I was curious, would someone be willing to create a straight up I Am Legend mod? I know there's Ferals After Dark but it only makes feral ghouls stronger at night time. I thought it would be an interesting experience, where during the daytime, you are free to roam and search for supplies and hunt animals, etc. with ease, no monsters. The only thing you may have to watch out for are other survivors, raiders and maybe super mutants. At night though, the real terror comes out. Perhaps custom feral ghouls, or another type of creature? Maybe ghouls or some other creature that climbs, sprints and jumps like the monsters from Dying Light. You have to get inside before the sun sets (Maybe an alarm goes off on your pip-boy a few minutes or an hour before the monsters come out) and lock yourself inside your own fortified settlement (and it has to be fortified, otherwise the monsters could get in.) It would be cool to see animations of the ghouls or whatever creatures sliding or crawling through windows you forget to place custom shutters or doors over. The monsters themselves are extremely powerful and difficult to kill but can kill the main character easily. Something like A Quiet Place perhaps? Maybe a brief story of how the radiation changed the world and these creatures exist now and are a real threat. Something that makes us, the players truly feel vulnerable and threatened if we don't make it to safety in time. That kind of mod combined with the Frost and Horizon mods would be completely insane! Anyway thanks for the great content from all you amazing modders!