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About Cujohfly

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  1. I'm thinking of playing with friends but I have mods installed for character creation. Like hair, face shape, tattoos, etc. I'm assuming that my character will either have a default look and or be bald to my friends on their screen?
  2. The only mods I have manually downloaded and drag and dropped into the root directory of the game are CET, Redscript, RED4ext, ArchiveXL, TweakXL, Codeware, Virtual Altier and Equipment-EX. The only way to remove this error is to clear the Overwrite folder at the bottom of the mods list in MO2 or just relaunch MO2. It's such a hassle. Does anyone know how to fix this???
  3. I'm planning to build a new setup tomorrow and I would like to reinstall a fresh copy of windows. However, all my MO2 mods are installed on my C drive. How can I move everything from MO2 to another drive safely?
  4. I really love NAT since it makes the game look good with zero performance loss and fires at night flicker which makes the game more immersive. However, I'm faced with a bug that causes a glow around my character depending on the time of day. I'm not sure what is causing this as I only have NAT installed. I've disabled EVLaS, Lux Orbis and Lux, and I'm still facing the glowing issue. It's more visible when I'm inside or behind a building cause it just breaks the immersion. Help would be great. Thanks! Raining and nighttime shows it more visibly.
  5. I've been trying to get the Infinity Dodge (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/78193?tab=description) mod to work with DMCO and my character takes almost 2 seconds to be able to move again after dodging with Infinity Dodge. I've read the comments on the mod and it seems like the issue is when you do not have MCO or Skyrim Platform installed. The problem being, I have both Skyrim Platform, Nemesis, DAR, AMR and whatever all the requirements are to install Attack MCO-DXP. I've ran Nemesis, cleared the cache asked in the comments and Reddit to no avail. Really starting to get irritated with this mod. Could I get some help? Thanks in advance.
  6. I made the mistake of buying the deluxe edition off GreenManGaming and I thought the Samurai Edge was gonna be at least a decent weapon. Oh boy was I wrong. It's worse than the default pistol! And it's not upgradable. Is anyone aware of a mod that buffs it's stats? Really disappointing Crapcom.
  7. So I have installed Eli's Armor Compendium - CBBE and Bodyslide 1.5 and I've heard that it breaks precombined meshes. I have uninstalled it because I don't really use it anymore but are my precombies still broken? Because I can tank down 5-15 fps on top of Corvega unless that's just FO4 being FO4. Thanks.
  8. I'd love to see Jill Valentine's outfits from RE3 1999 and 2020 and also Claire Redfield's outfits from RE2 1998 and 2019. I haven't found any of these on the Nexus probably because of copyright or whatever but it'd be nice. Even Carlos' outfit or Ada.
  9. I use Custom Camera by Qudix and it has settings from left to right and vertical camera positions. Does anyone know a way to make it resemble RE2R/RE3R camera movement?
  10. I don't know. They don't show up in the Textures or Materials folders. I mean they're ESP's? If that helps.
  11. Still broken :\. I'd use Eyes of Beauty but there are sooo many shades of the same color and it's overwhelming.
  12. I only have Eyes of Beauty and Player Synth Eyes but when I uninstall both the issue still persists. A new game save character creation in the mirror at the beginning of the game works perfectly though. Brown is actually Brown and Blue is actually Blue. But on my current save the plastic surgeon or slm 14 the eye colors are bugged.
  13. For some reason the default FO4 eye colors are bugged. The Brown Bloodshot is blue and Blue Bloodshot is like a green-aqua. How do I fix this?
  14. I have 2 HDD's and will be getting an SSD for Windows. If I install Vortex on that SSD will all my mods be saved in Vortex Mod Manager so I can just install them without having to remember/write down all my mods? I just want to know if they're listed in there I doubt they'd be installed already. Thanks.
  15. I want to keep my mods organized instead of constantly looking on Vortex seeing if there's an update or not. I just want the important mods that require updates like Cyber Engine Tweaks. Unless armor mods require constant updates as well like the E3 outfit for example. And if Vortex does work how do I set it up properly? When I tried installing CET through Vortex it just put the plugins folder in steamapps/common/Cyberpunk 2077 folder instead of the Bin folder.
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