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About smichael84

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  1. Just to clarify, I CAN run other steam games. Whatever the issue is, is limited to Skyrim. Memory leak perhaps?
  2. I did. The last install I tried to run with no mods installed. I still crashes as Ralof is speaking to you before the carriage makes it to the city gates.
  3. Hello all, I built a new gaming computer a couple months ago. Just installed Skyrim and it crashes before the cart makes it into the town. I've deleted and reinstalled 3 times, same result. Tried it with mods through NMM, no mods at all, mods through Steam...nothing works. I have 1 TB drive. 250Gb's for the OS, (C:) and the rest partitioned as gaming (D:). Steam is stalled on D drive and of course Skyrim is installed appropriately within the D drive. Tried NMM through C and D, didn't work either way. No expansions installed. Checked each mod for requirements. Game crashes no matter what I do. Anyone know what could be causing this? Thank you for your expertise. Shane
  4. Please, please, please can someone help. I've looked, searched and redone it 3 times. I can't find this file which means I can't fix the texture resolution for my warpaints.
  5. I'm trying to use a PC animation path to only allow changes for my character (tattoo, combat idles...) and I understand I have to use a custom race. I tried the top rated, Temptress and Lunari. The temptress have something really odd with their makeup textures that I can't seem to figure out and I can't seem to fix it. The Lunari however, have that airbrushed "perfection" skin tone which seems to me a better place to start from. I wanted to use a more realistic skin tone map but when I tried to load from NNM, it just wiped out her skin completely and made it that "error blue" look. So I tried dumping the files into the appropriate folder and that had the same result. These same steps work fine with the normal races and I haven't had any trouble using mods for UNP such as battle hardened body (which to be fair that amazing author made a folder specifically FOR those races), and sporty sweat. Those work just fine but I can't seem to edit the face textures. Is it not possible with a custom race or is there an extra step I'm missing? Edit: This may also be related to another issue I posted on but no one answered. ALL the war paint options for both Temptress and Lunari are extremely pixelated (sp?)
  6. If it helps, I'm also using Better Females + the less makeup option.
  7. They look awful. I tried SKSE's better makeup/warpaint and it didn't do anything. I read and reread all the instructions and I followed them but it hasn't helped.
  8. I kid you not. I tried a new mod (tera armors) and logged in and my character and every NPC was stationary with their arms and legs spread. I can move but it's just floating. I went into steam and deleted everything, reinstalled but that didn't work. (didn't actually delete everything. How do you do that with steam?) Anyone know what I can do? I tried deactivating all my mods but that didn't help either. edit: I tried to start a new game and it has me in the middle of the seat of the carriage. It's officially not playable. I would very much appreciate some help
  9. Ok, thank you very much for the info. That answered my question perfectly. :smile: edit: At least I thought I had. There is a HUGE neck line and the face looks completely different than the rest of the body. I'm wondering if I just can't mesh all those together.
  10. New to Skyrim mods, done a LOT of reading and feel like I have a decent handle on it but need an extra bit of help. UNP Base Battle hardened Body for UNP Sporty/Sexy sweat I want to try a skin tone modifier like SevenNBase. That requires a skin texture such as SG textures, and a skeleton such as XP32 which has it's on requirements...so on and so forth. So my questions are these: 1.) Is this even worth it? My character looks ok but is super thin and I want to just kind of experiment with different body types. (Not wanting nude or even super revealing, but a realistic looking body with toned features) 2.) How do you blend all these mods together with overwriting each other making the game crash? I do use NMM and I've had success telling it "NO" when asked to overwrite and then "yes to mod" and that seems to work. But I can only add so many things. Like when I added the above 3 plus a tattoo mod, it took a few tries to get them all to show up. But now when I try to alter the body weight (yes, I use SKSE, SKYUI, the showfacemod mod) it just looks REALLY odd and the weight gets distributed oddly and her chest shape couldn't look more unnatural. I do have SEVERAL armor mods that I use and all of them the file that supports UNP bodies or a optional folder that patches it for UNP. I may be trying to do too many things and it's not possible. If that's the case someone just type "/fail" and I'll get the message. But if you CAN do extensive work to make a truly unique and custom body type, I would very much appreciate a link to a tutorial I haven't seen or just some tips of things to check. Thank you for your time and expertise. -Shane
  11. I worked with mods a LOT when I play WoW, but I've been at this for hours and for the LIFE of me I can't get this to work. I followed the instruction and installed mod manager. I started with dragon age redesigned. That seems like it's working, along with a hair style one. But I can't get any mod that alters a companion to work and I can't get any armor and weapon mod to work. For starters, nothing I do will recognize the file type. I downloaded 7-Zip, that hasn't worked. I've dragged it into Modmanager, that doesn't work. I've tried unzipping directly into the override folder, that hasn't worked. I read the "using dragon age mods for dummies" but THAT hasn't helped me at all. What am I missing?
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