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About cedaie

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  1. In response to post #44658195. #44658755, #44660435, #44662065, #44662420, #44663050, #44663515, #44663785, #44664805 are all replies on the same post. 'This is the voice of your ego. If you listen to it, there will always be someone who seems to be doing better than you. No matter what you gain, ego will not let you rest. It will tell you that you cannot stop until you’ve left an indelible mark on the earth, until you’ve achieved immortality. How tricky is the ego that it would tempt us with the promise of something we already possess.' - Jim Carrey tl;dr, We all have incredible things to offer society. I'm sure there's many players that have had an unforgettable moment in Skyrim due to your intro overhaul. Something they would have missed with Alternate Life, and because of the time you spent working on your mod, you gave them that experience. This should be what you focus on. Competition has no place in the modding scene.
  2. Yes! I love this! Move over Hot Files. You're not a serious modder until you're in Staff Picks ;) This should assist in getting content creators to level up their standards.
  3. Just in case anyone else finds this issue. It's specifically the FSF1_Own_Emit shader flag that causes this, from my testing. Popped that in and it works fine.
  4. imAarwyn and I are working on a mod called Pretty Little Things, which will consist of bottlecap necklaces, chokers, rings and bracelets. Should hit release very soon. :)
  5. I think the key is the ONAM - Art Object, in the Armor Addon, too. At least from what I can see. Armor > ARMA > ONAM > Nif > CPA > AttachlightOverride. Whereas the OMOD way, attaching AddonNodes and the like attaches light cones, as you're aware: Armor > OMOD > NIF > AddonNode > meta keyword > LIGH record I think the missing link you might be having is it's OFF by default, and the only way of turning it on is either set it in the LIGH record, or use PowerarmorHelmetLightOverride in the Armor. Also, have you enabled Skin Influence? Maybe the light is below the ground because it's not skinned. Also, this I shall test my hypothesis.
  6. Your criticism is noted. Focusing on your statement 'a time of scarcity'; doesn't really account for The Institute, who seem to have a seemingly endless supply of materials for use in Synthetic production. The Institute is more than likely where my Power Armor would be manufactured. I think your emphasis on realistic application is a little aggressive considering a lot of what you see in Fallout's lore is very far fetched, even in our technological age. There's many worth noting, but extra terrestrial life and cute little spaceships is probably the best one to throw out here. As with any mod I work on, I like to consider it for world-fitting; material types, battery, kinetic systems etc, or at least acknowledge it. You also made the mistake of thinking this armor was to be sexualized. It's like criticizing a hockey player for having a crotch pad. It's a body part, it needs to be protected. When you need an outfit to function as protection as well as mobility and freedom, the natural course is for it to be form-fitted. Those 'assets' are naturally going to be more pronounced :wink: Currently my concepts calls for my armor to be called 'Reflex Armor'. While it does offer power, it's less towards keeping itself upright, and more towards enhancing the users agility and speed. Lastly. Don't feel you're raining on anyone's parade. There's a reason I do modding, because I have no one to answer to :smile:
  7. Welcome to what I struggled with for an entire week trying to solve this dilemma for my Rad-Bans. Fortunately I found the solution. The further away the Pivot is from the mesh, the more the mesh garbles. It has nothing to do with SubIndex OR skinning (seriously, try to export without either.) It's all on the 3ds exporter side to do with the distance between Pivot and mesh. XForm doesn't resolve or fix this either. Here's a diagram I have showing the degradation. (Mesh is 120 units above 0,0,0, last image on the right, the pivot is 240 away from mesh) So now that you understand the cause. The solution is simple. In the case of headwear, like your glasses. You'll need to Move the entire scene, down -120 in max, zero your mesh to 0,0,0, reset transform/scale and Reset XForm. Then skin wrap to the head mesh. You'll notice then that your mesh is a lot closer to it's pivot point, eliminating this god awful bug.
  8. Sorry, I have to do this for the good of mankind: and* Otherwise, yep. Sounds good. :)
  9. Welp. Fixed that, too. She now speaks her lines and animates correctly. Still the issue of not being able to pick the eyebrows, but everything else is fine. Uploaded a video here
  10. Yeah there is. But before that was released, I used a savegame editor to copy facial hex data from one save to another. So yeah, I'm pretty into making this work ;)
  11. Small update. I replaced Piper with Cait and everything works except she doesn't speak her lines anymore. Everything else in piper's form is back to the original, which means there's a couple of settings in the form that FO4Edit hasn't discovered yet. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v379/Cedaie/b91447b9-1963-4c5c-8c25-2a2bb80550e5.jpg
  12. On the original topic: Are you exporting the normal/specular as DXT or the new required format .3dc?
  13. So I've been working tirelessly to find the culprit settings for NPC's like Piper and her fixed facial settings that make any importation of other faces basically look like Sloth. Original <-> Piper http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v379/Cedaie/2015-12-08_00002.jpg Whereas someone like Cait seems to have a much easier time handling the surgery. (Minus eyebrows, makeup and hair.) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v379/Cedaie/cat.jpg Is anyone else on the forefront of this subject? Anyone found anything that might be causing these issues? I'm suspecting .hkx files for the moment because from what FO4Edit has, there doesn't seem to be anything that causes this, from the tests I've run. Hope to butt heads with someone and try to come to a conclusion, so I can get my Vault-Girl for companions out. :D
  14. Every time they patch the game, just trash Fallout4Launcher.exe, change Fallout4.exe to Fallout4Launcher.exe and enable your mods.
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