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About mrchaos500

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  1. updated fo4se tot he 10.2 version 90%of my customer items appear invisible tried uninstalling reinstalling some of the mods to no avail running windows 10 8gm ram amd r9 380 gpu
  2. i have been trying to get this enb to work followed the instructions on the page http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55112/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D55112%26preview%3D&pUp=1 extracted the wrapper version of the enb and overrid it with the nevada realism enb made sure AA and AF were disable now i was not able to find transparency AA at all it wasnt in the launcher. and as far as configs outside the folder im not sure what he was talking about. but when i boot up the game everything is blue
  3. well if its ttw i can live with that in any case fnvedit can do most of what i need and geck works fine except for you know editing weapons which most of the time is me changing ammo types for guns that didnt have the correct ammo or tweaking damage all things fnv edit can do
  4. curious so that is why the geck is now screwing up again, it is trying to load fallout 3 bsa. how the hell did that happen? mind you i was having issues even before i installed ttw. but yeah i will check on ttw to see if they have a fix. how did you come to this solution might i ask?
  5. here dl this https://www.mediafire.com/?tdcwv0iphgvgcbp as much info as i could think screenshots and relevant .txt had to uplaod on media fire becaus eit was too big. hope it helps
  6. im a little confused on what you want me to do exactly. i read the posts and im not seeing how my problem correlates with his also i found this in the geck custom ini [GeneralWarnings] SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information. SMasterMismatchWarning=One of the files that "%s" is dependent on has changed since the last save.strangely enough the warnings.txt is missing too and i knew where that was. if its a problem with the geck version why does my fo3 geck work perfectly? it is at least 4 years older.
  7. yup rest of the geck works fine. like i said in my original post i had it fixed for a time by running a 4gb patcher on the .exe
  8. ive searched every folder in my fallout new vegas directory there is nothing that is from geck. is there something in the inis for the geck i can check to make sure its outputing one
  9. if you read here my last post said i'd had fixed it and i did. for a time http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3377715-geck-crashing-on-weapon-edit/ now it has began crashing whenever i try and edit a weapon in geck..again. I'm certain that is a problem that is fixable as i have fixed it several times but it just keeps breaking for no reason. the things i have tried thus far is running ncores 4gb patcher on the geck.exe and that worked for a time. when it broke the other day i ran Geckpu with it as well and that did nothing. then i ran it with NVSE and PU and it worked again for about an hour i was trying to add a custom weapon in and it all of a sudden broke again neither pu or nvse will make it work now. I think that with the 4gb patcher making it work that it is in part a memory problem or the issue is it being a 32bit file i can't say which. since there is no way to run a geck trace log that i know of i cannot see the exact reason why geck crashes. hopefully i can get some people brainstorming about it because i am out of idea on a permanent fix for this. I am on a windows 10 rig with a 3,2ghz quad core processor and a sapphire raedon r9 380 gpu. i hope someone can help though this seems to be a rare very very specific problem that few people have had.because if it were commonplace there'd be a fix i could easily find. -edit- it appears as well form my observations that what ever changes i make most likely are not sticking
  10. Ladies and gents i have finally after 3 effing months of searching and troubleshooting and looking online hoplng someone better than me can help have found a working solution. you all need to dl this and run it on the geck.exe http://www.ntcore.com/4gb_patch.php it fixed my issue what it does is allow 64 bit systems to run it easier by allocating more RAM to the geck amongst other things.
  11. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3377715-geck-crashing-on-weapon-edit/ close as we have gotten still didnt work for me but worth a try.
  12. i've tried the permissions thing and no luck oh well i can use fnvedit for most of my needs
  13. so thats how you fix it? redo the permission via disabling inheritance for the fallout new vegas folder rebooting and reassigning the permissions
  14. okay that last one i was a little fuzzy on what you are asking maybe cuz its 6am for me lol. but to be clear this is a completely new computer that has had no other OS but 10 i got all permissions granted for geck and steam too. ill check my updates to be sure there are none but everything seems up to snuff
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