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Everything posted by Esscex
He's also disabled comments on the youtube trailer he made for the ENB. Really sad to see the mod marked as hidden as it was one of my favorite ENBs. I had been using it but I just reformatted my PC and hard drives and didn't back up the files for it. Went looking to re-download it and that's when I realized it was gone. Really hope he makes it available again.
Hey, I'm looking for a relatively new environment mod that I saw featured on the front page. It's supposed to ad grass and trees and such like other mods such as Greenworld, but it looked like it did a much better job at making the wasteland feel realistic after 200 years. I've got no idea what it was called or where any pics are, but any help would really be appreciated.
Well, yeah, there are lots of mods that are compatible with it. Could you be a little more specific about your concern?
To be sum up my question quickly; How do I edit an NPC's animations? Frankly what I am wanting to achieve is to make an NPC walk and move like a Goblin. Can anyone tell me how this is done, if it's even possible? I would think it is since mods like 'Actors in Charge' can make NPC actors move and behave like other creatures, like Spriggans and Liches.
I know how you feel SunderedChaos. For a while back, I had Curse of Hircine installed, primarily for immersions sake. If I managed to find one and get infected, so be it, just like vampires. But after quite a long time, I NEVER found a single werewolf, only heard them every once in a while at night, but never encountered one. If someone figures out a good way to increase their numbers it would be awesome.
I'm not sure what specific qualities you're looking for in a mod. Whether it be pure aesthetics; new custom content; or major gameplay changes, it's up to you. What I can suggest is that you take a look at many of the great overhaul mods here on TES Nexus, and if you're interested, install them before most other mods you might want. If you're looking to breathe new life into what now may be the same old game, I would suggest FCOM Convergence, which adds and changes tons of aspects of the game. It combines four of the most popular overhaul mods into one compatible entity. I suggest you search for it and read up on what all the mods of FCOM do to the game, and if it sounds interesting, make it one of the first set of mods you install.
Yeah when I was typing the Murderer lines I kept saying them in a voice real similar to Desmond's from Lost, only more deranged. Anyway, it's awesome to hear that this mod will feature voice acting. Whenever you finish I'll definitely have to download it.
Hmm I guess I could throw some ideas out there. Crazy Prisoner: [in an annoyed voice] "The bedroll. For the love of Mara, WHY did I have to get the bedroll that won't shut up!? When I lay down it won't stop yammering on about how long it's been without a good stroll along the coast of the Niben. Oh well, at least it doesn't have eyes that pierce through my liver, like that damned Khajiit." Desperate Prisoner: "P-please, you've gotta let me out of this cell. You see, I'm sitting on a large sum of gold that I've got stashed away, and the guards have been trying to find it. If you help me, It'll all be yours my friend. Just pick this lock here, and I can take care of the rest." [Perhaps if you manage to free him, he'll just bolt for the door and end up getting owned by the guards, regardless of what he said.] *I'm not sure how detailed you'd want to get with this dialog, but it might be cool if you have some scripted dialog that changes depending on the players gender. A possible idea might be- Murderer/Rapist: [Male PC] "Ya' know, ya' look a lot like this one chap I beat the bloody Oblivion out of. I broke into his house n' he was tryin' to be a hero, n' protect his family. Sorry for him, his head ended up smashed to bits on the floor while I showed his wife a real good time. Hahaha those were the days! But now I've been stuck in this rat hole for a good while now. Take some advice from me brotha' -- Never get caught!" Murderer/Rapist: [Female PC] "Well well, I must be lookin' upon a gift from Sanguine himself. It's nice to see such soft features in such a rough place. Ya' know it's been a while now since I've gone without the touch of a woman. Pity that these bars are in our way; We could be having a real good time right now. Who knows, maybe soon ya' might get caught doing something, naughty, and the guards could put us in the same cell. Don't give me that look, ya' know you'd like it sweetheart." === Well, not sure what you think about those. I hope you don't think that the murderer/rapist ones are too much. I think it'll add to the immersion. I mean, out of all the citizens of Cyrodiil, there's gotta be some complete scumbags out there. Also, is this mod going to feature voice acting, or are you just planning on having people read the text?
http://i311.photobucket.com/albums/kk463/Tblingj/Kool%20Looking%20Old%20Times%20People/Summerset_Isle_map_Oblivion.jpg Of all the mods here on TES Nexus and throughout the internet; ones adding new lands to explore, some original, and others personal interpretations of provinces already a part of the Elder Scrolls lore, I was truly surprised to see that there were hardly any [successful] attempts at bringing the mysterious isles of Summerset to life. I understand that such a task is not one that is easily taken, especially on your own and without proper research and resources. I'm starting this thread in hopes that other modders here on Nexus share my interest in venturing throughout such a lore rich environment and location in the Elder Scrolls universe--the home of the Aldmer, first mortal race of Nirn, and the location of such historical events. If I could do everything required for this potential mod myself, I wouldn't have even started this thread. This mod will require some skills that I'm not so strongly suited in myself: Creating/altering meshes and models for structures and architecture; In depth scripting; Voice acting; etc. I'm not here asking that someone else take this idea and make it into a mod for me, but rather have all of us bring our abilities of modding together and collaborate to bring the Summerset Isle out of shadow and into light. To tackle a project of this magnitude, we would need to start from the ground up. I've got a bit planned out, but want to see if others are interested in working together before I go all out and post what I got right now. I hope to find others as passionate about keeping to the Lore as I am. Thanks if you even chose to read all this.
Adding more variety to oblivion voices without new voiceovers
Esscex replied to k4ci6a's topic in Oblivion's Mod Ideas
If you're looking for easy pitch shifting and other simple sound editing effects, Audacity is your best bet for a free way to go about doing this. There are other programs out there that could probably do it better if you've got the know-how, but it's definitely the best free to use sound editing software around. -
Okay, so I'm wanting to create an NPC that I can add to my mod, but I want to give it the face of my current character in game. I heard you could do the job in Wrye Bash, but when I go to do it, I only seem to find an import option. How exactly do I accomplish this? Thanks in advanced for any help.
Help finding 'Unknown Victim' NPC in Construction Set
Esscex replied to Esscex's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Thanks for the help! -
Help finding 'Unknown Victim' NPC in Construction Set
Esscex posted a topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Well, I'm starting a simple mod that's going to add several locations around Cyrodiil, to say the least. Anyway, I'm in need of some dead corpses for a location in my mod. I'm specifically looking for the 'Unknown Victim' NPCs that are found in the Anvil Lighthouse during part of the DB quest. They don't have any items or armor on them and are already dead when found. Does anyone know what their Editor ID is in the CS, or could I possibly be told how to make my own if someone knows how? Thanks in advance! -
I'd love to see this mod made. I would love to contribute, but I'm still a beginner at modding.
How would I properly go about creating a NPC that is a Mystic Elf? When i go to open the esm and esp's, I select Oblivion.esm to be the active file, but when I hit OK, it says that no active file selected, continue? It will always say this no matter how many times I select the main esm to be the active/main file. Any help would be appreciated.
Yeah, I found out it would just be easier to go in and change her face manually until I got it looking similar to my previous character. I took some screenshots and referenced those. I have to say, I like how much control the GECK gives you in changing the faces of NPCs. Anyway, I got it to work and Clover looks great, thanks for the advice.
Always be sure to read the readme's contained with the mod. It'll usually tell you where to go find what ever you've installed. If there was no readme file, use GECK to try and find the ID, or you could always check with Moria/Lydia/Flack&Shrapnel or other common merchants first, before troubling yourself.
I was wondering how I would go about making Clover look just like my previous female character. I really want to have this character as a companion, but don't need to make an entire new companion with new audio and menus. My character is actually a save of the Sin - Female Savegame mod, so would it be possible to take clover and use this character though? If so how? Thank you in advance.
I was really glad to see this change. One thing I did hate, especially on TESNExus was how the Top 50 list was being calculated. Basically it was a popularity contest, and unless you had a ground breaking mod, you were left in the shadows of the other, more well known modders, no matter how well your mod was made. I really like how the 1-or-10 ratings were turned into the Thumbs-up or Thumbs-down, with the thumbs-down having a set list of reasons so there isn't senseless flaming going on. Overall I think it's a major improvement to the site and gives newer modders a chance to shine and get their work known.
Lol, get back fast, I want to see the results.
Okay well, I'm having problems with a couple mods. I downloaded and installed luix_luix's "Sin - female savegame" and installed the texture folder that came with it into the Data folder of Fallout 3. When I go to play the save, the facial textures are not applied, and the character looks plane-jane. I have repeatedly reinstalled the textures but it won't work. Second I installed the "Hair Pack" mod and placed the texture and mesh folders in proper, and none of the hairs are available or shown when I edit my sex/race. What am I doing wrong? Btw, I already have FOMM if that's something you need to know. EDIT: I found out the hair pack was conflicting with another hair mod, so right now the hair shows up, but none of the textures do. So overall I'm still having problems with textures.
*Sorry I posted this in the wrong thread and went and removed it.
-We have beef, so where are all the Cows? -Why does the palace guard's armor stay glued to their bodies when you open their inventory? (lmao glue attack of 94 again?) -What are you actually buying when you buy a spell? Nothing actually is added to your inventory, so how do automatically know how to use that spell? -Why am I still ignored by Mage Scholars at the Arcane University after I'm the Arch Marge? -Why do you never see any ships sailing in the water, yet they apparently sail across the world? -Why is there all this tobacco, but no one smoking it? -Why are female Bosmers taller than male ones?