around.
  7. http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w225/Labelissa/memes/jackiechan.png @OP Cool stuff, post video immediately.
  8. Dragon followers? That's be cool. Until you tried to walk them through a door. I like the idea of befriending dragons though. A practical approach would be that you can summon them with a shout to fight alongside with you for a short time.
  9. Thanks, I knew there was a variable like this in OB, but I wasn't able to find it.
  10. necKros : Many thanks for the offer it would certainly make the project go faster. If you really don't mind helping this is the list of things I have done and am also planning to do from the unpacked texture folders: farmclothes 1-4 and variants children clothes barkeep blacksmith grey beard robe is going in my mage/monk pack. ignore all mage and priest stuff because most of that is in my mage/monk pack or is going to be in it. jester is getting done for Dark Brotherhood. barkeeper clothes tavern wench clothes If you want to do anything else in the clothing folder feel free. Maybe fineclothes 01 and 02 would be a good place to start. Yarl clothes also. Just leave me the female Yarl clothes that Yarl Elfsif of Solitude wears I'd really like to do that one. Whatever you have the time to do would be greatly appreciated. Currently all full clothing is going to be 2048x2048, footwear and gloves 1024x1024. However where outfits are split into diffent textures for example pants, tunic etc I think I'm going to do them 1024x1024. Its not sensible to do all that at 2048x2048 and would be an uneccessary performance drain for some users. I know it goes without saying but I will give you full credit in the readme and mod description for whatever you do. On a side note I downloaded your Beauty Faces mod, really nice work. Will be endorsing that one. Right on, I'll scout the clothing folder and I'll let you know. Probably fine clothes will come first, I had them on my list already anyway.
  11. I just thought this TV Tropes page was too related to miss: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ViewerFriendlyInterface This one is hilariously true:
  12. I only hope this will be workable in the CK.
  13. Yeah, zooming distance is hardwired into the engine though, and ignores the mesh size and object scale.
  14. I'm using Throttlekitty's: https://github.com/throttlekitty/nifxml
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