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  1. I was thinking of adding the ghoul mask as a perk so that it can't be removed from the player; as well as the fact that some mods for custom races make it not wearable. would it be possible to make it so it acts as a perk instead where you get it upon completion of the quest tenpenny tower. i was looking into it, but it requires more knowledge of scripts than i know of. If willing thanks. I know where the script is as well as what the quest is called but that's all i know.
  2. This topic can be closed I got it Figured out. and if this did get posted in the wrong spot I am sorry.
  3. This Topic can be Closed I forgot some counts in some area.
  4. So I'm trying to modify the toaster to accept other appliences. But it will not save. I think i have an issue in syntax maybe and it's not telling me. This is what I've got SCN NVDLC03SinkToasterOfDoomSCRIPT ; Talking Activator script for Toaster ; tls 01/19/2011 ; SPW 02/24/11 - Adding vars for HQ Buddy quest ; SPW 03/01/11 - Removing note from player's inventory after turn in. ; TLS 05/02/2011 - Setting toaster to only upgrade one Saturnite Power Fist at a time. Short bToasterUnlocked ; 1 = Player has turned in the unlock holodisk: "NVDLC03HQBuddyToasterNOTE". Short bTalkAfterMessage ; Variable set in onactivate block to start dialogue in the gamemode block (so the Player doesn't have to "re-activate" after exiting a message box pop-up. Short bAwaitingInput ; Message box variable. Short nButton ; Which message box option the player has pressed. Short nToasterPostwarCount Short nToasterPrewarCount Short nToasterCount Short nCameraCount Short nIronCount Short nHotPlateCount Short nLeafBlowerCount Short nVacuumCleanerCount Short nWoodChipperCount Short nApplianceTotal Short nMicrofusionCellReturned Short nSmallEnergyCellReturned Short bLaunchMenu BEGIN OnLoad SetTalkingActivatorActor NVDLC03SinkToasterTalkerREF; END BEGIN OnActivate If (IsActionRef Player == 1) If ( bToasterUnlocked == 1 ) If ( NVDLC03DialogueHQBuddies.bBuddiesTalk == 0 ) ShowMessage NVDLC03HQBuddiesNoTalkMSG; ;If ( Player.GetItemCount ToasterPostwar >= 1 || Player.GetItemCount ToasterPrewar >= 1 || Player.GetItemCount NVDLC03WeapSaturniteFist >= 1 ) ; 4/1/11 ETB - Changed to formlist If ( Player.GetItemCount NVDLC03HQBuddiesToasterAllApplianceLIST >= 1 ) Set bAwaitingInput to 1; ShowMessage NVDLC03HQToasterMSG; Else ShowMessage NVDLC03HQToasterNoItemsMSG; Endif Elseif ( NVDLC03DialogueHQBuddies.bBuddiesTalk == 1 ) Set bTalkAfterMessage to 1; Endif Else If ( Player.GetHasNote NVDLC03HQBuddyToasterNOTE== 0 ) ShowMessage NVDLC03HQBuddyLockedMSG; Elseif ( Player.GetHasNote NVDLC03HQBuddyToasterNOTE== 1 ) ShowMessage NVDLC03HQBuddyUnlockMSG; Set bToasterUnlocked to 1; Player.RemoveNote NVDLC03HQBuddyToasterNOTE; SPW Set NVDLC03HQBuddy.iToaster to 1; SPW Set NVDLC03DialogueHQBuddies.bToasterUnlocked to 1; IncrementScriptedChallenge NVDLC03AchievementMakingFriends; Set bTalkAfterMessage to 1; Endif Endif Endif END; onactivate BEGIN GameMode If ( bTalkAfterMessage == 1 ) Set bTalkAfterMessage to 0; ;SetTalkingActivatorActor NVDLC03SinkToasterTalkerREF; Activate; Endif If ( bLaunchMenu == 1 ) Set bLaunchMenu to 0; Set bAwaitingInput to 1; ShowMessage NVDLC03HQToasterMSG; Endif END; gamemode BEGIN MenuMode 1001 If ( bAwaitingInput == 1 ) Set nButton to GetButtonPressed; If ( nButton > -1 ) Set bAwaitingInput to 0; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- BUTTON 0 ---------------------------------------------- \/ ; "Do Nothing" If ( nButton == 0 ) Set nButton to -1; Return; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- BUTTON 1 ---------------------------------------------- \/ ; "Process Toasters and Applicances" Elseif ( nButton == 1 ) Set nButton to -1; ; --------------------------- Toasters ------------------------ \/ Set nToasterPostwarCount to Player.GetItemCount ToasterPostwar; Set nToasterPrewarCount to Player.GetItemCount ToasterPrewar; Set nToasterCount to ( nToasterPostwarCount + nToasterPrewarCount ); ; --------------------------- Camera -------------------------- \/ Set nCameraCount to Player.GetItemCount Camera; ; --------------------------- Iron -------------------------------- \/ Set nIronCount to Player.GetItemCount Iron; ; --------------------------- Hot Plate ------------------------ \/ Set nHotPlateCount to Player.GetItemCount HotPlate; ; --------------------------- Leaf Blower --------------------\/ Set nLeafBlowerCount to Player.GetItemCount LeafBlower; ; --------------------------- Vacuum Cleaner -------------\/ Set nVacuumCleanerCount to Player.GetItemCount VacuumCleaner; ; --------------------------- Wood Chipper ----------------\/ Set nWoodChipperCount to Player.GetItemCount WoodChipper; ; --------------------------- Total Appliances ------------ \/ Set nApplianceTotal to ( nToasterCount + nCameraCount + nIronCount + nHotPlateCount + nLeafBlowerCount + nVacuumCleaner + nWoodChipper ); ; --------------------------- Remove Items --------------- \/ Player.RemoveItem ToasterPostwar nToasterPostwarCount; Player.RemoveItem ToasterPrewar nToasterPrewarCount; Player.RemoveItem Camera nCameraCount; Player.RemoveItem Iron nIronCount; Player.RemoveItem HotPlate nHotPlateCount; Player.RemoveItem LeafBlower nLeafBlowerCount; Player.RemoveItem VacuumCleaner nVacuumCleanerCount; Player.RemoveItem WoodChipper nWoodChipperCount; ; --------------------------- Add Items ---------------------- \/ Set nMicrofusionCellReturned to ( nApplianceTotal * 3 ); Set nSmallEnergyCellReturned to ( nApplianceTotal * 5 ); Player.AddItem AmmoMicroFusionCell nMicrofusionCellReturned; Player.AddItem AmmoSmallEnergyCell nSmallEnergyCellReturned; Player.AddItem ScrapElectronics nToasterCount; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- BUTTON 2 ---------------------------------------------- \/ ; "Super heat Saturnite Fist" Elseif ( nButton == 2 ) Set nButton to -1; Player.RemoveItem NVDLC03WeapSaturniteFist 1; Player.AddItemHealthPercent NVDLC03WeapSaturniteFistHeat 1 1.00; Endif Endif Else Return; Endif END; menumode 1001 If you can help it would be appreciated I don't know where else to post this
  5. So I'm Trying to change the toaster of doom to accept some more appliances and fixing the partially damaged heated fist return. This is my script and I personally don't see any errors but it refuses to save. SCN NVDLC03SinkToasterOfDoomSCRIPT ; Talking Activator script for Toaster ; tls 01/19/2011 ; SPW 02/24/11 - Adding vars for HQ Buddy quest ; SPW 03/01/11 - Removing note from player's inventory after turn in. ; TLS 05/02/2011 - Setting toaster to only upgrade one Saturnite Power Fist at a time. Short bToasterUnlocked ; 1 = Player has turned in the unlock holodisk: "NVDLC03HQBuddyToasterNOTE". Short bTalkAfterMessage ; Variable set in onactivate block to start dialogue in the gamemode block (so the Player doesn't have to "re-activate" after exiting a message box pop-up. Short bAwaitingInput ; Message box variable. Short nButton ; Which message box option the player has pressed. Short nToasterPostwarCount Short nToasterPrewarCount Short nToasterCount Short nCameraCount Short nIronCount Short nHotPlateCount Short nLeafBlowerCount Short nVacuumCleanerCount Short nWoodChipperCount Short nApplianceTotal Short nMicrofusionCellReturned Short nSmallEnergyCellReturned Short bLaunchMenu BEGIN OnLoad SetTalkingActivatorActor NVDLC03SinkToasterTalkerREF; END BEGIN OnActivate If (IsActionRef Player == 1) If ( bToasterUnlocked == 1 ) If ( NVDLC03DialogueHQBuddies.bBuddiesTalk == 0 ) ShowMessage NVDLC03HQBuddiesNoTalkMSG; ;If ( Player.GetItemCount ToasterPostwar >= 1 || Player.GetItemCount ToasterPrewar >= 1 || Player.GetItemCount NVDLC03WeapSaturniteFist >= 1 ) ; 4/1/11 ETB - Changed to formlist If ( Player.GetItemCount NVDLC03HQBuddiesToasterAllApplianceLIST >= 1 ) Set bAwaitingInput to 1; ShowMessage NVDLC03HQToasterMSG; Else ShowMessage NVDLC03HQToasterNoItemsMSG; Endif Elseif ( NVDLC03DialogueHQBuddies.bBuddiesTalk == 1 ) Set bTalkAfterMessage to 1; Endif Else If ( Player.GetHasNote NVDLC03HQBuddyToasterNOTE== 0 ) ShowMessage NVDLC03HQBuddyLockedMSG; Elseif ( Player.GetHasNote NVDLC03HQBuddyToasterNOTE== 1 ) ShowMessage NVDLC03HQBuddyUnlockMSG; Set bToasterUnlocked to 1; Player.RemoveNote NVDLC03HQBuddyToasterNOTE; SPW Set NVDLC03HQBuddy.iToaster to 1; SPW Set NVDLC03DialogueHQBuddies.bToasterUnlocked to 1; IncrementScriptedChallenge NVDLC03AchievementMakingFriends; Set bTalkAfterMessage to 1; Endif Endif Endif END; onactivate BEGIN GameMode If ( bTalkAfterMessage == 1 ) Set bTalkAfterMessage to 0; ;SetTalkingActivatorActor NVDLC03SinkToasterTalkerREF; Activate; Endif If ( bLaunchMenu == 1 ) Set bLaunchMenu to 0; Set bAwaitingInput to 1; ShowMessage NVDLC03HQToasterMSG; Endif END; gamemode BEGIN MenuMode 1001 If ( bAwaitingInput == 1 ) Set nButton to GetButtonPressed; If ( nButton > -1 ) Set bAwaitingInput to 0; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- BUTTON 0 ---------------------------------------------- \/ ; "Do Nothing" If ( nButton == 0 ) Set nButton to -1; Return; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- BUTTON 1 ---------------------------------------------- \/ ; "Process Toasters and Applicances" Elseif ( nButton == 1 ) Set nButton to -1; ; --------------------------- Toasters ------------------------ \/ Set nToasterPostwarCount to Player.GetItemCount ToasterPostwar; Set nToasterPrewarCount to Player.GetItemCount ToasterPrewar; Set nToasterCount to ( nToasterPostwarCount + nToasterPrewarCount ); ; --------------------------- Camera -------------------------- \/ Set nCameraCount to Player.GetItemCount Camera; ; --------------------------- Iron -------------------------------- \/ Set nIronCount to Player.GetItemCount Iron; ; --------------------------- Hot Plate ------------------------ \/ Set nHotPlateCount to Player.GetItemCount HotPlate; ; --------------------------- Leaf Blower --------------------\/ Set nLeafBlowerCount to Player.GetItemCount LeafBlower; ; --------------------------- Vacuum Cleaner -------------\/ Set nVacuumCleanerCount to Player.GetItemCount VacuumCleaner; ; --------------------------- Wood Chipper ----------------\/ Set nWoodChipperCount to Player.GetItemCount WoodChipper; ; --------------------------- Total Appliances ------------ \/ Set nApplianceTotal to ( nToasterCount + nCameraCount + nIronCount + nHotPlateCount + nLeafBlowerCount + nVacuumCleaner + nWoodChipper ); ; --------------------------- Remove Items --------------- \/ Player.RemoveItem ToasterPostwar nToasterPostwarCount; Player.RemoveItem ToasterPrewar nToasterPrewarCount; Player.RemoveItem Camera nCameraCount; Player.RemoveItem Iron nIronCount; Player.RemoveItem HotPlate nHotPlateCount; Player.RemoveItem LeafBlower nLeafBlowerCount; Player.RemoveItem VacuumCleaner nVacuumCleanerCount; Player.RemoveItem WoodChipper nWoodChipperCount; ; --------------------------- Add Items ---------------------- \/ Set nMicrofusionCellReturned to ( nApplianceTotal * 3 ); Set nSmallEnergyCellReturned to ( nApplianceTotal * 5 ); Player.AddItem AmmoMicroFusionCell nMicrofusionCellReturned; Player.AddItem AmmoSmallEnergyCell nSmallEnergyCellReturned; Player.AddItem ScrapElectronics nToasterCount; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- BUTTON 2 ---------------------------------------------- \/ ; "Super heat Saturnite Fist" Elseif ( nButton == 2 ) Set nButton to -1; Player.RemoveItem NVDLC03WeapSaturniteFist 1; Player.AddItemHealthPercent NVDLC03WeapSaturniteFistHeat 1 1.00; Endif Endif Else Return; Endif END; menumode 1001 If anyone can tell me whats wrong with this i'd be grateful. Just realized I might have put this in the wrong spot my bad. Working on how to remove it one moment.
  6. I was thinking if there would be a way to add liberty prime voice lines to different power armors. Might have to look into the medic power armor in order to get an idea of how to do it. I was thinking of something like 76 does with the unique paint job liberty prime power armor. Maybe make it use the tesla armor from ttw as that power armor comes quite late in the game making you earn it.
  7. I think I've figured it out so to do this you'd have to go to the script section of the geck search for toaster open the toasterofdoom script. From there follow the example the script has already set down you will need what those items are called in game such as a pre-war toaster is caller ToasterPrewar in the geck from the it would end up looking something like ; --------------------------- Leaf Blower ---------V (tab) Set nLeafBlower to Player.GetItemCount LeafBlower; the second set of dashes--- is to get the v to line up in the geck i think. not totally sure about that one. Then Further down in the total appliances you'd have to just add a + and whatever such as + nLeafBlowerCount Also need to add it to the Remove Items such as (tab)Player.Removeitem LeafBlower LeafBlowerCount; And that should do it as the rest is already figured by the script just running some numbers in the background based on the total number of appliances.
  8. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/42869?tab=description not sure if this would cover everything your asking for or not but i think it covers most of it.
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