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Everything posted by ThinkGreen

  1. Hell0 survivors of the Appalachia, If anyone have a request for an esthetical mod, post your request here and i will see if i can make it. Be safe, have fun.
  2. hi guys & gals! in this holiday season, i'm trying to upload my mod on Nexus, i am able to upload it and all, but once finished, i go look at the page, and the entire description is missing.. ..anyone can help me out on finding how to fix this? Here's a quick video of my mod, enjoy: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv16NW7GbjE
  3. hell0 all, can anyone help me out? i'm replacing some songs for christmas songs on the radio, in Fallout4 it worked good, but in Fallout76, songs are all messed up..sometimes they play but sometime its muted, and they dont play completly, the song changes before its done. ..anyone knows why?
  4. Found the solution: ba2 archives for audio files have to NOT be compressed.
  5. ..no ideas, anyone? .. i even tried replacing the main menu music with the one from fallout4 and it doesnt play it.. is there a different way to pack the BA2 when its sound files?
  6. hi all, does fallout76 use different values for their XWMs then for fallout4 ? i never had issues modding musics or sounds in previous Beth games, but now, when i replace audio files in F76, its silent..
  7. Thanks, Yes i am aware of that, i been modding Skyrim for about 4 years.., .. i never said i would actually delete them from the master file lol, i said i would delete them from the cell, in my plugin.. And about static meshes, i know.. but you should know already that most static items wont fall or move, compared to movable static or 'food' :P Anyway, as i said, i want to eventually disconnect them to make them independent of the heartfire scripts, and for now they are floating and falling in the emptyness, and i was wondering if it can alter the stability of the cell. Thanks.
  8. Hi there! First, yes ssedit can do it.. but you should make it with the ck instead. honestly its pretty simple to install the ck! You dont even need to keep the launcher after if you dont want. Download the launcher, then in the menu of the launcher, there is CK for skyrim, click to install it (its small!) , then, use the ck! You can use it offline btw :smile: 1- In the CK, fo to the top left corner and click 'load plugin' the choose only the main game's esm and other DLC's if you need to mod stuff in them.. if not, just select the skyrim.esm, then load. 2- Then wait for it to be completly launched (after choosing the plugins it can take a minute or 2 ..,) 3- Then, create your enpty plugin before anything, or else the changes wont be applied! You need to create your 'esp' plugin first. Just click 'save', and write the name you want for your mod. ..Thats it! And next time you launch the CK, you tick the skyrim.esm again, and then you tick your mod and while your mod is highlighted/selected, press 'active plugin' . Good luck and take your time :smile:
  9. Hell-o :) in the CK, one of the house i modded is Breezehome, and i know i CAN delete clutters and stuff if i want, but its not the proper way, since lots of objects are directly linked to scripts from Heartfire and 'upgrades' from the jarl.. After a while, i will delete them 'properly' to make sure the scripts wont be looking for something deleted.. ..BUT for now, i need to know: -all the items floating in the empty grey space in CK, when in game, will the unstatic items fall infinitly in the emptyness? -i doubt it a lot but just to be sure, can it alter the cell's stability or performance to have lots of stuff in the grey emptyness ? thanks!
  10. Thanks for the reply. Yah thats what i tought, so i tried other saves and new saves, the same. I usually dont rename my mods, but this one was on the work for a long time, and while redoing it, i expanded it and its becoming a big mod, so, the name of my mod had to change. Anyway, i decided to launch ssedit just to see if something went wrong.. and i noticed 'Lynly' had ber 2 'relationships' deleted, and they cant be recreated since its an action that cannot be undone.. and when i try to make another 'relationship', it just wont show NPCs,. So, when i saw that, i had a memory about deleting the relationships while making an NPC based on Lynly.. and i should have renamed&save the new npc before altering her stats, this way Lynly wouldnt have anything changed.. Anyway anyway.. .. I have completly redone my mod (saved lots of time since i still have all the assets..) with the right name from the start, and now i can keep on working on it without renaming it lol.. Still cant figure out why the trees in the new house's cell!?.. maybe something to do with trees changed after renaming? Not sure.. ih well..
  11. Hell-o :) I got a couple of questions/issues, hoping to find answers here..so, here's my questions briefly: - after making a house from scratch in the ck, can i rename the plugin after a lot of changes? (it may sound simple, but i get issues if i rename the mod..even if no references have the same name as the plugin..) Here.s the story: One of my mod have been on the work for about 3 years now, i remade it in the new ck and it worked perfectly, without any bug..untill i renamed it.. The mod contains houses, and one in particular have been acting weird, in whiterun. Actually, what happenned is that i was in a mission when i last updated my mod so i tought i would finish the mission before going back to my modded house, but when i arrived, all my items where gone. (to solve this i tweaked the new cell's encounter zone to ''NoResetZone''.) To avoid loosing all my stuff i took an older save, BUT, when i now go in this save, instead of spawning in my house where i saved, i spawn in Riverwood's inn.. And when i then travel to the modded house, inside there's 3 or 4 trees, wich are trees that i placed in whiterun, but they disapeared from whiterun and now they appear in the house.. in the ck, those trees are not in the house, they are still in whiterun. ..If i rename the mod to the name it used to be, it works fine, but the trees are still appearing inside the new cell instead of whiterun.. ..whats happenning?? Please help me understand why some of whoterun trees are appearingin my new cell.. and why did the house's inventories disapears completly if i rename the mod?
  12. Thanks for the reply, Well thats actually what i tought since when i open a reference window, the name of the reference become pink.. but, the reason why i am wondering, is because lot of items are writin in pink even right after the plugin is fully loaded..
  13. Hello all, I have a small simple question: what does it means when in 'cellView' i have items highlighted in pink? Thanks.
  14. Yah but isnt this just a command? I dont want to use command. I want to set ut as a plugin or script. Thanks.
  15. When you say you reinstalled, you mean the ck or the game? Are you installing the CK from the bethesda launcher? When playing skyrim speciale edition, is your game normal or does it crashes without mods? Are you launching the ck as administrator?
  16. When you 'load plugins' in the ck, did you selected some mods or just the main esm of skyrim?
  17. Hell-o all! Anyone know where i should be looking to edit the timescale of the game? I dont want to add more hours.. i want each hours to be longer. So, making the time go slower. Thanks!
  18. ahhh worked like a charm! now its a beautifull winter time in Tamriel :)
  19. Ohh i see! Nice. Thanks for this image, i tought i had to 'check' the snow icon at the bottom of this same window. Thanks :)
  20. Well this is actually exactly what i did. But in precipitation, i didnt see any with the 'rain' checked.. although i was pretty tired so i might have not noticed it :P Tonight i will get back in the CK so i will go check those precipitations again and 'check' the snow in all the raining weather. Thanks for the reply mate.
  21. thanks for the reply! i tried that already but i cant seem to be able to actually replace all the raining with snowing.. when i try to edit the weathers in CK, i can put the snowing probability higher, but cannot replace the raining by snowing..
  22. hell-o all! could anyone please tell me where i should look, in the CK, to replace the rain by snow? i need to replace all the raining by snowing, but i cant find any meshe directly for rain, and cant find any setting in the CK to change, to replace raining by snowing.. i am bashing my head on my desk trying to figure out how i could change all the rain by snow and cant find :( please help me!! :) thanks
  23. Hell-o all, could anyone tell me, where should i look to replace rain with snow instead? (in the CreationKit) ps: i dont want to jsut change the texture because the speed of the snow will be as fast as when it rains.. i need to replace the raining with the snowing.. i looked in the CK, of course, but i cant find any object or mesh directly for rain or snow, and i cant find it either in the SETTING tab. Please help! i am bashing my head on the desk jsut to find out how i could replace all the raining by snowing!.. thanks :)
  24. Thanks for the reply Yah i saw this one but i was hoping someone would maybe find a way to make some hotkeys without the need for background siftware :P i know its mostly impossible right now since skse isnt here yet, but thats why i made the request.. to see if one special brain would be able to find a solution to bypass it :P Ps: for now i will still try out this one to see if theres a performance loss or not :) Thanks
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