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Posts posted by Deleted67195711User

  1. @BlackSwanFallacy; "Sr Scott and his minions" have zero opinion about the value of Tags as anything more than a voluntary aid to determining a mod's usefulness to a player. Mod authors are free to tag their mods, and other members can do so as well. Neither are required to do so. If one doesn't find the tags helpful, one shouldn't pay any attention to them.


    Oh really? Then why do they tell people to use them? Two samples from this year.






    And to put your extract back into context, what I really said was "Tags only work when they are set, so any expectation that tags can be used as a reasonable criteria in mod selection is based on misinformation at best, in spite of what the Sr Scott and his minions will tell you."

  2. As of this writing, there are 40 mods in New Today, and only 23 of that number have tags. Tags only work when they are set, so any expectation that tags can be used as a reasonable criteria in mod selection is based on misinformation at best, in spite of what the Sr Scott and his minions will tell you.

  3. NMM has the ability to have different profiles, Normally this is used for different game configuration, but it can be used to allow separate users to have separate game configurations. Just remember to verify/change the profile before starting your game.

  4. But DarkTemplar does make a valid point. Had the safeguards actions simply requed the download(s) for later instead of flushing the queue, it would have saved on the API activity necessary for the user to find and restart all the unfinished downloads.

    So yeah, the safeguards worked. But they did not necessarily cut down on the API activity and may have acted in such a way as to actually increase the load.

  5. I will make one point and then ignore this thread.


    A tool, any tool, is supposed to help people do what they need to do. Vortex is a tool. When you tell people that they have the wrong expectations for that tool it is the semantic equivalent of telling people that the tool is unequal to the task it is being expected to perform.




    BitDefender is one of those over-sensitive pseudo-AV softwares. If you can nail down which pages specifically it gets upset by it may something like an image embedded into a mod page.

    Calling BitDefender anything 'pseudo' is like saying Ferrari makes wannabe sportscars. But hey, if you don't care too much, I don't either...



    AV software products are like religions. Just about everybody has one, think everyone else should have the same one they do and are willing to go to war to defend their's and make new converts.


    You can pretty much ignore EVERYONE when they make comments about AV Software. At one extreme are those who haven't a clue and just use whatever showed up on their box. At the other extreme are those who are so biased as to be considered zealots. And a few are well meaning but they just regurgitate the same old threadbare tales they heard from a friend of a friend of their third cousin's ex-wive's mother's hairdresser's sister's gardener's grandfather.


    What are you on about, Swan. Now you make it sound like I'm some kind of AV-lunatic. And yes, I will defend BitDefender. Not because I'm biased but because of test results in umpteen renowned magazines. Sure, there's other good AV-software and BitDefender happens to be one of those and is held in high regard by a lot of companies, so, calling it a 'pseudo' AV software means you either don't know what the word pseudo means or you have not a clue what BitDefender is. And Ferrari make damn fine sportscars.


    All of the above don't matter as it wasn't about BitDefender in the first place but about getting a warning of possible malicious software and the rather blasé reply. It will be the last time I post something like that. You can figure it out yourself in the future.




    You know JimmyRJump, you could have chosen to interpret my post as "I agree with you and you should ignore Pickysaurus and the rest of the hoards when they express ill informed and poorly advised opinions about any AV product".


    Instead, you chose to interpret my comment as an personal assault and respond is such a manner as to illustrate my point. I don't have to make you sound like you're some kind of AV-lunatic, you chose to do that on your own.


    BitDefender is one of those over-sensitive pseudo-AV softwares. If you can nail down which pages specifically it gets upset by it may something like an image embedded into a mod page.

    Calling BitDefender anything 'pseudo' is like saying Ferrari makes wannabe sportscars. But hey, if you don't care too much, I don't either...



    AV software products are like religions. Just about everybody has one, think everyone else should have the same one they do and are willing to go to war to defend their's and make new converts.


    You can pretty much ignore EVERYONE when they make comments about AV Software. At one extreme are those who haven't a clue and just use whatever showed up on their box. At the other extreme are those who are so biased as to be considered zealots. And a few are well meaning but they just regurgitate the same old threadbare tales they heard from a friend of a friend of their third cousin's ex-wive's mother's hairdresser's sister's gardener's grandfather.

  8. Click on you avatar/icon to open your profile. In your case, @Sixfish11, the cute puppy.

    In the upper right corner, you will see a button labeled Edit my Profile. Click it to open the page titled My Settings.

    On the left side under the My Settings title is a tab labeled Notification Options. Click it to open the page titled My Settings: Notification Preferences.

    Change your notification settings to fit your desire.

  9. I think you're mis-characterizing this when you say it's about authors whining their files aren't making it to hot files. I have no problem making hot files when I release, SimonMagus616 doesn't, and Arthmoor certainly doesn't.


    The issue I have is that as a user it limits what mods are shown to me. If I want to see popular new mods, it's nice to know that JK is doing Whiterun interiors now, but I really don't need half of the hot files to say JK's Whatever to find that out. I'd much rather have one panel for JK's hot files and the others to show me what else is new, so that I can see at a glance what else is new and popular.


    To quote Dukov, "That dog don't hunt".


    You characterized multiple files in the hot files section by the same author as "Author Spam of the Hot Files" (see, right up there in the title). Such language has a extremely negative connotation, implies that it is a deliberate act on the author's part, and indicates your attitude has nothing to do with users and everything to do with the author.


    Now, if you are so concerned about the users, remember that it is the users who determine the contents of The Hot Files. Not Nexus, not you, not me and certainly not other mod authors. Saying that you are concerned about what the users see is simply a smoke screen.

  10. Click on your avatar and there following screen will have a "Edit my Profile" button upper right.


    The next screen will have a section in you profile reading "Profile Information" followed by a button labeled "Edit my About me Page",

  11. If you're going to suppress content from hot files based on quantity, then just make sure you change the names to "Some of the Hot Files" or "Not all the hot files" or "Sample hot files". That way, the users will have some hint to indicate it isn't really the hot files, just a limited sampling based on nothing more than a complaint because "That mod author has too many hot files".


    In case it didn't come through, that is sarcasm. Blocking any content which is within the submission rules for Nexus is a terrible idea and smacks of censorship.


    And even money says that blocking more than two mods is OK, until those wishing to block others have more than two mods which would normally make the Hot Files. Then, the music will change because blocking THEIR mod is a travesty.

  12. The Caretaker is behind the "recognized author" wall. If you are not a recognized mod author, you will not be able to get to the Caretaker.


    In as much as you have never published a mod on Nexus, you are not permitted into the mod authors inner sanctum.



    I've had to update NMS every few days and Stardew around 2-3 times a month (around 200mods in total) I've found the new popup to be far less intrusive than most make it be/sound. You can either just accept it and get to playing your modded game, or not. Doubtful it's going away anytime soon.

    I admire your patience. Too bad we are forced to get used to an ill-intentioned annoyance, right now I don't feel up to it.




    It's NOT ill intentioned, there are people here who have been using the Nexus for FREE for 10 - 12 years, and never have and never will pay, it costs money to keep the nexus online, unfortunately out of 18 million members, around only 186,000 actually pay for premium, while some people pay nothing at all.

    So, now, to keep using Nexus for free, you have to be slightly inconvenienced, and that's a lot less than the Nexus is inconvenienced because of people not paying.


    It's a fair trade.


    Or to put it another way ...


    Nexus isn't free, and everybody pays. One way or another. :devil:

  14. Then this is fairly straight forward.

    Install the mod.

    Use any of the available tools to extract any BSA files. Most of the tools will put things where they belong.

    Open the CK.

    Load the mod as the active file.

    Log into Bethesda.net from the CK

    Via the menus, upload the file to Bethesda.net for Xbox.

    Follow the prompts to create the basic mod, then click the prompt to login to Bethesda.net to complete the process.

    Easy peasy.


    I know that my response here is pretty high level, and you will probably have questions about each step. But this should give you a starting point.

  15. Yeah, limiting search results by blocking tags is a real joke.

    Some MA's simply refuse to use tags and get angry when asked to do so. Further, most users don't know that they can add tags themselves or simply don't bother. Besides, who wants to wade through the tens of thousand of untagged mods to add appropriate tags?


    As long as tags remain optional, telling people they can limit search results by blocking tags is simply a ... misguided response.

  16. I am sorry that the truth is not what you wanted to hear, and that upon hearing such truths you become angry and aggressive.


    I will remember this and next time I will tell you comforting lies instead of the harsh truth.


    PS. You will fit right in with GMAD.

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