Not something serious for many people but I'm opening up this thread so that anyone can make use of. Symptom is simple : Certain script command(Even vanilla one) doesn't work unless It's used on console command. For example, If there's certain door to be unlock using script command "Unlock" command through any kind of script, It doesn't work. Game fails to execute this command and door remains the same. I could unlock it through command console but door gets locked out as soon as I leave that cell in any ways(Walking away, entering into interior cell, loading save file again.) The reason why I called it "Chronic" is because this bug has been confirmed on one of my very, very long playthrough started about 2 years ago(Its playtime stacks up over 400 hours and I first encountered this bug at 250 hours). I used same mod loadout(127 plugins) and started new game to see If this glitch is due to current mod loadout but that wasn't the case. It's kinda save bloat yes, but It doesn't come with usual s*** load of lags and stutter, CTDs and I could play this game for over 100 hours. It would be beautiful If I could fix this issue but I doubt anything can be done but I'm leaving this thread as interesting case report.