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Posts posted by SirMagus

  1. this is a common bug with MMM 3.0


    if so, a fix is located inside the Unofficial Patch


    (read documentation carefully)


    and upgrade your MMM!!!!!!!!!!!



    Could you lend me a hand on the MMM update thing? o.o


    The whole thing is complicated.


    Readme tells me to download like 3-4 different files and some of the links don't even work.


    Would be better if it was all just in 1 file =S

  2. When I was playing today I suddenly noticed that my Health and Fatigue wouldn't fully heal.


    I tried waiting, sleeping, health potions but nothing seems to help get it back up to the maximum value.


    I did find a mod fixing the Health bar problem, but nothing for the fatigue problem, they should be about the same thing, but I don't know how to fix it myself.




    I hope someone can help me get past this little obstacle.


    Also if anyone else is or has experienced this problem, and if you have been able to fix it, please share.

  3. Ren did not make any body mesh, she made eye meshes. And these custom eye meshes use different texture mapping, while vampire eyes texture is for vanilla eye meshes, unless edited. So, 'googly eyes' for custom race vampire is mostly inevitable.


    OBSE plugin 'Vampire Race Disabler' allows you to disable any vampire looks, including eyes(Then all vampires, including yours, will use eyes assigned to them, instead of vampire eyes).



    Oh sorry, just looked like it, since the beauty pack has the pointy ears and everything kinda looks different also all the new types of hairstyles.


    So if I use the vampire race disabler, stats would remain and looks would be lost?


    So I'd just have to give the vampire NPCs the eye color manually i guess.


    Thanks for the info! + Kudos =D

  4. Ren's Beauty Pack


    I recently became a vampire while using Ren's body mesh, but the eyes got all weird.


    I thought it was because since the vanilla textures have only 1 eye texture in each file but Ren's have 2, his body mesh is still loading up the vanilla vampire texture.


    I tried to go to the CS and find a way to make it load a new texture, but I couldn't find it anywhere.



    While in the CS, I went to the Race window, and I could change almost everything except for the Vampire features on the race I was using.


    All the vampire NPC's eyes work fine, like Count Hassildor and Vicente Valtieri. But when it comes to the new race made by Ren which I'm using, the vampire eyes are out of place.


    And I'm afraid that if I change the original vampire eyes to the ones I need for my char it'll make the NPC's eyes go like that instead.



    Help will be greatly appreciated!

  5. A skilled modder would be able to do this in quite a small amount of time.


    But unfortunately, I see that the great modders here have the same interest in the mod as I do.


    But I still hope for a Naruto Fan modder to stumble upon it.

  6. I don't think I have that kind of mod.


    Might be a bad installation,


    but then again if it was a bad installation why would it miss out on the exact part where argonian and khajiit voices are and nothing else?


    I'm gonna keep looking around and see if I find any answers, or try to install Oblivion to another place and see if the BSA file is fixed there.





    Seems I had the files in the BSA file, and it said Argonian on them,


    but if it is like you said then the voices for khajiit should be among those "argonian" named files?


    Still after I extracted the files and put them where they belong.. argonians and khajiits still don't talk.

  7. It seems that after I formated my computer and reinstalled Oblivion,


    I don't have the Argonian voices or Khajiit voices.


    When I approach them and speak to them they don't say anything.


    The mouth moves but no words come out.


    All other voices are working I believe.



    I searched through my BSA files for voices,


    and they simply didn't contain any of the voice files for them.



    So if anyone could upload the voice files for the Khajiit and Argonian, both male and female, that itself would be a big help.


    But it's still a mystery to me why they didn't exist in the BSA files, where they are extracted from...

  8. What do you mean by that?


    I can change the loading order of them?


    If so, How?


    I also think I figured out which mod did it.


    If it isn't a loading problem, then it must be the AncientTowers mod.


    I went through my mods with the Oblivion Launcher and clicked off sections of mods and tried the game with the different settings.


    Until I found the mod that wasn't working.

  9. Uhm, I think that's actually Normal...


    As you level through different Skills you get more goodies for using it.


    Like for your Marksman skill, as you go up in that skill it will be better and easier to fight with it.


    So it's normal for it to not lose Fatigue I believe.

  10. Whenever I play the game and I'm in the middle of something,


    my game sometimes closes and I get the "Program had to close.. bla bla bla..."


    It also closes when my char levels.


    I go to the bed, sleep, wake up, leveling screen appears, choose 3 attributes.


    When I click the button to get me away from the leveling screen the game closes.



    Actually, I found out that it was a mod that did it, but I currently don't know which mod it is.


    But still,. why would a mod do that?




    I also have another problem, the BSA files I have don't seem to have the Khajiit voice files in them,


    so if anyone could upload the voice files for the Khajiit or something like that, that itself would be a big help.

  11. Yeah, and more ideas to come I hope? =P


    And also, you would have to take Sasuke's/Itachi's eyes (depending on choosing evil or good)


    to gain the sharingan like Kakashi did with Madara Uchiha.


    And from there you'll have to kill your closest friend to gain the Mangekyou,


    But I don't know who that could be in Oblivion =S


    Might depend on the side you choose.



    People, don't be shy, please come with more ideas =D



    Also I kinda made my own team but with no members yet,


    yeah, the team is quite new.


    Mostly just been working on the forum and stuff now.



    Oh and I also found out that the real name is Pain and not Pein,


    I know there is a lot of confusion around it,


    but I think the reason for it is that they say Pein in the japanese,


    but in english it would be written Pain.



    And again, don't be shy, give ideas =D

  12. Uhm, that's quite many mods...


    And also, you're requesting the mods like if you were buying them... what to make, where to put it and how to pack it?


    Well, my opinion would be that you provide all information about WHAT to make like pictures and additional information,


    then the MODDER chooses where to put it and how to pack it.

  13. It's a very good work indeed!

    It would be also a good idea if Akatsuki comes searching you to fight, like it does with Naruto and other Jinchuuriki... In that case you could start your fight to stop akatsuki from destroying Tamriel!


    Yeah, and when you activate the mod, in game you'll see like a message popping up;



    "You can recall someone telling you that an Organization called 'Akatsuki' has invaded Tamriel,


    but nobody knows where they are.


    There should be a book about them in The First Edition in The Imperial City,


    maybe you should go to find out some more about them"



    And then a book will be in The First Edition,


    and it will have the information of what Akatsuki is,


    and who SOME of the members are,


    and what status they have at that moment.


    Like for example:




    Sasori (Deceased)



    He is a puppeteer from the village of the Hidden Sand.


    Specialized in using puppets as weapons.


    With a single flick of a finger he can make his puppets attack with great power.


    His body consists of wood, made by himself to contain his heart so he could live forever as a puppet,


    and therefore never age.


    The only way to defeat him is to severe the capsule containing his heart."




    But the amount of information depends on where in the story the mod is made.


    The information i wrote above would be after Sasori's death,


    but also the book shouldn't contain much information about people they haven't seen yet.


    Like in the Anime, nobody knows about Pain and Konan yet.


    But I guess they do in the Manga (I've never read the manga).


    But of course the story must fit

  14. Because it adds more variety.


    What if Bethesda chose to only add 1 single monster in the whole game, like a mudcrab.


    That's all you would be killing... fun fun fun..



    So modders create or modify to make new monsters so we can have more pleasure of playing the game.


    And we can't really criticize people for wanting new monsters and what kinds of monsters, cause that is a matter of taste.

  15. Lol, you can tell me if you want.


    But anyways, I've managed to make the Akatsuki Rings and the Headbands,


    all headbands with different countries' logos on, also with anti's.


    Rings are not uploaded because I'm not quite done with them,


    cause I'm not sure about what to do with them yet.

  16. Just to point out; He's using irony. Even if it is a bit unfounded. :wink:


    I was using irony? Lol, just kidding.



    No disrespect to any WoW addicts or fans,


    but I just don't like that game too much.



    Yeah, making new creatures IS a pain in the ass!


    All the modeling, spending loads of time just making everything look silky smooth (lol, from "You don't mess with the Zohan!")


    And if you really want a mod made, you need to dig up a lot of information, so the modder knows exactly what to do and make.


    The best approach is to start writing about what it is and why you want it made, and remember to use good words,


    the trick is to write good and get the modder to like what he's reading, really make him interested.



    Then you write detailed about what it is, where it's from, and all possible details you can find.


    Pictures are also very important. "1 Picture = 1000 Words"


    Be sure to find high quality pictures of what you want made if it's possible.




    I'm sure there is more to write about, but what I've written above is a "MUST!"


    Try to get some more information and pictures and edit your first post.


    I am sure you'll get more responses to it when that time comes.


    Good luck!

  17. I've made most of the headbands but I'm having problems making the collision objects for them,


    cause when I make the collision in Blender and extract the file to NIF, when I open the file there is no hvkCollisionObject on the list...


    Anyone know how to fix that?


    I followed all the steps of LHammond's collision tutorial, he got the hvkCollisionObject on the list, but I didn't.


    Hope someone can help.

  18. I agree, your way is far better than mine. That was an awesome battle in that game.


    Lol, I can't figure out the Crossworlds thing...


    Or at least, I need the "Open the Rocks" spell or whatever to activate the big crystal.



    Mind helping me out if you know how? =P

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