This is less a request and more just me speculating on an idea and wondering how much trouble it would be to introduce into Skyrim. Last time I played Skyrim with Frostfall the act of gathering wood in the wild felt abit ... unimmersive? It would fade to black and you suddenly walk back carrying some wood. I mean it works, but I often thought as I explored Skyrim that there are drift wood on the beaches, patches of bracken and bits of dead wood laying around the forest floor, it would be neat if I could just collect them in a similar way to alchemy ingredients. I imagine this would require you to physically remove all those 'statics' and replace them with interactive objects, I'm doubting that can just be done by changing those statics in the CK and change them all in one fell swoop. How did mods like dynamic objects do it? the former I presume. The second thought is similar and comes from looking at the mod Woodcutter. Admittedly the idea of felling a tree in real time was very impressive, but from the vids you don't 'cut down a tree' but go 'utterly ballistic hacking at it' ... I suppose my quibble is with it relying on the attack animation, always wondered if it was possible, for say having woodcutters axe equipped (and only than) a tree suddenly can be activated with 'E', which than triggers a proper tree cutting animation. ... again probably having to change trees from static to activatable object. I imagine that doesn't have the best performance affect having most stuff in the world becoming activatible objects. Any, was just a thought, maybe there is a clever work around.