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  1. Hi arotished and prod80, First, thank you for the help on this. In regards to the mods themselves, I did some digging as advised and noticed that iNPCs and ATF/UFO are pretty conflicting right now and Flora Overhaul and WATER can be a little brutal on your system apparently too, but the system I have will be pretty powerful Smithing Perks Overhaul and Weapons and Armor Fixes have not been updated to work with Dragonborn DLC.... To Be continued....
  2. Hello everyone, Skyrim is going to be my first Elder Scrolls game on the PC, and to say the least, after reading everything about mod installation and compatibility, my head is swimming. However, I think I have narrowed down the mods I wish to install. I understand that the default loader displays what loads first from bottom to top, ...but I am still confused as the exact or at least best order I should be loading them (and compatibility). I plan on using BOSS as an aid, but it is not foolproof, so I want to try and avoid hours of trial and error. Here is the list of DLC, mods, etc I would be loading in the order I *think* they are supposed to be in priority based on the Standard Mod Manager: Player Headtracking Magic Duel Duel Wield Parrying Dodge Mod Spouses Can Live Everywhere Moonpath to Elsewyr Player Home Map Markers Riverside Lodge Gleaming Falls Dragon Falls Manor Deus Mons The Asteria Build Your Own Home Hearthfire (maybe; I know the follower commands of this DLC will be disabled as a result, but AFT allegedly has better commands anyways; does it prevent you from furnishing your home or anything?) ATFiNPCfix or Interesting NPCs FMC? Dovahbear Companion Vilja 3DNPC/Interesting NPCs Amazing Follower Tweaks Or Ultimate Follower Overhaul (I cannot decide; AFT is allegedly better, but OFO is more compatible with INPCs and Hearthfire?) UFO Dawnguard AddOn UFO Heartfire AddOn Convenient Horses Pets of Skyrim Birds of Skyrim Bandolier Wearable Lanterns Cloaks of Skyrim Immersive Armor Immersive Weapons Apocalypse Spell Package Complete Crafting Overhaul Weapons and Armor Fixes Weapons and Armor Fixes.esp Smithing Perks Overhaul - Balanced Version Lost Art of the Blacksmith Weapons and Armor Fixes Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask Moon (Just for fun haha) Footprints - Ash Footprints Climates Of Tamriel Enhanced Night WATER Flora Overhaul Static Mesh Improvement Skyrim HD 2K Textures Sneak Tools Achieve That! A Quality World Map SkyUI Unofficial Hearthfire Patch Unofficial Dragonborn Patch Unofficial Dawnguard Patch Unofficial Skyrim Patch Dragonborn Dawnguard Skyrim Additionally, I heard some mods are incompatible and while others require SKSE. Is this true? Any other mods folks would recommend? Thanks for any help you can offer!
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