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  1. Had this problem for quite a while now... several trainers won't train (given the option, they will will immediately skip dialogue and go back to normal dialogue screen) - Faendal and the Dark Elf in the companions are two that come to mind. Oddly enough other trainers (Archery. 1-Handed) will - so it is not the skill, it seems to be either the dialogue or those particular NPCs. I have over 100 mods, so I am not interested in checking them off 1 by 1, since everything else seems to be working. Anybody have any suggestions? Or anybody have the same problems with only a few mods on your load order, so I could compare and cross-reference? EDIT - another post suggested Dovahkin's Hideout 9.2 disabled some trainers, going to check it out...
  2. Hello everyone, just had a question - to see if anyone has had the same problem. I love ENB and have tried several different ones with varying degrees of success. Currently I am using Pineapplevision's DARK ENB (excellent). However... One thing that has NEVER worked for me is Depth of Field. Any ENB I have ever tried (all the way up to Kage1.12, have tested all of the Nexus ones)has been blurry - always blurry, always out of focus, all of the time. No focusing on clos detail, far detail, character... nothing. Everything is out of focus except for the menus. With bokeh, everything is hexagonal. All of the screenshots look beautiful, would like to try it, but no dice. I have uninstalled, reinstalled and tried with ENB so that no previous settings would interfere. I have also used the ENB Remover between tests for the same reason. I think that it might be something with my ATI card, as I understand that ENB works better with NVidia. The game still looks beautiful, and I probably save some fps, so it is not the end of the world if I can't get this working... but it sure would be nice if anyone had suggestions! Thanks!
  3. I know - don't know what the problem would be, I mean we have lightsaber and hello kitty mods... so I wouldn't think it was copyright problems... I loved the mod, and thought there was a lot of potential; played it and since reinstalling Fallout 3 can't even find it again... :wallbash:
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