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Posts posted by Gutticool

  1. So i just started a new playthrough of a pretty heavily modded Skyrim SE. I have a bashed patch, manual conflict resolution patch and everything. When i got to around whiterun is where the ctd'ing began. I tried disabling a few mods, mostly SKSE64 mods like SSE Engine fixes, to no avail. (Is that the right word?) Loading and older save where it wasn't crashing and running to Whiterun again, seemed to fix it. I'm not crashing anymore. Is it possible that i just got really unlucky and the save just randomly got corrupt/semi-corrupt? Should i be worried that it'l start happening again? I checked in ReSaver and there weren't any unatached script instances. I havent Renoved/added any mods since i started playing.


    A few mods that i have that maybe can be affecting this"

    Open cities Skyrim

    Immersive citizens

    Relationship dialogue overhaul


    Helgen Reborn


    I don't know why but i also decided to keep skyrim open allnight, to see if/when it would crash on an older unaffected save. I crashed after about 3 1/2 - 4 hours. Is that good/bad/normal?

  2. You should get together with this person and hammer out a good mod story.



    That's a great idea. Something about "The Famous Khajiit" actually beeing the reason for the moon being so unstable. The deal with the daedric prince could have been, that he becomes very powerful but in a thousand years, the moon will fall. He could still be alive in a tomb somewhere and be the only one that knows how to stop it, but to stop it he will have to sacrifice himself.. The quest reward would then be that you got his eye, and maybe something else too.. predator vision?

  3. Hi, so I have an idea for a quest mod. It goes kinda like this... You buy a book and the book is about a famous khajiit, that lived many hundred (thousand, millions.. doesn't matter) years ago. Yada, yada, he did something very interesting, made a pact with a daedric prince, became very powerful and did something even more interesting.... Legend has it that some ancient relic from the khajiit is in a cave in the southern most part of Skyrim.................. The full story is up to the mod author.


    Basically you go to the cave and at the end of it is "The eye of the famous khajiit" (I know khajiits have two eyes, but "THE eye" just sounds better.) When you pick up the eye, you get nightvision (The nightvision should preferably have infinite charges.. Afterall it wasn't just any khajiit, but a SPECIAL one)


    I came up with this idea, because i wanted to be able to have nightvision whilst not having to be a khajiit. And also for role-playing purposes. I wan't to have a backstory to why my character crossed the border to skyrim.. Having heard about the legend of the famous khajiit is reason enough for her to go to skyrim.


    English is not my native language, so if there's anything you want me to explain better, just tell me.. But i think you get the idea :smile:





  4. So i fixed this by going in Wrye Bash and looking at my mods. If you see any mods that are orange, then you have to go to TES5Edit and double click on that esp. When it's loaded, right click it and press sort masters. It will look like nothing happened, but when you go to Wrye bash again, you will see that the mod is now green. After doing this, i loaded up the game, saved and exited. I went back into wrye bash and pressed the "saves" My saves used to be green (Which is the second best) but now they are purple (It's the BEST :)) After doing this i don't CTD when dying and i think i get less CTD's overall :).


    Hope this helps anyone with the same problem :))))

  5. When i die or load a save (Not when i startup the game but when i load a save when i'm already playing) I get a CTD. This is a new save and i haven't deleted any mods so i don't know why i'm CTD'ing..... Help please :smile:







    EDIT: It's probably worth noting that i have a lot of mods (I have about 200 plugins)

    I use Merged Patch and Bashed Patch

  6. Hi, i have an idea for a great mod! I'm using Quality map - with roads and it would be awesome if someone made a mod that made it so you could draw a line on the map, so you know exactly where to guy. What gave this idea is the path from Whiterun to Ivarsted. It's quite difficult to know exactly what roads to take by just looking at the map.

  7. Since I have no clue about how much you know about mods and which ones are out there I'll make it real exstensive, don't take it personally if you feel I'm telling you about stuff you already know about.


    Many would probably recommend Mission Mojave as a bugfix mod. It's not a terrible mod and it fixes a lot of stuff. However it has terrible compatibility issues(which IMO patches shouldn't have). Despite what the authors claim a lot of the stuff that Mission Mojave changes are in fact not bug fixes but really changes in design that authors haven't liked. I know it's all with good intent, but I think Mission Mojave changes too much stuff that something labeled as a "Bug Fix" shouldn't even touch. And the terrible compatibility because of this is not nice dealing with either. If you want a patch that works well with other mods and that just fixes bugs I suggest Yukichigai Unofficial Patch(YUP).


    My mods:

    • NVSE, NVSR and NVAC I consider essential even to an otherwise unmodded FNV, get these.
    • Project Nevada
    • Essential Visual Enhancements(EVE), I used this in Fallout 3 and loved it and I think this one does a even better job.
    • AWOP(A World of Pain), adds new locations, NPCs and a lot of "Misc. content" type stuff. If you are the type that likes just exploring, killing and looting stuff for the fun of it this is a nice mod.
    • Mod Configuration Menu(MCM), Adds a submenu in your main menu that gives the ability to tweak and change settings for a lot of mods.
    • WMX(Weapon Mods eXpanded), does what the name implies. I suggest using the mod "The Weapon Mod Menu" if you get WMX, it adds the possibilty the remove weapon mods through a neat little extra menu in your pip-boy.
    • Fallout New Vegas Redesigned 3, makes a lot of the NPCs a lot prettier and detailed.
    • JIP Companion Command and Control(JIP CCC), I installed this mod just the other day. I was really surprised by just how much of an improvement this is.
    • Something like DarnifiedUI or MTUI depending on which one you prefer. Install the NVSE plugin UI Organizer(UIO) for easy install of UI mods, otherwise getting UI mods(like MCM and Darnified) to play nice together can be a boring task.
    • Retexturing the game can do a lot for it's looks, there's different options for this like NMC or Ojo Bueno. Find ones you like.
    • ENB can also do a lot for the looks but it can also affect performance a lot depending on which preset you choose to use and or which settings you set. My opinion is that the performance trade-off is usually bigger than what you get in graphical quality, but if you can run it the preset/settings you want with what you consider acceptable FPS it can be an awesome improvement. Even though I prefer the games Anti-aliasing I run with an ENB atm and I love it.


    I would also recommend giving Essarrbee's FNV modding guide a look. It contains a lot of mods, maybe you won't like all of them but your bound to find at least a couple of mods in that guide that you will like.



    Mod author and Youtuber Gopher has playthroughs and mod talks about both Fallout 3 and Fallout:New Vegas. He has a series called "Mod Clinic" which covers a lot of useful and nice mods. He also has a bunch of tutorials and just mod talk videos which cover a lot of ground.

    Hi, journeyman. Thank you for your reply. I know and will be using all the mods you showed me %MTUI and Awop. I did not know NVAC so thank you for that. I'm going to use NMM and some files from Ojo Bueno. I should probably have mentioned it before, but i already know who Gopher is and will be using most of the mods he's using. i <3<3<3 him to death (So homo..) (not really.) I will definitely take a look at Essarrbee's FNV modding guide!



  8. Soo. I i am going to play Fallout: NW again. Are there any mods you guys recommend?

    I don't want any naked-like mods, overpowered mods or flat out retarded mods that make no sense. I want mods that improve the game by making it harder, better looking and more immersive. Quest mods are fine as long as they have a decent story and voice acting.

    I would be very grateful if you could send me some Fallout: NW let's plays (preferably someone that showes his/her mods in the description) :)

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