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Everything posted by AAAZZZzzzaaa

  1. Meh, I just installed Better Saves. Good enough for me... Soooo is there no absolute solution to this in case others have this issue?
  2. I have no idea why this has started, no explanation, nothing. All I know is whenever I quick save the game it crashes without fail 100% of the time. Please can someone give me a solution if anybody knows of any. Please don't say "Just don't quick save then." Because that's just stupid as quick saves are super convenient and I cant live on in my life knowing the quick save button crashes the game... Thx :geek: :geek: :geek:
  3. Ok I figured it out, before talking to Korst I just type "set PCWerewolf to 0" then when I'm done talking I then type "set PCWerewolf to 1" sorry for posting before thinking (dunno how to delete posts) :confused: :confused: :confused:
  4. Hello, I would just like to know how to (if you can) cure my Lycanthropy via the console then become a werewolf again through the BM main quest. Since I am using Werewolf Realism and became a werewolf before I don't want to miss out on the rest of the MQ before the werewolf attack on the village, as it just skips right to it after speaking with Wind Eye.
  5. Now that I have a decent PC I can make use of Distant Lands, and can have the game run higher than 5 fps when its active. I would like to know how to get distant lands to use my grass mod and other modded modded textures and statics so that I can see them all the way in the distance (or at least to a reasonable standard) and not have the grass and terrain pop back in from the vanilla texture to the modded ones. Hopefully this makes sense... So basically when the grass and terrain is in the original viewing distance of Morrowind they show up but off in the distance they are not. and when moving around it has that distracting pop in effect off in the distance. How do I change this so my game looks pretty at all times everywhere :geek: :geek: :geek: :geek: :geek: :geek:
  6. I just installed using my old game of the year copy still same result :(
  7. 1.6.1820 is the version of the game. never had problems with the code patch until today :/
  8. Wow this makes no sense... Fresh copy of Morrowind, make new folder in C: boot up game, close it, instantly download code patch, reinstall it exact same issue :| officially triggered I saw one other post about this exact issue and nobody responded to it. Does the fact that I'm downloading from the Bethesda launcher change anything? I move the game after its installed obviously. I'm clueless
  9. I got python and it changed nothing I am using the normal version and it gives me... Traceback (most recent call last): File "mcp.py", line 8, in <module> File "c:\Program Files (x86)\Python (x86)\3.4\lib\site-packages\zipextimporter.py", line 116, in load_modulezipimport.ZipImportError: can't find module wx I even tried older versions of code patch and still same result.
  10. No don't have python should I get it? never had this issue before though...
  11. Hello, I have gotten a new PC on windows 10 I have had tons of modding experience with Morrowind past but have never seen this issue. Whenever I try to open Morrowind code patch I get a message box saying "See the log file blah blah blah X for details" I open the log file and I get this message... Traceback (most recent call last): File "mcp.py", line 8, in <module> File "c:\Program Files (x86)\Python (x86)\3.4\lib\site-packages\zipextimporter.py", line 116, in load_modulezipimport.ZipImportError: can't find module wx Can somebody please help me out :/
  12. I don't want to waste anybodies time on this and should of really taken this down. Thanks for showing that you would of helped but I'm just going to install different mods. I was just using better heads but the vampire faces weren't loading, no idea why but guess I'm not going to find out. (Weirdly the pink face appeared on OpenMW and a plain, white, textureless face appeared on the Vanilla engine) Sorry if there were any inconveniences. X
  13. I have encountered a rather annoying issue with Better Heads as described by the title. You can see the texture that's supposed to be there but an annoying bright pink tint is always present. I haven't the faintest what is causing this, pretty sure its on all races too. I have tried reinstalling the mod in different ways and no luck. Its strange because I have used this mod before without this problem :/ Help... please...
  14. Well... It turns out the LGNPCs mod was causing this issue for some reason. The moment I deactivated it in the data files the quest line continued normally. The problem has been solved.
  15. Has anybody ever heard of this issue? have been unfortunate enough to discover a game breaking bug?
  16. I don't like to mod Morrowind much so I don't what would be effecting this. Most mods are just visual, sound or audio changes. Morrowind.esm=1 Tribunal.esm=1Bloodmoon.esm=1Rise of House Telvanni.esm=1Morrowind Patch v1.6.6_beta.esm=1Morrowind Code Patch Showcase.esp=0Graphic Herbalism.esp=1LowerFirstPersonSneak.ESP=1Better Bodies.esp=1Fair Magicka Regen 2.0b.esp=1Welcome to the Arena! v6.6.esp=1Better Clothes_v1.1.esp=1BlightedAnimalsRetextured.esp=1Better Robes.ESP=1Vampire_Werewolf.esp=1Werevampire_realism_changeatwill_patch.esp=0Werevampire_realism_moononly_patch.esp=1werewolfrealism-moononly_changeatwill.esp=0OfficialMods_v5.esp=1Complete Armor Joints.esp=1Better Morrowind Armor.esp=1DD Ajira's Alchemy Reports.esp=1Drug Realism.esp=1Entertainers_Expanded.esp=1FixedWraithguard.ESP=0Join All Houses.esp=0Join All Vampire Clans.esp=1LeveledMagicka.esp=1UFR_v3dot2.esp=1Better Creeper And MM.ESP=1New Boots of Blinding Speed.ESP=1New Boots of Blinding Speed (MW).ESP=1New Umbra.ESP=1New Umbra (MW).ESP=1New Black Hands Dagger.ESP=1LGNPC_SecretMasters_MCA5.esp=0LGNPC_Aldruhn.esp=1LGNPC_GnaarMok_v1_20.esp=1LGNPC_HlaOad.esp=1LGNPC_MaarGan.esp=1LGNPC_Pelagiad.esp=1LGNPC_TelMora_v1_30.esp=1LGNPC_SeydaNeen.esp=1LGNPC_Khuul_v2_21.esp=1LGNPC_VivecFQ.esp=1LGNPC_TelUvirith.esp=1LGNPC_SecretMasters_v1_30.esp=1LGNPC_IndarysManor_v1_51.esp=1LGNPC_VivecRedoran.esp=1LGNPC_PaxRedoran_v1_20.esp=1LGNPC_SoulSicknessPatch_v1_00.esp=1New Bloodworm Helm.ESP=1New Bloodworm Helm (MW).ESP=1dagoth_ur_mask.esp=0AltShieldsRemover.ESP=0My Enchantment Changes.ESP=1L.A.W.B.ESP=0L.A.W.B Quiet.ESP=1L.A.W.B No Sound.ESP=0Werewolf_Evolution.esp=1werewolfrealism-moononly.esp=1Hopesfire & Trueflame Improved.ESP=1My Vampire Edits.ESP=1My Item Name Fixes.ESP=1
  17. I never got the writs. When I ask about the writs it just says what it says in the picture. If I do kill them without getting the writs and go back to the quest giver and ask about writs I get paid but the quest line doesn't progress and it keeps repeating the text in the picture.
  18. It says nothing about them. I have even tried giving myself the quest with the console which works but after I kill them both and get paid then ask about writs again it just keeps repeating what it says in the picture. I then gave my self the next quest after that with the console but the names of the next targets don't even show up in the dialogue options and if I ask about writs it yet again repeats what it says in the picture.
  19. I have a problem with the Morag Tong quest line. I am unable to get any more writs from the guildhall masters because whenever I click on the the topic about writs all the quest givers say ''There is an outstanding writ Maven Drenim and Tirer Belvayn'' And there names aren't highlighted in blue so I cant even ask about them. Am I doing something wrong? How do I fix this? Picture of what I'm talking about.
  20. I have recently installed the latest version of "Moonlight Tales - Werewolf and Werebear Overhaul" and now I have a problem that occurs upon transforming. When transforming you are supposed do a little howl and look towards the sky but instead of that happening the werewolf ends up frozen in the traditional, arms stretched out position. I have tried re-running FNIS. Uninstalling and reinstalling the mod and running FNIS again, but to no avail. The mod doesn't even seem to appear in the feed when running FNIS. I have tried running LOOT to see if there are any incompatibilities but there are none. I have tried a creating a new game but still no luck. I have also used this mod before but never had this problem then. I'm not using Mod Organizer (I would if I knew how) Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you want my load order you'll have to tell me how to copy and paste it because I couldn't figure out how (sorry for being such a noob) :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
  21. Okay I got the mod working it turns out that the files where in the "read me" of the mod everything is fine now and the vampires voices are how I wanted them everything is perfect no need to reply, thanks for the advice you all gave me. (God I'm such a noob) :facepalm:
  22. Okay the game runs but some sounds just aren't working like the footsteps, jumps, weapon swings and a lot of the magic sounds what am I doig wrong??? I have MWSE and the code patch I also installed all the additional addons which also come with the mod. Also none of the new sounds are working.
  23. I will see if I can get it working (couldn't get it to work back then ended with lots of CTDs)
  24. I want to do it for every character in case I want to make him/her a vampire
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