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Everything posted by NudeDrunk

  1. I think it would be incredibly immersive and fun to have a mod that when you take off/land or do essentially any ship function that your player hits buttons on the cockpit dashboard like when you do a grav jump! or have a hotkey that will play the grav jump animation(where you hit buttons or twist knobs) without actually having to grav jump. Basically, just some form of way of interacting with the cock pit buttons and knobs manually not just when you grav jump. This would be so cool! I think it would be a very popular mod
  2. Is the animation located in a folder that i can just change the animation to happen more often or with a hot key?
  3. by the animation i mean when you hit the buttons and stuff on the cock pit not the actual warping around. just the buttons
  4. Could someone please make a mod where it will play the grav drive animation or any animation for that matter that maybe can be toggled while you are in cockpit? Or it happens automatically like before landing, switching the power around, just anywhere and everywhere it fits It would really help with the flying immersion
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