While in the bathroom I remembered Far Cry's 2 and 3's style of "healing." You get shot in the leg: SET YOUR BROKEN THUMB BACK INTO PLACE. Fall down a cliff: LETS YANK THAT BULLET OUT OF YOUR ARM WITH YOUR MANLY TEETH. What I'm trying to say, is that someone should try making a mod where in between fights, you must heal yourself with bandages or other medical equipment relevant to that era (with a short animation ideally). I mean, potions could be the quick during combat way for sure, and so could the magical healing. But what about those who like the immersion of having to stop for a few seconds at least to let your hero rest and recuperate especially if he isn't an alchemist or some godly mage? (The kind of recuperation that doesn't involve waiting an hour for your Wolverine-esque regen to kick in.) There could even be two versions for those that still like the regen, but wouldn't mind bandaging themselves, and another for the hardcore guys who'd have stop in between fights or else they'll really be screwed going into the next one. And heck, this just occurred to me that you could include a bleeding mechanic as well so you would be forced to stop it. One that's not too severe as to make combat a race against time, but one that would make it dangerous if left unchecked afterwards. Anyway it's just a thought. Maybe with time I could pull off all of the above except for the animation bit. I've had my hand at modeling and other things... whoo boy. It's not my strongsuit. If you read this far, thanks for hearing me out! If you know any modders who take requests or are looking for a challenge send them here! :D