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Nexus Mods Profile

About PhantomGrimmace

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. im pretty new to mo2 and totally relied on vortex last time i modded. since then ive deleted vortex, skyrim, and everything to do with them. ive been getting back into skyrim using mo2 and a lot of my mods say through loot that they need to be cleaned so i tried to use sseedit. ive followed tons of tutorials and always did it to step and ran edit through mo2 but edit will create a path C:\Users\Grimm\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition when i dont even have skyrim/edit/or even mo2 installed on my c: drive. mo2, skyrim/skse, and ssedit are in there own folders on my D: drive and no matter what i do my edit has always created a folder in the wrong drive and pretended that there were mods in there. ive reinstalled edit like ten times and tried fixing the folders. i didnt forget to run the game through skse64 on mo2. from all the videos and reddits ive gone through it seems ive downloaded it and have been using it right but i need to change the path that edit uses to find my mods but i havent been able to find any way to do that even changing the binary and "start in" thingy in the mo2 executable. any help would be great really!
  2. im pretty new to mo2 and totally relied on vortex last time i modded. since then ive deleted vortex, skyrim, and everything to do with them. a lot of my mods say through loot that they need to be cleaned so i tried to use sseedit. ive followed tons of tutorials and always did it to step and ran edit through mo2 but edit will create a path C:\Users\Grimm\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition when i dont even have skyrim/edit/or even mo2 installed on my c: drive. mo2, skyrim/skse, and ssedit are in there own folders on my D: drive and no matter what i do my edit has always created a folder in the wrong drive and pretended that there were mods in there. ive reinstalled edit like ten times and tried fixing the folders. i didnt forget to run the game through skse64 on mo2. from all the videos and reddits ive gone through it seems ive downloaded it and have been using it right but i need to change the path that edit uses to find my mods but i havent been able to find any way to do that even changing the binary and "start in" thingy in the mo2 executable. any help would be great really!
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