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About artandor1

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  1. I have been trying to get paladins to have animal companion for while. But no matter what I do I cannot seem to succeed (classes.2da, feat.2da, the summon scripts and so on). So I am wondering wether it is hardcoded into engine? Or maybe am I missing something?
  2. So I have been modding my game and adjusting it to the now deleted mods "level 160" and "level scaling challenge". Since i found them so fun I figured "Ah, what the hell" and went ahead and edited a bunch of things to make it more... Balanced? I guess you can call it that. One thing that I found out that I wanted to do to further balance things is changing the Caster level from [Amount of X Class Level] to [1/2 of Class Level + Total Level]. I figured it would be fun to have at least some caster level scaling even if you have just a couple of levels to grab a certain spell, like grabbing a couple of wizard levels on your rogue so you can grab shield or something. So that will be my question: Where do I start looking for the GetCasterLevel math so i can change it? Because I am lazy and editing every single spell seems like a huge chore that I would rather not do.
  3. So I have been looking at Duskblade in D&D 3.5 and I wondered "Huh, how interesting would it be to play as a swordsman that can cast spells while attacking in Dark Souls". The consept idea seemed simple enough and I set out on modding. Made Astoras Sword scale in all elements and able to cast all spells. The issue I have is that the sword does not attack and has the standard casting animation. So the question is... how would I go about changing the casting animation to standard longsword type of attack?
  4. Thank you very much for the explanation and the link. Been looking all over the place for something like that
  5. I was wondering if it was possible to code in custom effects on items. If so, what files to edit and what scripts can be used? A couple of examples of what i am asking: A brooch of permament shielding (The brooch has permament shield effect on you while it is in your inventory). A tome of arcane power (+1 to caster level as if gained a level in sorcerer/wizard class and +1 DC to spells while in inventory)
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