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About Aronkaaa

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  1. Thanks for the recommendations, I'll try them with the DAupdater.exe thingy. As for the female armors not working well... The stuff the charachters wear is the normal vanilla looking armor, basically as if i didn't have the mod installed at all.
  2. https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/4462 https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/816 https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/9 https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1601 These are the ones. I deleted the manually made override folder, started a new game, and the game did make an override folder for itself, but the mods put in to it still do not work.
  3. It is in the correct location for sure, but i did create the folder manually.
  4. I put them in the correct place where the mod authors say: C:\Users\Me\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override Yet it refuses to work. I also tried adding them to D:\Origin\Dragon Age\packages\core\override But that didn't work either. What can i do? they worked just fine this way before the re-install of my laptop...
  5. I did a search for such on the nexus, but only found one that adds around 50... wich is a bit weird for me. So if anyone feels like it, an argonian child mod, maybe even a replacer for an existing kid, would be welcome.
  6. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/B1_battle_droid these guys! It'd be hilarious to play as one!
  7. if anyone has time between two titty mods, this one would be welcome. Edit: These guys http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/B1_battle_droid
  8. Given the Awful balance in the game, most of comabt for me is running back and forth. I think that music would fit well. here is a link, in case yo uare not familiar with the theme I mentioned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnHmskwqCCQ
  9. (Quick note: being transgender is NOT a birth defect, it's a conflict of biological sex and gender.) Just an idea that popped in to my head while playing a female charachter wearing dwarven armor. Would it be possible to make a mod, that allows you to have a female to male (Born as female, identifies as male) transgender charachter? ( You might know them as cuntboys, but that expression is offensive to most, so yeah.) Details I'd include:(If I knew how to mod...) -When all armor is unequipped, these charachters could have their chest bandaged around, to hide their breasts by pressing them down. -The method above is not 100% effective of course, so male clothing imported to very small breasted female charachters would also be nice. -When NPCs refer to your charachter, directly or indirectly, they could "make mistakes". Some could call him a she, and reverse. -Tomboyish hairstyles. -Beast races included (!!!) -I'm sure it'd be hard to do, but adding 'FtM transgender' as a third gender on the Showrace menu would help people to apply this to their already existing charachters, without screwing up their perks. If you like the idea, well... this is a forum so feel free to add to it.
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