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  1. Would it be possible to create a mod that could imbue the stats of say one breastplate into another? Say you find some armor that creates the look you prefer, but you're out exploring and you find something better but it's just plain ugly or even immersion breaking. It would be awesome if you could take two pieces of armor to a smith or something, and there was an option to replace the stats between the two, or overwrite one piece of armors stats with anothers. I realize there is an option to change stats through some programs or mods or whatever, but this would be great for immersion. I know nothing about creating mods so i'm not sure if this is possible, or easy or whatever. just curious because something like this would be awesome
  2. Would it be possible to create a mod that could imbue the stats of say one breastplate into another? Say you find some armor that creates the look you prefer, but you're out exploring and you find something better but it's just plain ugly or even immersion breaking. It would be awesome if you could take two pieces of armor to a smith or something, and there was an option to replace the stats between the two, or overwrite one piece of armors stats with anothers. I realize there is an option to change stats through some programs or mods or whatever, but this would be great for immersion. I know nothing about creating mods so i'm not sure if this is possible, or easy or whatever. just curious because something like this would be awesome
  3. Also, i'm using what i think is considered "oldrim". I've noticed that next to it in my steam library there's a "skyrim special edition". Can I just use the original or is it better to use the special edition if i plan on using a bunch of mods?
  4. Awesome, thank you so much for your reply. I'll check Ordinator out, thanks for the recommendation!
  5. So, years ago I started getting into modding Skyrim. I was using mods like SkyRe, Frostfall, some weapon and armor mods, along with a crap load of texture mods and Enb's. My computer couldn't really handle it back then, so I put it all on the back burner until i had a computer that could run Skyrim the way I wanted. Well its many years later, and i've returned to the nexus to start all over. However I'm unsure if some of those goodies but oldies are considered outdated nowadays, or if there are better mods that have taken their place. I know for instance that Skyre is kinda the predecessor to Perkus Maximus. Is frostfall still considered one of the better survival immersion mods? Are some of the old combat / enemy AI mod overhauls still going strong, or are there some newer and better ones? I used to be able to kinda sort things out off of the endorsement count, but i'm not sure if some of the newer mods are considered better and with a lower endorsement count. I know this post is a bit all over the place, i'm hoping someone understands what i mean and where i'm coming from. I'm a bit overwhelmed coming back into this. Is there a better way to sort the mods to find some of the best ones available?
  6. Hm, I may consider the 780ti then. I read somewhere that they released a 6gb version of this for only ~$50 more, but I can't find it online. Main thing is, we probably have at least another 4 years before another TES game is released. Mods add replay value to Skyrim, and who knows what kind of overhauls will come out in the future. I don't really have a doubt that a 780ti will give me the same performance as a Titan Black, i'm just trying to prepare myself for things to come. However, I know so little about VRam usage and mods, that I only rely on what I've heard. I can already tell you know much more than I do. If you're sure that a Titan Black will never truly be taken advantage of through the modding of games (not just skyrim, but future games as well - Fallout 4 maybe?) Then I'll probably just grab the 780ti. Just wanted to clarify a few things before I make a $$ purchase. Thanks for lookin out for my wallet! :)
  7. My next play through I wanted to roll a character similar to Grom Hellscream from Warcraft 3 (Blademaster). He would focus on Agility, light armor, speed, critical hits, precision, and illusion spells. I was surprised to find no Mirror Image type spells on the nexus. For those who don't know what this ability was, it would create a copy of the blademaster (1-3, depending on the rank) Who took X amount of extra damage, and dealt none. They were simply there to confuse the enemy and increase the survivability of the Blademaster. This would be an awesome addition to anyone focusing on light, or little to no armor. There could be various ways to balance the spell if implemented into skyrim, from mana cost to cooldown, etc, and it would have a duration before despawn. Then I started thinking, there are a lot of other spells from warcraft that would work great with different builds in skyrim. *Stance spells, a variety of sticky buffs, where only one can be active at a time. Weather it be focused on critical hit chance, movement speed, damage, spell damage, range damage, aoe companion buffs, etc. (won't go into too much detail unless this intrigues someone) *Windwalk- Was a Blademaster ability. It was essentially a camo / muffle spell that increased your movement speed for x amount of time. If you used an attack to break the spell it resulted in a critical hit. Many ways you could balance this spell to avoid abuse or god mode status. I have a few ideas, but how would you balance this spell? *Far Sight (not the actual name) - A scouting spell with a set range. Cast in a selected location and it will move your camera to the area, where you can look around as if your character were there. would be useful to cast into a fort or something to scout the inside before you moved in. Could have a ball of light graphic or something similar, which could or could not be seen / attacked by NPC's. You would not be able to move anything other than the camera angle. *Earthquake- Large AOE spell casted in a selected location with a set radius and time limit. Slows the movement speed of anyone within it's radius. Could either set NPC to walk, or have a random knockdown chance per pulse (wouldn't affect the PC). Doesn't have to be earthquake, as i'm not sure how you'd graphic the spell. Could be a frost circle or something. *Reincarnation- Not really sure about this one, but it could be cool. Revives player upon death, or gives you the option to do so. Could use an expensive or rare reagent, or have a cooldown of some sort, etc. the spell itself would be considered a buff, and would probably have a duration. *Blink- Teleports player X distance away in the direction they're facing. I don't know how to mod, I don't know what it entails. So what i'm suggesting might not be worth the trouble, or even possible at all. There are other spells I'd like to see implemented, but these were cool spells from Warcraft RTS that I thought would be cool to have in the game.
  8. With my current mod load I also doubt I'd need even 4gb of VRam. However i've really only just begun. There are plenty of higher res texture mods i'd like to implement, and a lot of mods are continuously being updated/upgraded to a higher quality. Texture overhauls and replacements are constantly being added to the nexus, and I'd hate to eventually turn some of those down because of GPU limitations. This is why I'm not only looking for something that will get me through today, but also 6 months from now, a year from now. I'm trying to overkill, at least a little bit. I've heard claims that some people are currently using up to and over 4gb of VRam in their game. I'd also like to 'future-proof' the rig for modding other games that I may play in the future. I'll admit, I know very little about this stuff. I only 'know' what I've seen discussed around here. I don't want to come across like I'm challenging any of your opinions. Just want to get across that I'd like to run my current mod load flawlessly, as well as leave a little wiggle room for bigger and better mod updates/releases and future games. Thanks for replying guys!
  9. Question about the 295X2, is it an actual 8gb in the Vram department, or is it 4gbx2? Because I have a feeling i'll be going over 4gb of Vram the the way i'm headed with texture mods, and from what I understand the game doesn't know the difference between 4gb and 4gbx2 as far as loading textures goes. What ram would you suggest? And Darklogrus, were you saying the system was fine for the Titan, or my system is fine in general, including my current 680? Because the 680 is def not enough to do what I want as far as modding goes. And I'm currently running everything on one 256gb SSD. But by rule I only have one game installed at a time, and very little else on the computer to bog it down. Why do you ask? ::Also, thank you both for your replies!
  10. Not really sure if this is the right place for this, or if there's even a forum for questions like this on the Skyrim Nexus. So I built my current rig a little over a year ago, and it's been great. Lately though, I've been getting into modding Skyrim. That started out well, but it consumed me rather quickly, and before I knew it I was chasing all the top of the line texture mods looking for the most immersive experience. I'm currently rocking the GTX 680, but unfortunately it's not able to support all those graphic changes with it's 2gb of VRam. I'd like to replace my 680 with a Titan Black to support my new habit of modding games. I almost considered a 4gb card which was much cheaper, but I see where this habit is going. Some people say they are able to exceed 4gb of Vram usage with a lot of high end textures. Would I need to upgrade any other pieces to properly compliment the addition of a Titan Black in my build? Currently my specs are: CPU: i5-3570k CPU Fan: Hyper 212 evo (not sure if this is relevant or not) PSU: Corsair AX750 Mobo: ASRock Z77 extreme 4 RAM: Samsung 8gb (2 x 4gb) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Currently I'm using a Viewsonic (VX1932WM) monitor, but hoping to upgrade to a ROG Swift when it comes out. (So I'll be playing at 1440p if that helps with any advice) As the computer is only a year old, I'd rather not upgrade the whole thing - but I certainly don't want to hold back the GPU if I'm going to spend a grand on it Also, I'm having some trouble finding any Titan Blacks in stock, is this normal? Any reliable sites other than Newegg I could purchase this? And one last question, is there a particular brand I should be considering, or does this even matter? ("Titan Black is a Titan Black is a Titan Black"?) Thanks guys, sorry about the loaded post.
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