I was working on a hot looking female character, checking out body mods and saved game files for face ideas and then I found Conan. I was hooked, I am such a huge fan of the books and movies and no one plays Conan better then Arnold. I have spent some time now "Conan-ifying" my Skyrim. I took the face config and tweaked it to my liking, the Conan Outfit is awsome, and the Atlantian Sword is sweet. I even changed the ingame music to Conan music, I got the Mako title sequence at the main menu :smile: The Theology of Civilization playing in cities, Riders of Doom and Mountain of Power for adventuring. It's epic The only thing that is missing besides his sleeveless leather Jurkin in the Destroyer is the sword swing. I'm not sure what you would call it. A few other animations have something similar. The YYanimation has something like it, but only when sheathing the sword and there is a kill move that is sort of like it too. I'm sure anyone that knows Conan, knows what I am talking about, but here are a couple vidoes I found of it anyway. Include the sword pointing over the head, that would be sick too. http://www.youtube.com/embed/w2gcpFU-78k?feature=player_detailpage http://www.youtube.com/embed/gimUhE_Lul4?feature=player_detailpage Thanks in advance