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About Juani0210

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Thanks :D I appreciate this soo much!!!!!!! My pleasure. Just take note of the invisible doors I placed near the elevator. Settlers can't use elevators, so the doors make it look like they are (they can path through a load door, but can't work an elevator button, go figure.) You really don't want to delete those doors, or block the one at the top in the gear room (you can't block the bottom one without blocking the elevator, so no worries there). Also make sure you don't break the navmesh in front of them. Heck, you'll be doing me a favor by cleaning the place up! Let me know when you finish, I'll test it out and if it works add a link to your mod on my page, with directions to "Use this instead, it's much better than my hacked junk." Yeah, you might want to have and put in my 'bonus' too. Just give me a moment to share it as a mod. I will share it with when all is already but is a very slow process (for being so easy is just purely edit extras and fixing in axis prewar objects in postwar objects) I am having progress on the atrium but its even more slow because I am being extra carefull when scrolling down the project... Btw I am sorry to bother you once more but you say they were issues because some objects were deleted... cutting with right click is not same as deleting in the Cell View window right? So I wont have those issues?
  2. THANKS A LOT!!! YOU ARE SOOO NICE!!!!! THANKS!!!!! How I may be able to thank you??? You are a such nice person thanks
  3. Ok.... I will do but honestly I think it was because I was not carefull enough may be I will try to donwload XEdit and fix it If eventually the displacemente occurs again I think I will concentrate on cleaning the vault first more cautiously but honestly I think It was I am really unexperienced like literally is my first time using it so I need to be more responsible. As for the NPCs yes I am aware I need to edit them to adapt them to the Vault 75 what I wanted is the Vault 111 Prewar NPCs pattern of conduit. Thanks a lot again you are really nice to do this...
  4. OMG :D You are soo nice! I dont know how I will be able to thank you... Thanks really I am still very unexperienced literally is my first mod and I almost give up... Well I havent moved anything on purpose unless a bunch of stairwells on the reactor area besides all the original objects the only thing I have been doing for days was swapping their materials to the clean version on edit mode and some objects I have been replacing them with their clean or prewar (like the screening zone terminal and the kitchen counter on the cafeteria) and for the bonus you offer.... well I cannot say no the only think I dont know Is to how I will be able to thank you. You dont ever imagine how much I appreciate this... :laugh: Btw you didnt discovered what happened, is still a mistery for the modders? Do you know how can I prevent this from happening again? As I have said I am super new to this so most of the time I dont know what I am doing :pinch: or touching... Again thanks a lot... You are like an angel...
  5. THANKS A LOT OMG... You dont know how much that means to me.... that you are even replying... Sorry it is a little bit hard to explain... Let me give you the permission
  6. Hello I am actually working with Creation Kit of a Vault 75 Prewar Mod which basically consists on restoring Vault 75 back to their original glory (Cleaning Trash, Swapping Vault materials from Vault Damage to their Original Clean version, restoring objects with Prewar and Clean ones). Everything was going sweet for a couple of days until I noticed particular objects related with the vault building were out of place or not fitting the rest of the room as it they were moved to the right or the left but then I noticed there was entire ROOMS that were gone misplaced(for example the second floor of the atrium is not aligned with the first one being the second one pushed more inwards) I got in crisis because I have been working for these mod for so long and was going and looking so well that, so I trying looking for a fix or an element that I may have misplaced or moved that controlled the axis of entire rooms because the damage was not only limited to the atrium the scientific area and the overseer office have gone misplaced too. So will like to ask if someone out could be able give me an inside of what could possibly is happening and a way of fixing or even restoring the original position of the building without loosing the progress of scratching and restoring the building... The misplacing for now is only reserved to being misplaced inwards so it means it is just between the X and Y axis. I would be soo gratefull if someone could offer its help and in the best case give my project a glance by himself or herself, I am gonna attach the google drive link of the file to this publication. I am really looking forward of finishing this mod as far as I am concerned is a very cool idea. Thanks, Juani0210 Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1faZoVbIReiUnuX5qebv2fg-buO1qulNW/view?usp=sharing
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