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    TESV - Skyrim
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  1. It's mostly issues with activators like switches, buttons and such.
  2. Camera height has always been more or less miss in previous Bethesda games. When creating the games they pretty much assumed that your character would be a certain height. Honestly even crouching isn't that much shorter than normal for this reason.
  3. I don't think you have to worry. As soon as the creation kit comes out I'm sure we'll have at least a dozen variants of jiggle physics.
  4. Loose objects and such gets shoved into the ships inventory when you modify the ship. Though I did notice a bug with the ammo inside the gun cases. It only puts one round into the ship inventory. I did however have a mannequin eat a set of armor. Basically I found that if the mannequin doesn't immediately display your armor, take it back.
  5. Why? Poor impulse control? You don't have to use it if you don't want to.
  6. I checked, and most of the ones who responded (16-18 or so) were for it, while a smaller minority (2-3) thought it would be pointless when "Spaceport 2" comes out some time in the next 30 or so years. But the total talk participation was limited to about 20 individuals. But the voting placed it at a 46 up to 8 down. Not significant numbers by either the NexusMods standards or by KSP community standards. So I concede. I assume the rest are indifferent.
  7. Well lately a number of mod authors have taken to not even releasing them on the space port, because of how poor it is. I could go into all it's short comings, but I don't think this is the place for that. I think there is at least as much demand for it as there is for another of other games already on the Nexus, if not more. But I suppose I can try and check what the community thinks.
  8. Chasesan

    KSP Site

    I know this has been mentioned before, but I think it is worth mentioning again. Kerbal Space Program, this game has a plethora of mods. However they are hard to keep track of and difficult to know when new or good ones come out. The KSP Space Port is largely inadequate to handle them, and the KSP Mod forums are bursting at the seems, with new or updated mods hidden pages deep within minutes during US daylight hours. I am not sure why Nexus doesn't yet have a site for Kerbal Space Program, perhaps it is felt that Space Port is sufficient, as it is made by the games makers, or that there are plenty of other avenues for mods of the game (similar to how nexus doesn't have a mod site for things like The Sims). But it isn't, and there isn't. I can only keep up with new mods through second hand information via Reddit. Even then I know I miss a lot of new and interesting mods. I'm not asking for a way to manage the mods in the Nexus Mod Manager, though that would be nice. But a place to put our mods that is fast, easy to search and keeps popular and relevant mods near the top would be boon to the (ever inflating) KSP community. Regards, Chase Your friendly neighborhood mod creator.
  9. Oh wow, that is actually pretty well thought out, I wish I had thought of that (though I would have likely done ring of Fortify One-Handed).
  10. I decided that we should get some opinions on who is your favorite Skyrim NPC. It can be a side character or a main character, it doesn't matter. If I had to pick just the very top one, I would have to say my favorite is Babette from the Dark Brotherhood.
  11. If I recall there was actually a book in "Morrowind" or "Oblivion" describing a wizard dumbfounded at the fact that while he could wear as many rings as he pleased, but only two of them applied their effects to him. He went out of his way to create rings with multiple effects due to this limitation. So yeah, Two rings is even in the flipping lore. +1 for two rings.
  12. I think FOSE was mostly used to bind the pipboy key so that it could be readded to the inventory when you pressed the button then to actually bring it up afterward. If NV has new commands that can do that, then we just use those (but I wouldn't bet on it).
  13. Possibly these? Tabaxi: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9870 Tabaxi Texture: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22091 Kawa Khajiit: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24952 Tabaxi was it. I managed to find it the other night. Thanks again!
  14. I saw this one really good looking humanoid khajiit mod awhile back (I have since then uninstalled and upgraded windows, and haven't played for months...), I was wondering if anyone could tell me what it was. If I recall the face was humanoid. I also had this mod where my female character had this lether suit of sorts. it had a chain and large thigh length boots (they looked like they had band or straps). It also had similar gauntlets/gloves. It didn't cover the midsection, and if I recall it had a large collar on part of it. Other then that I saw some shiny eyes (NOT GLOW) that looked nice, they looked very high quality. Other then that there are a few ears that I saw for elves that went off to the side of the head instead of back and up like in vanilla. The last thing I can think of is a replacer that replaces the original vanilla races heads with more streamlined, higher quality versions (that don't look silly besides races like the cute elves). I forget where I saw this (hopefully it is still around). Forgive me for not searching in advance (I did but there are more references then I can look through... and this thread is over 300 pages. So call me lazy).
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