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Everything posted by Kalitus

  1. I saw a mod that changes the Pipe Weapons Reflex to a normal one,so i think its possible to change the ironsights on the crossbow for a Scope,i really love crossbows and want to play with them in 76 but their sights is so ugly and cover too much information.IF what im asking is not impossible can someone please make that work?
  2. Everyone knows Vixys Ranch get you a lot of Blue Spheres,but they also get obsolete very early in the game,my idea is that you can fuse spheres using the Sphere Workbench.Im thinking something like 3x same Sphere color get you one higher tier one. (3X Blue=1 Green, 3X Green=1 Yellow and so on...)
  3. I want to make a request for the people that make DBVO/PC Head Tracking Voice packs to put Curie voice for the DB,if you can bring that sexy french accent from Fallout 4 to Skyrim,i would love to play listening to her voice in my game.
  4. There's 4 secret classes on the game: Dark Crusader (Deluxe Edition or Quest ingame to unlock), Radiant Preacher (Radiant Ending) Lord (Infernal Ending) Putrid Child (Umbral Ending) Yes you have to complete the game 3 times to unlock all classes,but im hoping someone can use console commands (since is unreal engine) on a save to unlock all classes.
  5. Titles says all,i just want a save file with all the classes unlocked.
  6. Im looking for a mod that change the movement of the game,i want to overwrite the Sprinting (s#*!) with the Running (Capslock) movement and speed and need to still consume AP,and the Slow Walk will work as normal walk. That way i'll always slow walk,then pressing shift my character need to do the normal running animation but consuming AP per second,to simplify im looking for a Resident Evil looking movement's Sorry if i mispel some words,inglish its not my native language,thanks for read my request.
  7. I get bored of all the Fallout 4 Weapons and want to try some standalone modders made one's but dont matter how much i try they can't br upgraded in the weapon bench,they just show muzzle attachments and din't even show one,just stay like ''no muzzle'' Anyone know how to fix that? ps:My english is not that good because i learn by video games and that stuff so...sorry for that
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