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About Houseofthewolf

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  1. I was curious are there any mods already out there or mods being worked on that will feature stealth mechanics? The Witcher seems like a game that should have some sort of sneaking ability but doesn't. I know there was a mod called The Devil's Pit that added sneaking, but it conflicted with other mods like WEE3 and the author no longer works on that mod. The Devil's Pit author is very talented and proved that it's possible to add this feature, and it would bring a whole new dynamic for hunting monsters and taking on or avoiding other enemies. If someone knows of anything out there please let me know. I've been searching but haven't found anything yet. If I do I will definitely reply to this.
  2. I'm sure this has come up more than a hundred times, but could someone create a mod that allows characters to wear ponchos/capes/cloaks. Like The Man With No Name from the Good The Bad And The Ugly, or Boba Fett from Star Wars or like Cable from Deadpool 2. That would be pretty awesome looking. Your character could wear the poncho open or closed, draped over you or hanging off your back. Some versions could be warn out and torn or even shredded and riddled with many holes from years of wear. Perhaps different ponchos have hoods or not, and if so you could have the option to wear the hood up or down. Maybe you could create ponchos at one of the work stations out of different materials, so one poncho is made from fur, another from cloth or one made from something like leather from a Deathclaw. If this is out there already, please let me know where or if it's something easy to import or create, pretty pretty please tell me how! There are so many amazing modders out there, there has to be someone who is working on this or did create it and hasn't been seen yet. Maybe I just missed it, but thank you all so much and keep creating amazing work!
  3. I was curious, would someone be willing to create a straight up I Am Legend mod? I know there's Ferals After Dark but it only makes feral ghouls stronger at night time. I thought it would be an interesting experience, where during the daytime, you are free to roam and search for supplies and hunt animals, etc. with ease, no monsters. The only thing you may have to watch out for are other survivors, raiders and maybe super mutants. At night though, the real terror comes out. Perhaps custom feral ghouls, or another type of creature? Maybe ghouls or some other creature that climbs, sprints and jumps like the monsters from Dying Light. You have to get inside before the sun sets (Maybe an alarm goes off on your pip-boy a few minutes or an hour before the monsters come out) and lock yourself inside your own fortified settlement (and it has to be fortified, otherwise the monsters could get in.) It would be cool to see animations of the ghouls or whatever creatures sliding or crawling through windows you forget to place custom shutters or doors over. The monsters themselves are extremely powerful and difficult to kill but can kill the main character easily. Something like A Quiet Place perhaps? Maybe a brief story of how the radiation changed the world and these creatures exist now and are a real threat. Something that makes us, the players truly feel vulnerable and threatened if we don't make it to safety in time. That kind of mod combined with the Frost and Horizon mods would be completely insane! Anyway thanks for the great content from all you amazing modders!
  4. I was curious, could someone create a straight up I Am Legend mod for Fallout 4? I know there's Ferals After Dark but it's more about making ferals stronger at night time. I thought it would be an interesting experience, where during the daytime, you are free to roam and search for supplies and hunt animals, etc. with ease, no monsters. The only thing you may have to watch out for are other survivors, raiders and maybe super mutants. At night though, the real terror comes out. Perhaps custom feral ghouls, or another type of creature? Maybe ghouls or some other creature that climbs, sprints and jumps like the monsters from Dying Light? Maybe a whole new type of monster avoiding the whole zombie theme, something scarier and super tough to kill. I was thinking of the films A Quiet Place and Bird Box. You have to get inside before the sun sets (Maybe an alarm goes off on your pip-boy a few minutes or an hour before the monsters come out) and lock yourself inside your own fortified settlement (and it has to be fortified, otherwise the monsters could get in.) It would be cool to see animations of the ghouls or whatever creatures sliding or crawling through windows you forget to place custom shutters or doors over. The monsters themselves are extremely powerful and difficult to kill but can kill the main character easily. That kind of mod combined with the Frost and Horizon mods would be completely insane! Thanks!
  5. I'm not very good at modding, in fact I really can't do it. However, I have a lot of ideas and designs I've been working on. I was wondering if someone out there could create a new headgear mod, an oni/demon mask or helmet. It would be done in a more post apocalyptic or steampunk theme. I imagine it being put together with junk and various scrap with coils and springs or multiple wires, and gears and goggles with rotating lenses to aid the player in his or her vision. You could use it to zoom in and out on targets similar to binoculars or a sniper's scope. Perhaps it could have the ability to turn on night vision or thermal views. Maybe it could also have horns for simply appearance or for some other function, like antenna. I also thought it would be handy if it was used in a different armor slot so you could wear other hats, helmets or hoods with the item, perhaps it would have it's own hood or other hear gear that could fit around any protrusions coming out of the mask or helmet. I have some images to share. One is of several pics I pulled off the internet, sort of like a mood board and the other is of sketches and designs I did to show what I envision. I will also message specific modders who I think could pull this off, but please feel free to use what I have shown here to try and tackle this if you're interested. Thank you so much and I have to say there are some amazing modders on here! I can't wait to see what else shows up this week!
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