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Everything posted by IanRB

  1. Thanks so much! That's a lot of the work done already haha. I'll definitely learn more and pursue this then, thank you again!
  2. Hey everyone. So, I have a quick question, would it be possible to make a quest that runs every time you enter a new location, checks for enemies around with "bandit" on their name, and makes them essential? I'm doing a pacifist no-kill run using NPC Knockout Overhaul, and sometimes bandits will die in one hit skipping bleedout state completely, so I'd like to make sure there are no accidental kills. I wanna know if its possible 'cause I'm starting to dip my toes on Papyrus scripting (which would be the ideal way to go about this as far as I know), and having tried coding before and hating it, I don't wanna waste time for no reason. If it's possible, some pointers would be much appreciated. Thank you!
  3. Hey guys, I'm currently trying to figure out 3rd person animations, to remake the revolver anims to a more hollywood cowboy style (as part of my one handed revolver mod) and I've had some problems. While working on the anims on 3ds max it looks like this, but when exported (with no apparent issues) and applied it looks like this. I've tried with the idle ready, the running forward ready and walking forward ready and all of them have the same issue (also the character didn't move forward while running or walking, but that's another problem for another time). Keep in mind that I don't really know the inner workings of the programs I'm using or how the bones/skeleton structure works and all that, so please bear with me. I got somewhere knowing this little though, so I guess I'm not doing too bad :D If you have any idea of what's happening, please shed some light on me. Thanks!
  4. edit: THIS IS FOR FALLOUT 4, didn't realize this forum was for all games. Hey guys, I'm currently trying to figure out 3rd person animations, to remake the revolver anims to a more hollywood cowboy style (as part of my one handed revolver mod) and I've had some problems. While working on the anims on 3ds max it looks like this, but when exported (with no apparent issues) and applied it looks like this. I've tried with the idle ready, the running forward ready and walking forward ready and all of them have the same issue (also the character didn't move forward while running or walking, but that's another problem for another time). Keep in mind that I don't really know the inner workings of the programs I'm using or how the bones/skeleton structure works and all that, so please bear with me. I got somewhere knowing this little though, so I guess I'm not doing too bad :D If you have any idea of what's happening, please shed some light on me. Thanks!
  5. Awesome, I'll try reinstalling everything to see if it works. Thank you very much for your help
  6. Wow, didn't quite get the meaning of annotations, so I never made the connection with the xml files. I suck. Didn't know what to put in the note tracks at first, but apparently its just "weaponFire" for the sounds, shot and to start the hammer cocking animation (at least for the firing one). Everything works great now, thanks A LOT for the help. Since you're already here, and you know your stuff, can I ask about another thing? Do the idle animations require any other steps to work on them? I can't even convert them to 32bit without having 3ds max crashing on me. Anyways, thanks again for the help and for making the tools needed for this. So happy right now
  7. You have to download a bunch of tools, watch a bunch of tutorials to understand how things works, and start getting comfy with the 3d modeling program you choose. And then you got this kind of problem that you have to work out on your own, so not very easy actually. If I end up making this thing work I'll let you know, I need more practice though. Good luck
  8. Hi guys, I've been getting into animating lately and after watching a ton of tutorials vids and dowloading every tool needed, I tried to see what I could do. Started working on the .44 animations and so far I've changed some of the 1st person anims., and all of them work in-game (as in, the animation plays with no problem) but when I equip it or shoot it, there is no sound or shots actually being fired. I know that the .xml files are supposed to have all the info. on the sounds and other stuff, but I don't really know what to do with it, and none of the tutorials I've watched adressed this. Would appreciate some help with this. I did some troubleshooting on other issues earlier and could resolve them, but this has me stuck. Thanks a bunch
  9. Hi guys, recently I've been playing a lot with the meshes and textures in my game and I got to the point where I barely even play anymore, and just keep trying to mod it to "perfection". As a result, I've been trying to get into the animation modding stuff, but apparently one needs A BUNCH of different tools to start working on them. That's why I'm here to see if someone would be kind enough to share HCT 2014 (which Fallout 4 works with? Correct me if I'm wrong) with me. I could get my hands on the 2012 ver. but before I try to learn how to use it I wanna make sure that there's no way to get the right one first. Anyways, time to wrap it up. Thanks for reading
  10. Didn't find an easy way to do it, so I just downloaded Outfit Switcher. Sucks to have to mod the game for this, but oh well. Its easy to configurate and use, so that's something.
  11. Hi, I recently downloaded this awesome mod to use the holster plus the .44 revolver on my cowboy playthrough. But I wanted to use the western revolver so I tried to to use the white grip mesh+texture and apply it to the holstered .44 mesh. I tried watching a few tutorials but I get lost halfway through the introduction. I just want this little thing to work. What I exactly did was to remove the rubber grip mesh from here and copy this one in (with the proper .bgsm and textures attached) and I got this (after moving the grip to fit the rest), but when I try this mesh out it doesn't appear in-game, just invisible. My best guess is that the "BSSkin::Instance" that was attached to the rubber grip mesh, should be attached to the wood grip mesh aswell. But I just can't get that to work; whenever I copy the instance branch and paste it inside the wood grip branch it just duplicates outside the NiNode. Don't know if that's the problem or I if have to do more stuff to make it work, so I would appreciate a little help. Thanks guys
  12. I'll ask here cause its kinda related. Do I need to do anything on 3dmax if I only want to use some of the power armor animations without power armor? (.44 pistol stance to be exact). If you'd be so kind as to enlighten me I would be ever so grateful.
  13. I've been looking for a mod that changes the normal 3rd person revolver animations (two handed stance) to its Power armor counterpart (holding the gun in one hand, extending the other away from the body). Pls make it happen. I'd pay for that s#*!
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