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About WhiteCat555

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  1. Is it piracy if 100% of the assets are actually in the game? According to reddit people who bought the game when it first launched have no way of getting TDE pre-order content. It hardly seems like piracy to enable access to content that is on file and can not be accessed by any other means.
  2. Hello, It is my understanding that the only way to get the pre-order bonuses from the PS4 and XB1 versions of the game is to purchase the version of the game that is specifically called "Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Edition" sadly there is no upgrade path and I personally have found no confirmation that repurchasing the game for $30 will actually give me access to the Pre-Order DLC that can only be viewed from the SteamDB site and not actually purchased. Now recently I found a mod that let you access the Emblems in the game with out properly unlocking them (you know the FOB rewards) and it got me thinking "Is it possible to get access to the per-order weapons and equipment with a mod?" It's my understanding that all the necessary files were properly patched into the game and this should be do-able. Can anyone take a shot at this? I'm not sure how hard it would be. My guess is the game has some sort of criteria to check if you should be able to develop these items. If a modder can simply change the criteria to something simple like "has beat mission 2" instead of "Owns the secret non-purchasable DLC" it should work right? Just to clarify, as to make sure no one thinks I'm trying to break any rules: Can some one create a mod that lets owners of the Original edition of MGS5 have access to: Weapon: Rasp Short-Barreled Shotgun GoldWeapon: Maschinen Taktische Pistole 5 WeissWeapon: Adam-ska SpecialWeapon: Windurger S333 Combat SpecialShield: Personal Ballistic Shield (Gold)Shield: Personal Ballistic Shield (White)Shield: Personal Ballistic Shield (Silver)Shield: Personal Ballistic Shield (Olive Drab)Costume: Fatigues (Black Ocelot)Costume: Fatigues (Gray Urban)Costume: Fatigues (Blue Urban)Costume: Fatigues (All-Purpose Dryland)Cardboard Box (Rocky Terrain)Cardboard Box (All-Purpose Dryland)Cardboard Box (Wetland)Mother Base Staff (FOX) And possibly, as I'm sure this is a whole other world in terms of code Mother Base Staff (SKULL)Mother Base Staff (CANINE)Mother Base Staff (HOUND)If anyone knows of a way I can get these Items without a mod (Special Konami support page?) please let me know. Thank you for your time. As a small addendum I would like to say I own all the content that is packaged inside of the definitive edition (except, obviously the unobtainable Pre-Order content that was previously exclusive to consoles) and can provide proof if it is necessary. I understand this request may be pushing the limits of the Nexus's TOS and I mean no misconduct or offense.
  3. Are you sure that you've seen other mod authors do something similar? Though I'd imagine it to be a hassle. It's already hard enough to explain/help people installed completely self-contained mods. See the Willow mod as an example of that. Now to show them how to get assets from a different game altogether and then put inside their FNV install? Yeah I can see the potential headaches that's going to cause the mod author. Yes I've seen it before. Theres a mod for Fallout 3 that adds all New Vegas wepons to the Fallout 3 Leveled lists but you have to copy/paste a ton of FONV assets to FO3's folders. Well it's not to complex really. "Hey this mod needs a mesh from X game, since that comes for another game you have to copy/paste the file from the other game to X filepath and make sure it has X name." Seems simple enough to me to me.
  4. Couldn't he upload the mod and leave out the oblivion files and have users retreve the oblivion files themselves? I've seen other mods arthurs do similar things.
  5. Well based on his other YouTube videos it's practically looks perfected the reason its not on the Nexus is because he's using files that were taken directly out of oblivion which is apparently against the rules.
  6. Bummer guys, looks like that horse mod guy can't upload the mod becuse it uses meshes from oblivion. I sent him a message asking him to upload it elswere or upload it without the mesh and have users extract the mesh from an oblivion BSA.
  7. Only legal if the assets are all from the same game and its DLCs. You can't exactly load Skyrim in the load order for FNV. Didn't the NCR ride horses in "All Roads" the comic that was made to hype the release of Fallout New Vegas?
  8. Looks like this guy is working on a horse mod https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqbW1TJkeRw http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/39399/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D39399%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D286044&pUp=1
  9. I was wondering if the horse scripting and data form Skyrim and Oblivion can be converted to work in Fallout 3 and New Vegas.| If so can someone make Elder Scrolls style horse travel? I mean, I don't know really anything about scripting I'm just being super hopeful.
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