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About uijk718293

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  1. Let's be honest. The game's space travel is just glorified button-clicking with or without cutscenes and the rest of the game is just stitched together with that very button-clicking. At the very least, disabling fast-travel and working fuel system should exist so people can actually treat space travel as an activity which requires planning and efforts.
  2. Exact line is : ; script 'Expression Error: SYNTAX' (00122B79). What the hell is going with my game?
  3. I've recently noticed that no matter how I set that setting(iDaysToRespawnVendor), the game will ALWAYS reset golds of all merchants in Skyrim when I load save file the first time I turned on the game. Did anyone encounter odd behavior like this?
  4. It's crashing on player death after 30 minutes of gameplay and It's so much annoying right now. I have Wet and Cold, VIGOR, Frostfall in terms of script intensive mods and using SSE Engine Fixes as well. My full mod load order : https://pastebin.com/AuErMMnW
  5. I started to get some random crashes for a while and installed all the available Visual C++ Redistributable versions from 2008 to 2019 on top of 2015-19 x64 version I had already and the CTD suddenly stopped for last 4 days. I thought Skyrim SE was using just 2015 x64 version and LE was using 2010 x32 version. How does it make any sense?
  6. To be specific, "A Rose Without Thorns" quest from Interesting NPCs isn't functioning properly. This is link to video playthrough of that quest when everything went along as intended. My problem is that every other things work as intended but a farmer on scene 2 who's supposed to be talking with Hiram about impending bandit shakedown**(Appears in video from 1:45 to 2:50)** is not appearing at all, leaving that scene to be executed with only Hiram talking alone. First, I reinstalled entire mods again which didn't fix this problem. And then I tried to find any conflicting records using SSEedit and Creation kit which somehow might be influencing this quest but I couldn't find any. After then I tried to enforce that certain quest alias into participating into the scene but even when forcefully enabled that farmer didn't talk even a word. Is there a certain possibility which could cause this problem? ( https://pastebin.com/FWG8tqAn Load Order)
  7. On SSE, Reference handle cap is a thing to any heavy mod load out these days and I'm facing same problem too. I'm currently trying to add ESM flags to already existing mods but I'm still not sure weather this is safe or not. What should I consider when I add ESM flags to ESP format mods. Is It safe to do such things to huge mods such as Darkend?
  8. On SSE, Reference handle cap is a thing to any heavy mod load out these days and I'm facing same problem too. I'm currently trying to add ESM flags to already existing mods but I'm still not sure weather this is safe or not. What should I consider when I add ESM flags to ESP format mods. Is It safe to do such things to huge mods such as Darkend?
  9. Not something serious for many people but I'm opening up this thread so that anyone can make use of. Symptom is simple : Certain script command(Even vanilla one) doesn't work unless It's used on console command. For example, If there's certain door to be unlock using script command "Unlock" command through any kind of script, It doesn't work. Game fails to execute this command and door remains the same. I could unlock it through command console but door gets locked out as soon as I leave that cell in any ways(Walking away, entering into interior cell, loading save file again.) The reason why I called it "Chronic" is because this bug has been confirmed on one of my very, very long playthrough started about 2 years ago(Its playtime stacks up over 400 hours and I first encountered this bug at 250 hours). I used same mod loadout(127 plugins) and started new game to see If this glitch is due to current mod loadout but that wasn't the case. It's kinda save bloat yes, but It doesn't come with usual s*** load of lags and stutter, CTDs and I could play this game for over 100 hours. It would be beautiful If I could fix this issue but I doubt anything can be done but I'm leaving this thread as interesting case report.
  10. I have private archives for me since 2013 so I didn't know what happened so far (Also, I'm kinda out of loop since I rarely use reddit). I didn't notice at all until USLEEP became EXE file. Somehow now there's some services to let you download certain mods as pack named "Ultimate Skyrim". While I'm still feeling dizzy about all these talks, I have two things I couldn't figure out on how does it work. 1.How do mod authors participated in modpacks get their credits (endorsements or donations)? 2.Do individual mods have to give permissions before modpacks include them?
  11. I'm currently using more then 200 plugins and several script intensive mods(Frostfall, Wet and Cold, Vigor) and currently noticed that my game crashes at random basis. However, random crashes happen even after removing all mods with active scripts. Then I've noticed that my VRAM usage were at all time max 2GB thus I've tried to use optimized vanilla texture( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21166 ) which resulted in more then 3 hours of crashless game play. I've tested by normal game play and test session using Touring Carriage mod. Is random crash possible due to VRAM shortage even without texture mod? https://pastebin.com/tGFSheK2 - Load Order
  12. In Skyrim, Some modders like to give their mod ESM header for sake of stability or work around solution for reference handling limitation. While New Vegas doesn't share same problem, I do notice that Navmeshes on worldspaces loaded up in ESP files are sometimes broken when reloading save game while playing it. So I thought about giving certain mods with such issues an ESM headers to solve that matters. Problem is I don't know what's the fundamental difference between ESM and ESP and weather giving different header would break the game. I had long test with WARZONES mods in SSE and SLE with no problem but I'm not sure weather It would be safe or at least side effects are acceptable.
  13. T Thank you for long reply. I'm looking through cities overhaul mod right now.
  14. I was quiet happy with SSE until I encountered ridiculous bug which sends off NPCs floating off into sky on stressed out place such as cities. Anyone found solution for this bug?
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