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Everything posted by THEgamaRE5

  1. I know it was kind of weird but the thing that the issue is solved xD
  2. well, I've already solved the issue, it was a mod named "the choice is yours" thanks btw
  3. I haven't created a new save D:
  4. yeah i already checked and it was not immersive battles :c and i dont have the mod of sands of time x_____x i had the civil war overhaul but i deactivated and nothing happen
  5. I Have a mod installed in my skyrim, that is really getting into my nerves and i need to deactivate it but i cannot find it bcz i have so many mods x____x well, the mod consists in whenever i enter any town or be walking in a random area a bunch of hunters, thalmors, stormcloaks, imperials, mages, witches are fighting the s#*! out of them and im getting tired of that x___x it freezes the game a lot bcz it takes a little time to load that so please help me with this issue.
  6. just think about it.. how would it be to have a great war between the thalmor that have somehow summoned the daedra princess to destroy anyone who worships talos then the nords and the races that lives in skyrim got help from the nine divines and will like a big war or something like that wouldnt be cool that? D: btw sorry for the bad english not my language u_u
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