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About olga2201

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    United Kingdom

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  1. a couple of requests if its not to much of a bother 1, a mod that allows me to put attachments on my workshop gear 2 there are huge ass mamothes and eliphants in game. i would LOVE iit if i could tame one as a mount, with its own version of the "wooden cart"
  2. i would love to see the main charecter of the berzerk anime's sword in game :D
  3. not sure how if this is viable bringing a 3.5 class into a 5th edition based game but if anyone knows how then i will bless them with forehead kisses from now untill the end of time XD
  4. if anyone knows how to make a mod maniger that shows witch mods clash/cause errors with other mods
  5. looking for a mod that makes the auger (and chainsaw) quieter but i cant find one any help would be nice please
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