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About dontusethewaffles

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  1. Oblivion Reloaded can cause issues if it is not installed by Wrye Bash. if that isn't how you did it, uninstall it, move the file to the Bash Installers folder and install it that way. other than that, i don't see any glaring issues. (personally, i've had issues with Alternative Start if it isn't loaded last, but that might have just been on my end.)
  2. you can actually click and drag each one down to the bottom of your load order. BOSS doesn't know what to do with those mods, and setting user rules is a PITA. manually setting the load order for these ones is your best bet. it's a little tedious if you have a lot of .esp files, but it's the best way to go for these.
  3. UPDATE: I FIXED IT i did yet another clean reinstall of Oblivion and then decided to try Mod Organizer. i already use it for Skyrim, so why not give it a shot with Oblivion since they are compatible. it works. i can load saves i thought i'd never see again. i went from thinking i'd lost half an hour of gameplay, to thinking i'd lost nine and a half hours, to not having lost any. this has been a massive ordeal that could have been solved earlier had i remembered MO was compatible with Oblivion.
  4. the highlighted .esp files should be at the bottom of your load order.
  5. i did upgrade from win7 to win10 last summer, but i've only recently started having these issues. i migrated back to OBMM for mod installation for everything but Oblivion Reloaded, which is now causing crashing while the others are fine. :psyduck: the only significant thing about my computer i've changed recently was after this all started - clean reinstall of my nvidia driver. i have been activating one to five mods (depending on size and scope) at a time, then testing if my old save loads. if not, i test if a save created with no mods loads. if that doesn't work, i test new game. if that fails it's time to cry. i'm just absolutely baffled as to why a mod that worked fine, with zero issues, would suddenly cause fatal errors. o_O and that's my biggest issue - if i knew what the source of the problem was, i could at least try to fix it. it's my understanding that Oblivion doesn't really have a logging system, so i'm taking shots in the dark every time something goes wrong. :| more often than not, i lose my patience and say "just nuke the damn thing and start again" which is tedious as balls.
  6. if you're playing as a custom race, that race probably has unconventional eye meshes (e.g. Elaborate Eyes) and OCO will not work with that. there is actually a patch to make OCO and (Modular) Beautiful People work together, right here on the Nexus. i use it myself so i know it works. honestly you might be better off installing MBP and patching it to work with OCO, but i'm not totally certain on that. plus, be sure you're running v2 of OCO, not v1. also, you probably don't need to have both esps for Ren's active at the same time.
  7. [uPDATE: SOLVED - see post #4] bear with me on this one, it's kinda long and weird. i recently got back into Oblivion and of course i eventually wanted to add more mods to my game - new armors, new clothes, little stuff like that. so i do. and upon loading a save, Oblivion crashes. so i uninstall the new mods, expecting it to be fixed, right? wrong. CTD on loading save or starting new game. main menu works fine, but trying to enter the game at all just will not function. that was the first time it happened. i am now on the second. i have un- and re-installed Oblivion several times now, then added mods back in slowly, to the same effect each time. i've regenerated my .ini file and only changed what i needed for Oblivion Reloaded to work properly. and as i reinstall my mods, i'm finding that ones that worked perfectly fine before are now making my game CTD on attempting to load a save or start a new game. it's getting late here; i haven't finished reinstalling all my mods, but most of them are in place: http://pastebin.com/NR49F8DA (current load order; stable, will load a save without crapping its pants) so far, the mods that have made my game crash have been: HTB Unholy ChapelVipcxj Real High Heels SystemHGEC with or without BBB :psyduck: i've pasted the results of my last two Windows Event Viewer entries into this pastebin right here, just in case anyone can use that. my event viewer log is littered with these. hundreds. always the same output every time. i understand there's a memory access violation going on, but i don't understand what's causing it. some of my saves work, but most of them just crash like that no matter what i have or don't have installed. long story short, seemingly random mods will break everything, including mods i've been using for 2+ years now with no previous issues, regardless of install status. it will crash a loading save, it will crash when i start a new game. i use Wrye Bash as my installer for most things, and OBMM where necessary. i build a bashed patch, Oblivion is installed on a different hard drive than Windows, i don't have the Steam version but rather the retail one, i've done clean reinstalls several times, i have the latest version of OBSE, defragging didn't help, and i've hit the end of my rope. can anyone tell me what's going on here or at least help me figure out what's going on here? i just want to play my game. (â¥ï¹â¥) any help is appreciated. thanks! no really why is the body replacer crashing my game
  8. did you follow the MBP installation instructions to the letter? it can be a bit of a pain to install. if so, do you have Wrye Bash? if not, i highly recommend getting it and using it to build a Bashed Patch. there's plenty of documentation on how to do that. if that doesn't solve your issue, try reinstalling MBP.
  9. so i have a bunch of mods installed and my game has been working pretty well until recently. it seems all of the khajiit voices are not working. i did some research and found that khajiit and argonian voice files are the same, but all the argonians have sound in game. for example, i'm in Bravil right now - S'Krivva has no voice, but Kud-Ei speaks just fine. this is my mod list: i've looked on google forever for an answer, but found none. i tried a few things myself that i thought were sure to fix the problem, but didn't. i'm on the verge of tearing my hair out. can someone help me out? thanks in advance, Rose EDIT: now it appears orc voices have gone missing too, while nords still have theirs. this is getting weird. as far as i know, all the other shared voices are still in place. i will add more information if more developments come up. EDIT 2: i have absolutely no idea what i did, but they have come back. i rebuilt the bashed patch even though i wasn't using it in the first place, i installed probably seven new mods or so today...i have absolutely no idea what i did but everything is back to normal. so...apologies for the useless thread, i guess. this is exactly what i was afraid of >____>
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