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Posts posted by ashtonx




    For the record, I own a PC and a gaming console, does that make me a member of the plebs or the master race? Either way, it doesn't freaking matter I game on both. I am not one opposed to mods on consoles by any means, but not at the expense of PC's, and right now this attitude we're getting from that vocal, minority bunch of *sshats is threatening Modding for everyone. Beth needs to get their shyt together and real soon -- and not "months" from now.


    a lot of people own consoles, hell i own quite a few for exclusives myself.


    Owning console does not make one a peasant, and other way around, owning pc does not make one master race :tongue:

    Which always make me laugh one people get butthurt over master race/peasant even when there are no consoles, pc mentioned.

  2. Hey people - It is NOT the console players that are pirating mods. It actually requires a PC that can run the CK in order to pirate a mod. It is your own PC master race faction that is stealing not the console players.


    I laughed, just cause i have weights doesn't make me body builder ;)

  3. The veteran MA's are free to correct me, but one of the chief reasons that paid modding was rescinded was because of the firestorm that arose from the modding community not only when formerly free mods were being put behind a paywall, but many of the paid mods had content in them with questionable ownership issues (due to various reasons). And I am certain Valve and Beth were also concerned with the possibility that even some of the paid mods might end up being outright pirated as well, and thereby being liable to the mod authors for failing to secure their mod store properly. It's a very thorny, complicated subject that none of the decision makers seemed to have paid any attention to going in. And it's not as if other industries hadn't handled such matters themselves already and worked out workable solutions (see e-Publishing, app stores and the like,). My beef is that with console mods, as with the paid mod fiasco, Beth not only tried to re-invent the wheel, it was still just a half-arsed effort. The "wheel" in this case had just had a rim and spokes, but no rim, making for a helluva' bumpy ride.

    A lot of the outrage was imo because there were a lot of dependencies between mods suddenly some mods were going after paywall or disappearing it caused a lot of mess, there are other games that actually have paid mods and it works. if bethesda started a game with such an idea there'd prolly not be as much outrage, or rather it'd die down very quickly.


    That said, looking at bethaids i can understand your concerns about legal issues. If they can't moderate even free mods at a certain level they shouldn't think about making money on the platform.



    Pointing out you're wrong =/= butthurt


    Before you point out something is wrong, you might try to comprehend what is said instead of jumping into conclusions.


    Just owning a console doesn't mean you're an idiot. There are guides on how to use scripting everywhere and again, if it took DDP only 25 minutes to learn it and apparently that's all it takes for everyone else clearly it's so easy to get rid of it.


    Like holy crap, take your arrogance somewhere else. console users, not "peasants", aren't all idiots just like all PC owners aren't all coding masters. There is also the fact that this whole ordeal isn't going to be a long term problem and it's more likely mod piracy is going to go back to being sites that only PC users can use.


    Well that's quite interesting, i said thieving peasants and yet i sense butthurt.

    Sure not all are thieves, not all are idiots, but i thought drm is to stop thieves not all console users. And as far as i see all thieves and those who defend them are morons.





    Yes, "thieving peasants" will have the ability and intelligence to reverse engineer mods. Not the majority of console users will have the technical expertise, no, but some will. Just the same as in the wider world, most pirates don't have the ability to reverse engineer game binaries to strip out the DRM, but some do. If an anecdote helps: when I was attending university studying software engineering I didn't have money to upgrade my PC, so I ended up playing Fallout 3 on my XBox 360. But if Fallout 3 had this Bethesda.net thing happen and I decided to be entitled my PC was more than capable enough of running FO3Edit which is the majority of what I would need to strip out the DRM from a mod if I had the time and energy to do so. I'm not exceptional and you wouldn't even need a formal education to do so: a hobbyist with the time and energy could also do so just as well if not better than my lazy self.


    I know you touch on this in your last line, but I'm blathering on for a reason: you would probably be surprised how many people on consoles would still be doing this. Even if this cut the numbers by 90%, the idea of taking legal action sounds nice on paper, but in reality I find it highly unlikely you'll actually see many (any) lawsuits over mods. The only solution I can see in the real world is Bethesda taking responsibility and actually properly curating Bethesda.net. Maybe it will take someone seriously trying to take legal action before Bethesda will do so, but it's not like people with a passion for modding are going to want to spend 50% of their time trying to hand out DMCA takedowns.


    Those who crack games and apps do that for the challenge, i honestly doubt they will feel any challenge from breaking open source code. Rather it'd be insult to their pride.

    Also warez scene and piracy scene as immature as it is doesn't like their s#*! being thrown into public, sure it leaks but there were ton's of ddos attacks from warez scenes for uploading their stuff to various trackers. Even those who break consoles, unless they want to make money on it do extra length to avoid piracy in recent years.


    As i've said it's unlikely to be the case for people who know how to crack to blatantly steal mods and upload them as their own. Most idiots like this will give up right after they have to play with construction kit or they'll release broken mods that'll cause loads of hate.

  5. Gonna have to raise a certain point here. Do you really think thieving peasants have the brains to reverse engineer mods ?

    I mean come on, we're talking about people who use the "pc elitists" or "i didn't know it was bad to steal" to explain their action.

    Most people who know how will be able to do it will most likely not give a crap or waste their time, few that will will be easy targets for dmca, also modifying a code without permission adds to their crimes and even more legal actions should be possible to undertake.

  6. I didn't read this thread, so it may have been said already, but having lived during (and been horribly affected by) the AIDS crisis of the 1980's, I find your choice of words to be disappointing and rude.


    I consider you a gifted wizard of modding, and you've given me hours of entertainment.


    However, I do ask you to please refrain from using a deeply personal pain for your rants.



    Learn to deal with it, as someone who's suffering from genuine phobia and has to take pills i'm daily ofended by overuse of the word phobia, if i were to ask every last one of the regressives to stop i wouldn't have time to eat, sleep, drink, and expel waste.

  7. Yep, that is a great point.


    The hacked F4SE would only be good for doing evil things to your PC. ...

    I'm always amazed that after so much ridicule coming from pcmr, console peasants still put the effort to pretend they know what they're saying.


    I mean, you'd think that somewhere between thousands of posts ridiculing, explaining etc, some of them would actually stop and think, do some research before saying something dumb. Seriously, sometimes i'm amazed those people even manage to stay alive.

  8. I just said...




    ignore consoles for just one second ok?

    What if the same exact thing happened but on PC?


    a**hole steals something. Puts it on Beth.Net.

    Asks for donations. Gets money.


    casual PC gamers donate, play, dont care.


    What is your solution to this problem?


    Happened with paid mods, the whole crap caused incredible amount of shitstorm.


    Speaking of which, i'm surprised bethesda didn't start paid modding service with launch of f4. Clearly they missed the point back then, it wasn't about paid mods but about them slamming in their penis into an ecosystem and causing a mess, i mean sure throwing paid mods could've started some outrage from people but if the platform was good and it started with game release it would die quick and wouldn't have support of people pissed off since their mods are disappearing.


    Guess some execs decided they can't make money on mods for pc and that's why they brought it to consoles, without thinking about consequences of crappy platform once again.


  9. Is it possible to create a script to search for something specific to a console such as the A/B/Y/X buttons on an xbox. I'm sure you cant tell by a get button press command or anything but can you tell the script to wait for a texture to pop up on the screen and if it equals the name of an xbox texture (ex: Button_A.dds) then execute the script. the script could just be a large black ui screen saying this mod was made for pc, not console.

    just a thought, I know some html and java but havent messed with papyrus.

    You do realize pc gamers also use gamepads ?

  10. Would it be possible to, say, make a mod that recognizes if a person is playing on console and crash the game immediately?


    'Cause I was thinking, if you were to make such a mod, and set said mod as a master file for any mod you upload to the nexus... could it help to deter thieves?


    Game on boot playing audio


    "Xbox, turn off" :DDD



    Speaking of eulas, afair i was supposed to sacrifice my firstborn in one of the licenses for skyrim mods, those that mean i really have to ? i mean that's what the text file said, so clearly all courts are gonna stand with the mod author right ?

  11. 4) I cannot see how "going to war" with the creators of the game is a good idea. As someone said earlier, how does it benifit us if Bethesda decide to ban third party mods? When you consider that they broke quite a lot of peoples mods with their last update, presumably without meaning to, how much more damage could they do if they took the stance of "It's my ball and I'm taking it home" and deliberately broke third party mods.


    5) It's Bethesda's game, they made it, if they hadn't we (and I use the term we VERY loosely) wouldn't have a game to mod.

    Honestly ? That'd be like shooting themselves in the foot. For many people their games are just a base game and engine for the mods.

  12. @Qbit Yes Beth COULD implement a workable system. Unfortunately they seem to have no interest in doing that. Instead they are allowing lawyers who have no clue how the community works, and probably don't even play 'kiddie' games, to invent a system based on US corporate legal BS.

    inb4 some pissed off moder makes a bot that sends thousands of random dmca claims for every mod there is.


    Bethesda will either get overloaded with work or risk getting sued for copyright infrigment.


    And once they're overloaded with work ? they're gonna have to cut corners, when they spot a stolen mod they'll permaban user, require accounts to be connected to live accounts and so on (if they already don't)


    Well that or they'll get their ass sued.

  13. How ironic you're passing around a code snippet from the Beth.net forums. The guy on the Beth forums said he hadn't even tested it yet.


    And as Ousnius properly notes, it won't even work.


    I thought this was the repository of all modding brilliance. Still no solution that would even work?


    "Commence attack".... once we figure out how to build a pitchfork....hmmm maybe Dr. Frankenstein can help us build a pitchfork...so we can kill him!



    Well technically solution is there, fallout 4 script extender, dunno how stable or useful it is though, i usually play with mods once game has all dlc so i don't have to deal with surprises.

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