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Everything posted by oolongdao

  1. upon making a new character the skin issue didn't exist but it still hadn't applied HDT to my clothes and hair. im running loot by im not sure it's helping with load order. almost every single mod is from nexus so none of them should be unrecognizable.
  2. I'm having issues with getting physics to work with my hair and clothes. My skyrim is up to date, all mods are also up to date, my ENB isn't though. My Pc's hair stretches into the distance and my cloaks are twisted and stretched. The hair is from Vanilla Hair Remake and on a likely related note Vanilla Hair Remake for NPCs ctds while im loading into a save so it's currently uninstalled but i intend to once the PC hair is fixed unless it's unecessary. Image of the issue in question. http:// Modlist Thank you for any help.
  3. is there a way to do this with a guide on how to? I use the 1.6.0 beta due to the amazing mods for it but there are several perk values i wish to alter. firstly i wish to either remove the cap on spring of gold or make it personal allowing multiple clan members to have it adding 1000 for each with it. secondly id like to swap sever perks and make the later ones "infinite" similar to Steward's final perk.
  4. Okay so i recently came back to bannerlord after a year. i was playing with 1.6.0 but left because i felt the mods weren't getting any better and hoped if i left the game it would be updated to be fun. i played 1.7 whatever and didn't care for anything they added so i downloaded 1.6.0. now all of the battanian troops are babies. at first i thought it might have been me messing with the my little warband rules but when i stripped the mods out with a new vortex profile the battanians are all still babies. so first i verified the local files, they reinstalled a couple files, still babies. i read that if you uninstall the game it fixes baby soldiers, i do so, still babies. the only thing that fixes it is launching the game from steam. so i thought maybe its like a bethesda game and i have to launch it naturally once to make the mods function. still babies with vortex. so i delete the steam localapps folder and reinstall again, babies, still babies. even with no mods in Vortex always produces babies since i updated to the most recent version. is there a fix?
  5. I am having a issue with the physics with my chosen female body model, the physics for lack of a better term, are flat and airy. is there a solution? here's my modlist
  6. I average the x-02 power armor mod but the pauldrons are invisible, is there a fix?
  7. I like fallout, I like Bethesda, but there is a certain level of shine Bethesda is willing to put on fallout and it's far lower than elder scrolls. For instance I remember back when oblivion came out we all wanted werewolves, it didn't happen but we got shivering isles and when skyrim came out werewolves were standard. The elder scrolls modding community is larger but it lacks a lot of focus and ideas which are further divided by the will of the author. Because of this what you end up getting are either smaller mods you could do yourself or immense overhauls that kill your FPS and are likely to break you out of tonic. But with most fallout mods, things are in between and are usually lore friendly. As I see it everyone wants to make skyrim their personal fantasy game weather that be grim dark GOT, narnia, or dark souls, hell I made my skyrim into fallout 3 with a dwarven power armor and plasma gun. This is in contrast to fallout which every mod changes a ton of things tens to hundreds of thousands of people want changed and usually is lore friendly, because people who want to play fallout want to be IN the fallout universe as opposed to their own custom universe on the fallout engine.
  8. You have sorely forgotten what base skyrim Mocs looked like it appears, because as far as I'm concerned there are only like 8 faces and 3 hair colors.
  9. Whenever i try to load it it fails to spawn.
  10. Has anyone made a mod yet to set up a job for settlers that allows them to loot dead bodies within settlement limits? I remember this function in tundra defense was so critical it's the second thing you get but is no where to be found in fallout 4.
  11. So i was using royal bloodline found here. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22565/? However i found it's final VL perk to be lack luster, being the thunderstorm shout. So i set out to alter it, replacing it with the ability of the Bloodcursed arrow ability to blot out the sun. however when i go into the creation kit and try to alter it the dlc1eclipseeffects aren't listed, is there a way to fix this? what do i do?
  12. So I haven't played undeath yet, I watched videos and read reviews but have no direct experience right, but I read that from a lot of people's perspective the lich form was grossly underpowered. However there are no in depth reviews of how the mechanics of lichdom works so I was wondering about a few things. 1. Are there variations of either the lich form's powers or it's design? If so how many. 2. Would it be possible to alter something's skin after gaining a perk? I know the werewolf mods kinda work like this but I was wondering how big of a job it would be? Can I accomplish this in the CK? 3. Can you be both a lich and a werewolf or vampire at the same time? If so how does it work in each specific case? Thanks for any help or responses.
  13. as stated here;s the mod order mod_id,mod_installed_name,mod_version,file_installed_name0,"255 max level","d2016.12.20","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/255 max level.zip"38719,"A World Of Pain (AWOP)","","A World Of Pain v5.4-38719-5-4.zip"61624,"Alien Power Module Crafting - TTW","","SonogusAPMCraftingTTW-61624-1-1.7z"62541,"Animated Combat Takedowns","","Animated Combat Takedowns-62541-1.rar"56440,"Better Breaching","","Better Breaching-56440-1-4-2.7z"54770,"Better Energy Weapons","","Better Energy Weapons MERGED-54770-1-7.rar"35034,"BlackWolfBackpacks New Vegas","d2016.12.21","Blackwolf Backpacks New Vegas ver01d-35034-1.rar"59794,"Brotherhood Outcast Enclave Diversified - Power Armor Mod TTW","d2016.12.20","BOED Meshes and Textures-59794-.rar"59794,"Brotherhood Outcast Enclave Diversified - Power Armor Mod TTW esps","","BOED TTW ESPs 2.2-59794-2-2.rar"37729,"BrotherhoodHouseAlliance","","BrotherhoodHouseAlliance_1-1-37729-1-1.zip"36503,"Caesars Legion Overhaul NVSE","","CLO 1_0-36503.rar"45557,"Caesars New Regime - Legion Overhaul","","Main File - All you need-45557-1.rar"42428,"CAGE - Continue After Games Ending","","CAGE"39981,"CaliberX","f5.04","CaliberX v5.04-39981-5-04.7z"50817,"CAM - Chems Alcohol and Meds","","CAM V9-50817-9.7z"57609,"CAM - Chems Alcohol and Meds - TTW Dart Ammo Patch","","CAM patch ttw-57609-8E.rar"60,"CASE","d2016.12.21","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/CASE V2-60-43915-.rar"44885,"Cerulean Robotics Playerhome for RobCo Certified","d2016.12.20","Cerulean Robotics Playerhome for RobCo Certified-44885-1.zip"39804,"Colossus Enclave - Lienas Squad Armour","","Textures Ver 3 _ Armour and Weapons-39804-3.rar"45273,"Cool Lasers HD","f1.07","CoolLasersHD_NV_1_07-45273-1-07.7z"0,"coollasersmod","d2016.12.20","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/coollasersmod-ttw-v1.0.7z"54598,"Fiends Without Energy Weapons","","Fiends Without Energy Weapons-54598-1-0.rar"56915,"Generators Recharge Energy Cells","d2016.12.21","Energy cell Recharge v1.2 now with perk-56915-.zip"55773,"Imperial New Vegas","","Imoerial New Vegas-55773-1-66.zip"50468,"JIP Companions Command and Control","","JIP Companions Command and Control-50468-2-52.7z"58277,"JIP NVSE Plugin","","JIP NVSE Plugin-58277-32-10.7z"60,"Leveled List Organizer","d2016.12.21","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/Leveled List Organizer V2-60-43915-.rar"0,"lootable statics","d2016.12.20","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/lootable_statics.rar"55399,"Lutana's NVSE Plugin","","Lutana NVSE Plugin-55399-19-0b2.zip"57551,"Megaton Return-TTW","","Megaton Return -57551-1-1.rar"59766,"Mister Burke - Fully-voiced companion - TTW","","Mister Burke Companion MAIN-59766-1-1.rar"0,"more perks merged for ttw 1","d2016.12.20","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/more_perks_merged_for_ttw_1.3.7z"0,"more perks patch for real this time","d2016.12.20","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/more_perks_patch_for_real_this_time.7z"61547,"More Usable Furniture - FNV and TTW","d2016.12.20","More Usable Furniture - TTW-61547-.rar"0,"mz no karma loss","d2016.12.20","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/mz_no_karma_loss.rar"0,"mzallaccesspass","d2016.12.20","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/mzallaccesspass.rar"58841,"Named Paradise Falls NPCs by Facistinabag TTW Conversion","","Main File-58841-1.7z"40139,"NCR Rearmament","","NCR Rearmament 1_5a-40139-15a.rar"35998,"Nevada Skies - Weather Effects","","Nevada Skies-35998-1-4-2.7z"42653,"New Vegas Trade Center","","NVTC 1_3_2-42653-1-3-2.7z"48105,"NPCs Consume Ammo - TTW","","NPCs Consume Ammo v1-3-48105-1-3.7z"43534,"NVInteriors Combo Edition","","NVInteriors_Combo Edition-43534-1-3.7z"43534,"NVInteriors Project","","NVInteriors Core-43534-2-0.7z"0,"PlasmaPerks","d2016.12.21","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/PlasmaPerks.7z"59677,"Power Armor Distribution Overhaul (Rank Based Armor) (FNV and TTW) (MCM Support)","","Power Armor Distribution Overhaul-59677-10-0.7z"62085,"Powered Energy Weapons - FNV - DLC","","Powered Energy Weapons - FNV - DLC - GRA-62085-1-0-1.rar"62085,"Powered Energy Weapons - TTW - FNV","","Powered Energy Weapons - TTW-62085-1-0-1.rar"37983,"Powered Power Armor NV Beta3 TTW","d2016.12.21","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/Powered Power Armor NV Beta3-37983-beta3 (1).7z"40040,"Project Nevada","","Project Nevada 2_5-40040-2-5.7z"47285,"Project Nevada - Extra Options","","Project Nevada - Extra Options 1_3-47285-1-3.7z"0,"Project Nevada TTW","d2016.12.20","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/Project Nevada TTW.7z"0,"realistic weapon damages","d2016.12.21","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/rwd-ttwmerged_0.7z"43331,"RobCo Certified - New Vegas","","RobCo Certified-43331-1-12.zip"59378,"Root 'n Loot TTW","","Root 'n Loot-59378-.7z"40531,"Run The Lucky 38","","Run the Lucky 38 V3-0-40531-3-0.rar"43842,"Signature Armor","","Signature Armor 1-32-43842-1-32.zip"43557,"Signature Weapons","","Signature Weapons 2-23-43557-2-23.zip"0,"stealth kills enabled","d2016.12.20","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/stealth_kills_enabled.rar"0,"Tale of Two Wastelands - Optional Files","","Optional Files.zip"58146,"Temple of the Union Overhaul - TTW","","Temple of the Union Overhaul - TTW v1_0-58146-1-0.7z"0,"The Mod Configuration Menu","","The Mod Configuration Menu.fomod"40433,"The New Bison Steve Hotel and Lucky Casino","","New Bison Steve Version 107 MASTER FILE VERSION-40433-107.7z"0,"The Weapon Mod Menu","","The Weapon Mod Menu.fomod"56513,"TTW - My Home Is Your Home","","TTW - My Home Is Your Home-56513-V1-0.7z"48466,"TTW Anchorage Rewards","","Main File 1_2-48466-1-2.7z"0,"ttw evil roy phillips v1","d2016.12.20","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/ttw_evil_roy_phillips_v1.0.7z"58139,"TTW Immersive Armors and Weapons","","SIG Version 1F-58139-1F.7z"0,"ttw invisible wall remover v1","d2016.12.20","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/ttw_invisible_wall_remover_v1.0.7z"0,"TTW Main","d2016.12.20","C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data/TTW/Main Files.zip"0,"ttw nokarmadcfollowers","d2016.12.20","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/ttw_nokarmadcfollowers.7z"54853,"TTW Rivet City Merchants","d2016.12.20","TTW Rivet City Merchants-54853-.rar"0,"ttw startupmenu 1","d2016.12.20","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/ttw_startupmenu_1.7z"61556,"TTW Unique D.C. Skins","f1.01","TTW DC Unique Weapons Skin-61556-1-01.rar"59182,"TTW-- Crowded Cities v2 by Volek",".2.2","TTW Crowded Cities V.2.2-59182-V-2-2.rar"0,"TTW_Interiors Core v3.5","d2016.12.20","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/TTW_Interiors Core v3.5.rar"0,"TTW_InteriorsProject Combo v5.4.1","d2016.12.20","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/TTW_InteriorsProject Combo v5.4.1.rar"57174,"UIO - User Interface Organizer","","UIO - User Interface Organizer-57174-1-31.zip"44024,"Unique Power Armor","f1.00","Unique Power Armor Main Version 1-44024.rar"-1,"Unmanaged: CaravanPack","",""-1,"Unmanaged: ClassicPack","",""-1,"Unmanaged: DeadMoney","",""-1,"Unmanaged: FalloutNV","",""-1,"Unmanaged: GunRunnersArsenal","",""-1,"Unmanaged: HonestHearts","",""-1,"Unmanaged: LonesomeRoad","",""-1,"Unmanaged: MercenaryPack","",""-1,"Unmanaged: OldWorldBlues","",""-1,"Unmanaged: TribalPack","",""40980,"WARZONES - now with ADJUSTABLE SPAWNS","","WARZONES V6A-40980.7z"39856,"Wasteland Flora Overhaul","","Wasteland Flora Overhaul v2dot8a - Fertile Version-39856-2-8a.7z"39651,"Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX","","Weapon Mods Expanded v1_1_4-39651-1-1-4.7z"41267,"WMVM - Weapon Mod Vending Machine","","WMVM-41267-3-3-1.7z"39651,"WMX-DLC","","WMX-DLC v1_0_2-39651-1-0-2.7z"0,"zeta clean core","d2016.12.20","C:/Users/p33n in deep cov3r/Downloads/zeta_clean_core.rar"
  14. so im playing this on a new computer and the mapping isnt working for any mod. project nevada's G grenade button isnt working nor the M visor function, takedown's L takedown button is also not working... and i cant switch them to a new button on the keyboard, what's going on?
  15. How does adding two weapon types to a single weapon work? Does it just select the first weapon type and consider it to be the only type? Does the weapon now both and benefit from both weapon types related perks?
  16. so if it's number was 4c0001015 wouldn't the first two numbers be 00 denoting skyrim base?
  17. how would i identify what mod a weapon comes from?
  18. There is the chance that father uploaded his memory into synth shaun, if this is true it would be possible for him to use his knowledge to jump to older and older genetically identical bodies as time goes on.
  19. Now that ammo can be mass produced with a large enough settlement and a combination of the right mods and DLC can someone make a mod to add a ammo press like in the Pitt DLC for Fallout 3. For those that don't know the ammo press basically turned one kind of bullet based ammuntition into another, this ment that you could turn useless 10mm into .44 magnum or .308 into 5.56.
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