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Everything posted by Marraxus84

  1. Thank you all for the great advice. I tested this as soon as I got done working today and an offset 5855070 does indeed work. Even better, I know how to find the offset on my own now to make more mods if I need to, insted of just knowing the answer to this one question. Thanks to the information you guys offered. Appreciate all of you taking the time to "teach me to fish" instead of just feeding me one. Small victories. Here is the Toolboks custom mod which appears to work, if anyone who was asking still wants it. I know there was several on the Second Wave mod page asking for it.
  2. Thank you for your interest Dubious. Currently I am opening the XComGame.upk with HxD from the following location: /XCom-Enemy-Unknown/XEW/XComGame/CookedPCConsole I search for the original hex code that was posted by Amineri and see the given offsets on the left. There are 7 rows of offsets for that particular code that I searched (the hex number is 7 rows long, and there is a different offset listed for each row, the offsets are 8 digits long). Unsure of which it would be, I have been going through each one and replacing the 'OFFSET=' field in my custom mod .txt with each of the values systematically. No luck so far, always crashes on launch. I then replace XComGame.upk with the original and try the next. Was getting curious if I was doing the whole thing wrong. Most everything I was reading on hexidecimal wiki and other forums, didn't really help with this, so I came back here to see if I missed something. As requested, here is my current .txt custom mod for Toolboks that I was working on. I used the examples that were given with Toolboks for reference. I noticed the examples all use 7 digit offsets, while I see 8 digit offsets in HxD (not sure if that matters).
  3. I have been working on this for a little while now, but I can't figure out how to calculate the offset. Obviously, my values are wrong because it stops responding during launch. If I figure it out, I'll post it for you. If I don't have any luck figuring it out tomorrow, I'll just make all of my changes with Toolboks and then open XComGame.upk in HxD and just search and replace that one hex line. Probably the easier solution from the begining, I just wanted to learn how to do the offset just to know. Hex is more confusing to me than learning MEL/Python. I think I understand the concept of what the offset is, but not how to find it for any given instance.
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