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i created de belgian race : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21087 in the comments, I read a fun idea, make a weapon-frite. I would like to find someone who can make me a mace like "bag of chips" as in Belgium :) thanks
hello, I released this mod : http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37681 I'm working again. right now, I'll replace the armor of the palace guard by new and all weapons of all the "military". but I would like to change three important things,for which I need help 1. the textures of Cyrodiil water so they are pale red, 2. the textures of the cities to increase the MMERSION and give an impression of a world "civilized dremora" like this : http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21472 3. statues of the cities I want to replace by Daedric Statues I want to make a mod that is as complete as possible, I am ready to work in groups and share everything for this project, I lack the competence and I hope it will interest you. thank you in advance kiss
Hello everybody, I'd like a new special curse : Medusa. the specifics would be snake eyes, hair-shaped nests of snakes (no need to image, everyone knows the mythological Medusa) Perhaps put the snake-like hair "helmet" in the inventory initially. since hair slof animated, I thought it would be possible to create a hairstyle "snakes " animated. She would be of great beauty (to attract attention on her) and she would spell for invoking snakes (or similar creatures), to turn men into stone (do not forget that in mythology, Medusa had no power against women). So, hoping that this will interest our champions creations, I look forward to your feedback .... kisses to all
That's it....good luck and thanks :) kisses. • Oblivion.esm • Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm • ScreenEffects.esm • Cobl.esm • TamRes.esm • CyrodiilUpgradeResourcePack.esm • DremoraCompanion .esm • Oblivion Sexualized Monsters.esm • CM Partners.esm • Easy_Companion_Share.esm • Toaster Says Share v3.esm • Lattamerv3.esm • X117race.esm • Lovers with PK.esm • RaceFrameWork.esm • BreakUndies.esm • Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp • DLCShiveringIsles.esp • TamRes.esp • P1Dseeyousleep.esp • AddMapMarkers.esp • MaleBodyReplacerV4.esp • Charon’s Call by Nicoroshi.esp • RGMsCheerleader.esp • Slof’s Boners ! v5.esp • Unlimited Wear.esp • StockClothingArmorHGECnormalD.esp • R18PN – Amy Armor Set.esp • Cobl Glue.esp • Cobl Si.esp • Cobl Tweaks.esp • Cannibalism.esp • Extended Imperial City Version 1.0.esp • Extended Chorrol.esp • Extended Skingrad.esp • Abriael_Human.esp • Heroes of Cyrodiil.esp • Heroes of Cyrodiil Part 2.esp • Heroes of Cyrodiil Part 3.esp • Heroes of Cyrodiil Part 4.esp • Heroes of Cyrodiil Part 5.esp • Pats Business Mod---Shop Version 2.0.esp • TheElderCouncil.esp • Elder Council Plugin 1.1.esp • Apachii_Goddess_Store.esp • Apachii_Heroes_Store.esp • Knights.esp • Damarask.esp • Millstone_Farm_Cobl.esp • PortableOblivionPortal.esp • SetBody.esp • ResetEmotionAfterCombat.esp • Corean_hair_for_Original_race.esp • PHVanillaEyesAddon.esp • CuteElf11.esp • _Ren_BeautyPack_full.esp • Beautifull People 2ch-Ed Vanilla Race.esp • Beautifull People 2ch-Ed Merged Hair Modules.esp • Beautifull People 2ch-Ed Sheogorath Eyes.esp • Beautifull People 2ch-Ed Merged Eyes Modules.esp • IDKRRR_C_race.esp • IDKRRR_C_race_closed_mouth_version.esp • Chocolate Elves.esp • AsharasSirensAndTritons.esp • Ancient Elven Sorceress – EV.esp • X.Races.comp.esp • TSS Custom Companion Template.esp • Toaster Says Share Faction Recruitment.esp • CM Partners.esp • CM Partners NPC.esp • CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp • DremoraCompanion.esp • KT_CustomRaceFix.esp • ScreenControls.esp • Cobl Silent Equip Misc.esp • Bashed Patch, 0.esp • CleanQuit.esp • OSM-Only male.esp • Lovers_NA.esp • Lovers with PK.esp • Orientalv1_3.esp • Faction Order System.esp • [Calsar] KOTN_Shrines.esp • NoMoreCrime.esp • The Sixth Element – no willpower.esp • MQ Refusal – No Gates + Get Horse.esp • UnlimitedTraining+x5traincost.esp • No ArenaRainment.esp • Bard of Cyrodiil 2.0.esp • Goranga dating system.esp • Specialanims.esp • Goranga restaurant job.esp • Gems of rebuilding.esp • CDM – Name That Home.esp • Jouabilité_zones_frontalieres_inactives.esp • MuffinShare.esp • CommandNPC.esp • AbyssDemon.esp • LoversMpc.esp • LoversIdleForceReset.esp • LoversVoice.esp • LoversContraception.esp • DallsPaladinHorse.esp • LoversSucMP.esp • LoversAphrodisia.esp • ZOMBIES ! – 28 days and a bit V2.esp • Zombie Forts.esp • LoversBed.esp • UFF & RM Morrigan Armor.esp • LoversNTRburglar.esp • Lop-ears Elf.esp • LoversSetBody.esp • TGND Fantabulous Formal Dresses.esp • TGND Warrior Skin.esp • HS-Armor01.esp • R18PN – FuruFuru Armor.esp • 1SB_RavenousEleganceOutfit.esp • Mass Decay.esp • BFG’s Open All the Gates.esp • Moonshadow Elves – NoSc.esp • LoversHypnosis.esp • LoversBackup.esp • LoversRaperS.esp • Imperial City Buyable House.esp • LoversStopSweetDeath.esp • LoversHideMenus.esp • LoversStopCombatEx.esp • LoversTachiCat2.esp • LoversDRader.esp • LoversAdultPlayPlus.esp • LoversBornGalgat_B.esp • LoversPayBandit.esp • LoversDiag.esp • Daedric Armor Chest.esp • CursedArmorForLovers.esp • FarView.esp • Objets_collection_de_bracelets_v1_6.esp • Cliffside Temple.esp • CuteElf11 Blue Portal Buf-Fix Patch.esp • 9sNankaSet.esp • cmDrianna.esp • Kvatch Battle.esp • Armurerie.esp • Unequip Broken Armor.esp • LoversJealousy.esp • LoversMB.esp • SkoomaDeals.esp
thank you, this operation eliminates the error message given by Wrye bash .... but does not change my crash problem in game release and still can not start new parties have to use a backup (sewer outlet). kisses
thank you, I do not see much difference, and I see no error .... I do not understand why Wrye bash tells me to edit this file to fix it, my game is really a problem, crash out and not start a new game, but I can not find the problem .... thank you for your help, kiss
hello, I just bother you for a very stupid question .... Wrye Bash tells me to fix my file "Oblivion.ini", my game will no longer smith normally I have to always start with a backup. message Wrye bash is: ( Your Oblivion.ini should begin with a section header (e.g."[General]"), but does not. You should edit the file to correct this.) in Oblivion.ini I: [General] SStartingCell = SStartingCellY = SStartingCellX = SStartingWorld = STestFile10 = STestFile9 = STestFile8 = STestFile7 = STestFile6 = STestFile5 = STestFile4 = STestFile3 = STestFile2 = STestFile1 = bEnableProfile = 0 bDrawSpellContact = 0 bRunMiddleLowLevelProcess = 1 iHoursToSleep = 3 bActorLookWithHavok = 0 Special SMainMenuMusicTrack = \ tes4title.mp3 bUseEyeEnvMapping = 1 bFixFaceNormals = 0 bUseFaceGenHeads = 1 bFaceMipMaps = 1 bFaceGenTexturing = 1 bDefaultCOCPlacement = 0 uGridDistantTreeRange = 15 uGridDistantCount = 25 uGridsToLoad = 5 fGlobalTimeMultiplier = 1.0000 bNewAnimation = 1 fAnimationDefaultBlend = 0.1000 fAnimationMult = 1.0000 bFixAIPackagesOnLoad = 0 bForceReloadOnEssentialCharacterDeath = 1 bKeepPluginWhenMerging = 0 bCreate Maps Enable = 0 SLocalSavePath = Saves \ SLocalMasterPath = Data \ bDisableDuplicateReferenceCheck = 1 bTintMipMaps = 0 uInterior Cell Buffer = 3 uExterior Cell Buffer = 36 iIntroSequencePriority = 3 bPreloadIntroSequence = 1 fStaticScreenWaitTime = 3.0000 SCreditsMenuMovie = CreditsMenu.bik SMainMenuMovie = loop.bik Map SMainMenuMovieIntro = Oblivion iv logo.bik SIntroSequence = HD720p.bik Bethesda Softworks, 2k games.bik, studios.bik game, Oblivion Legal.bik iFPSClamp = 0 bRunVTuneTest = 0 STestFile1 = bActivateAllQuestScripts = 0 fQuestScriptDelayTime = 5.0000 Special SMainMenuMusic = \ TES4Title.mp3 bUseThreadedBlood = 0 bUseThreadedMorpher = 0 bExternalLODDataFiles = 1 Can you tell me what I need to correct please? thank you, kiss
I have some ideas for how to care for children, but as I write very bad English, I'll try to make a readable text and send it to you in private message. But I hope I will not be influenced too because I am the mother of 5 children and I surely have ideas about education too personal:)
hello Goranga (kiss) I'm your groupie from the very beginning, hihi, I'm happy with every new mod that you publish. Here, I think the solution might be to use a script to change the child's body at three stages of his life, for children and adolescents, it is possible to use the "mini "X117 races, the proportion of the corp and head corresponds to your expectations. Then the third step would obviously normal corp. For the evolution of the face, a similar script would change at the same time as the body, the idea is to allow players to "create" the face of her child, as some mod that can create his companion from the main character. ok, it's certainly a big work.....sure you are the best ;) kiss
hello, I would create a race for my personal use, is to create a character with the face of my oldest daughter, I have photos of his face, but I fail to create the character with the programs I have .... I'm looking for someone who could help me by explaining, in detail, how I do, or someone who could do this project for me. I do not understand English, finding programs with a tutorial would be welcome. thank you all for your help:) kisses
Hello everyone Please, help me! I have a problem, I am unable to solve, a large quantity of figures and animals appear in my cellar Manor bénirus. they apparently come from various other mods, such as Elsweyr anequina, Bartholm and even the testing hall. I eliminated one by one, the mods are where the characters I found, but those in the hall and other testing that I do not know, keep coming in the basement of the mansion benirus. I used BOSS and OBMM to find and eliminate any conflicts mods concerned, I reinstalled my game several times, using mods that I have long and have never caused any problems ... but this continues, my game save the most valuable are corrupted by this, I do not understand anything. Please advise me, help me get my good backup. Thank you for your attention and sorry for my bad English.
I would like an animated "rush" by pressing the jump when the horse is stationary. as in WoW:) i can not find the exact word to this in english. Http://poneyxpress.com/album.php?cat=2&dv=31431 http://media.guidetv.orange.fr/Z/o/Zorro_18449732.jpg Is it possible, please? P.S : and tell me what the English word for this movement of the horse, thank you:)
Hello all this mod: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14159 can revive the npc in skeletons, they continue to live their lives normally in this form, it's great:) I want a mod that allows me to get the same result but in varying forms as possible: zombies, goblins, trolls, ogres, ... My character is now a fearsome necromancers and wants to transform the public, a black madness.
hello, it's me again, Blender, gimp, photoshop,.... It's definitely too complicated for me, I do not succeed and I do not understand everything these programs. So I turn to you. Would you do me the kindness of this change to the dress please? Dress: http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=24382 body: http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=30914 (the body perky please) thank you for your patience. I love this dress.