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About pixelatedfrenchfry

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  1. as long as coldharbour looks like nothing in the trailer the lore is correct. so please dont make that mistake. i would download but i have to get skyrim on the pc. lol if there is any need in lore help i am available good luck on this mod and keep up the hard work.
  2. i think if there was a fallout nv mafia or mobster mod, it should be a quest mod that has you fight for control of areas in the mojave possibly a new ruined casino somewhere in the game that can be bought and repaired to make a headquaters for your gang, have a system where drugs and weapons get imported and exported across the mojave to different locations and where holding these locations give an advantage in the profit and weaponry the gang makes. choosing a cool nickname that your gang will call you by, choose the attire that your mobster gang wears throughout the game. casino raids and if you win and take the casino for yourself you can buy it, sell it, or destroy it, counterfeiting money. and even massacres that cause fear and peril throughout the wasteland. huge gang firefights that take place in different locations and even controlling were members of your gang go to raid,for example say the opposing gang controls goodsprings and primm then you can choose which to raid and how to go about making the next raid. also different ways that you can take over a gang like if you dont want to directly fight a gang because lack of manpower/ resources you can hire someone to assasinate the leader(s),somehow control the leader(s) of the gang so that their gang now merges with yours or even "scaring" the other gang into submission. eventually almost controlling all organized crime in the mojave wasteland.
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