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  1. So I was stationed at McCarran AFB and this guy comes bursting through the main gate holding a f*#@ing fire axe wearing a suit.We all tense up but he doesn't start firing at us so we hold our fire.He jogs up to one of the privates and stares blankly at them,says "goodbye" and turns around and walks away.He comes over to the barracks and walks around opening up every container and bag he can find and looking at all the computers.He walks up to the major and pulls out 3 severed heads and hands them to him.The major rewards him and then he turns around,reads an entire magazine and talks to one of the snipers,
  2. Thanks! I thought I'd never find it,appreciate it :D
  3. I've poking around and I found this picture out of the blue,I can't find the source for the life of me but it looks amazing,help would be much appreciated. http://nexusmods.com/images/110/2670579-1368866091.jpg
  4. Was poking around google images when I found this,can't find it for the life of me however the URL is definitely indicates that it's a nexus screenshot. http://nexusmods.com/images/110/2670579-1368866091.jpg
  5. So,I know this sounds like literally every other post on the nexus buuuut I can't for the life of me get skyrim texture mods to work,I don't have the official hd texture pack installed,but it doesn't work either way. So I'm just gonna keep this short and sweet,and just ask for general help.
  6. You were a little unclear about what happened,Deathlord,it would seem that at some point you installed the mod "Immersive Hud" and incorrectly at that,try deleting any .esp files associated with the mod,and any files that may have been installed with it,
  7. Have you recently used any spells that would do this? If so,are they modded spells? What is your load order? Are you experiencing any other odd occurances? Do you have a modded race? Are you a vampire? If so,are you using any vampire enhancment mods? Have you been hit by any non-player spells recently? If so,are they modded spells? These are all the questions I could think of,night owls ftw.
  8. So,I decided to add some "Creative License" to my FNV armors,but I've got problem,the specific armor I'm trying to edit,is an .esp activated retex,with the .dds files contained in a .bsa,and I haven't the slightest idea how to add a file to a .bsa,I can extract the files just fine though. So yeah,I can't just extract the .bsa,because it needs to be in a .bsa for the retexture to work,and I don't have any software that I know can add files into a .bsa
  9. Shouldn't be too hard to make in nifskope,just steal the necklace chain part from this mod,:newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/42767/?tab=4&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fcomments %2F%3Fmod_id%3D42767%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D405518&pUp=1 and the brass knuckle mesh from the vanilla game,you can probably find some tuts on it,I'll do it for you if you want.
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