[uPDATE: SOLVED - see post #4] bear with me on this one, it's kinda long and weird. i recently got back into Oblivion and of course i eventually wanted to add more mods to my game - new armors, new clothes, little stuff like that. so i do. and upon loading a save, Oblivion crashes. so i uninstall the new mods, expecting it to be fixed, right? wrong. CTD on loading save or starting new game. main menu works fine, but trying to enter the game at all just will not function. that was the first time it happened. i am now on the second. i have un- and re-installed Oblivion several times now, then added mods back in slowly, to the same effect each time. i've regenerated my .ini file and only changed what i needed for Oblivion Reloaded to work properly. and as i reinstall my mods, i'm finding that ones that worked perfectly fine before are now making my game CTD on attempting to load a save or start a new game. it's getting late here; i haven't finished reinstalling all my mods, but most of them are in place: http://pastebin.com/NR49F8DA (current load order; stable, will load a save without crapping its pants) so far, the mods that have made my game crash have been: HTB Unholy ChapelVipcxj Real High Heels SystemHGEC with or without BBB :psyduck: i've pasted the results of my last two Windows Event Viewer entries into this pastebin right here, just in case anyone can use that. my event viewer log is littered with these. hundreds. always the same output every time. i understand there's a memory access violation going on, but i don't understand what's causing it. some of my saves work, but most of them just crash like that no matter what i have or don't have installed. long story short, seemingly random mods will break everything, including mods i've been using for 2+ years now with no previous issues, regardless of install status. it will crash a loading save, it will crash when i start a new game. i use Wrye Bash as my installer for most things, and OBMM where necessary. i build a bashed patch, Oblivion is installed on a different hard drive than Windows, i don't have the Steam version but rather the retail one, i've done clean reinstalls several times, i have the latest version of OBSE, defragging didn't help, and i've hit the end of my rope. can anyone tell me what's going on here or at least help me figure out what's going on here? i just want to play my game. (â¥ï¹â¥) any help is appreciated. thanks! no really why is the body replacer crashing my game