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Posts posted by Toxikfire666

  1. Alright so the issue is as goes; Make character in racemenu, export character as a preset, re-import character, character has hair and beard not originally exported.

    This has happened every time without fail after a clean install, with only racemenu and alternate start, and with and without several hundred other mods. It doesnt matter what assets I used in my exported preset, be it default vanilla hair and beard or otherwise. The hair reverts to a base game color as well. The hair is always the short one with the two braids down the side and the beard the first one on the slider (which is currently one from a mod) If I export the head in the sculpt tab and look at the nif it does have the right hair and beard. This only happens when I import presets. Please if anyone has any idea whats going on here I'd appreciate some feedback because I have almost a thousand beards and hairs a piece and having to find them again when I need to reset my head from the fkn eyes not moving when moving sliders its a huge pain in the ass and I cant find anywhere someone else has brought it up.

  2. As title indicates, having some trouble with what i intended to be a quick personal one and done race addition. I have the race nailed down, works fine in game, all that, but now im trying to make some custom racial perks and passives and i have hit a huge roadblock. Resources to help get it done? I dont want to spend a month trying to figure out something i should be able to do in a couple hours.

    Actually, if someone already has the scripts or knows where i can find similar ones to edit that would be a HUGE help. (i assume scripts are what does this desired effect, and probably leveled lists for the first one? idk) I have went through similar vanilla perks and tried to take them apart to see how they work but the CK doesnt reveal much :/


    Effects i need to make are as follows:


    Giant's eye= Higher chance of finding alchemy reagents
    Nomad's way= Get well rested bonus when sleeping outdoors.
    Brute Strength= Once a day can intimidate with 100% chance of success

    I'm sorry if this is apparently something really easy to do and im too dense to figure it out. If i get help with this and the information posted isnt necessary to help future modders ill delete post.

  3. I am sure there are probably many other avid immersion fiends out there like me who don't find the physics mods available very interesting. Even moreso, care way too much about our framerates then what is healthy. Properly weighted hair would be a great way to add more diversity to the game and preserve the framerates and not ctd when you move too much lol!

    I've been trying to get proper weights on a KS hairdo for several days now and I must admit, I cant figure out how to get it in the game. BUT THATS NOT THE POINT! I digress.



    ~Adapting a selection of hairs to use weights PROPERLY

    (By this I mean when you move your body sliders the hair moves with it)

    ~ Providing a secondary option, 'wigs' which give the appearance of weighted hair but not actually hair. These can be batched in Bodyslide to fit whoevers body however they wish!


    Even if nobody wants to put all that work to get the desired effect, Id still be very much interested to work together with someone with better understanding of RaceMenu and the games filing system etc to do what im trying to do.


    "But Toxik, there is already a mod that ads weights to hairs! Just use that one!"

    I have tried them and they are severely lacking slider compatibility, and the weights applied to them are kind of garbage, and there's too many that spit in the face of everything I hold dear, which is lore friendliness.

    I should say that I do appreciate how much work the mod authors who made the weighted hair adaptations had to do, but never let it be said that something cant be done better, more efficiently and ultimately increasing the enjoyment of everyone involved. Thanks for reading!

  4. I have tried and tried and tried (x3.14) my damnedest to get my NPCs I've made to use the race menu heads I've made for them, I've tried kalilis way, I've tried just about everyone on YouTube's way, I have done it the nifmerge/nifoptimise way. I have tried every which way but upside down and if the NPCs face isn't the vanilla one but pitch black it is smeared across the screen vertexes flying into oblivion. Why? WHY?! Someone please help before I toss my computer into a wood chipper. Please.
  5. So I fooled around with it, set cell ownership to player and put in a double bed for balimund and everything seemed to work great until I married him, then he left the temple and went to the woods where the Falkreath BYOH location is, and just stood there. This could be because i picked the "your house" option but it wasn't his house according to the flag so I guess he just went with the default second option? I hadn't had the chance to see if his merchants chest was still his but all together it might work out better if the house was modded but remained in the same faction and ownership properties as it was before.

    Also I made a duplicate cell before I started working on overhauling the house and sent the door teleport to that cell instead, which just put two balimunds and his apprentice in the game LOL

  6. I haven't had any luck finding answers for this question but what is it that makes an npc home also your home once you marry said npc? Is it a script or is it a whole different cell? I'm working on improving a cell of one of the base game marriage candidates (Balimund) . I don't want to break him or his shop, but I don't know how the ownership changes. Can I just load up the version I remade as player owned or will that break his inventory?
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