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  1. Yeah my bad I meant for Skyrim. Thanks for the advice Arthmoor, it worked!
  2. I am trying to move an object from an exterior into an interior cell. I have tried to do a cut + paste but it results in the object having a new RefID. How can I move the object into a different cell without this issue?
  3. I'll work on this. Didn't seem to work before when I tried that.
  4. I've found a way for NPCs to avoid crimes against specific NPCs. For example, if a NPC is in no factions then you can commit crimes against them and no one will report it. If there is another way to do this, let me know. Also, if anyone knows where in the CK I can find the crime for killing farm animals, let me know the code. I'm working on a mod which has variable crime settings.
  5. How could I get an adult to use child animations? I'm able to get it the other way around by checking off the box "Child can use" for an idle marker such as the various smithing and farming animations. However, I would like adults to be able to use animations such as throwing a fit, holding a toy, etc. How would I go about doing this?
  6. Never heard of canon RL books, I'll have to check them out. Insects and other reptiles would make sense as long as the food is raw. As for "the prey approaches" they say that in Oblivion as well including to an Argonian PC. It is just a neutral greeting, not negative.
  7. I am working on an Argonian food mod. I am annoyed by how Shahvee tells me she has a recipe passed on down to her from her people and I get an apple pie. I am looking for lore that depicts accurate Argonian food. So far I have raw fish and rats as possible food based on the in-game books. If anyone has any ideas, let me know.
  8. Lol well anyways about the part about hiding bodies I could probably help with that I am working on this script which makes the stealth system more like Deus Ex HR so if for example a body is discovered well after a murder took place then you can still be traced. I plan to have some sort of forensics system so people can trace your weapons to you.
  9. Not to hijack this thread but if anyone wants to grab my Argonian mod and write a script where you can get the 70+ Argonians at the Windhelm docks to rebel and say kill Ulfric as an alternate path for the Civil Quests I think that'd be a great idea. That could be considered a slave rebellion mod. You could also have them running across Solstheim desecrating anything to do with Dunmer culture in retaliation for years of Dunmer enslavement of Argonians, so a continuation of the Argonian invasion of Morrowind.
  10. My mod itself can be considered a discrimination mod against Argonians as it forces 70+ Argonians to live in the Assemblage together in extreme poverty. The sleep on the ground, eat standing up, all work the docks during the day, no one is buried inside the city, no one is allowed to work the nearby farms which are a small upgrade to working the docks, all of them have poor citizen inventories along with poor citizen clothing, their only possessions are lockpicks, skooma, bread, fish, and potatoes, etc.
  11. My last Argonian mod was all about the brutality of life on the docks in Windhelm. Now it is time for something more optimistic. There's about 3 notes you can read in either the Bee and Barb or Temple of Mara for info on a traditional Argonian wedding that Talen-Jei wants Maramal to arrange. All I know is that the ceremony is supposed to take hours and that there is a side-quest to give Talen-Jei some jewels to make a special ring for Keerava. We can start by changing the texture for the Bond of Matrimony to be different. I'm also thinking that the entire ceremony will be in Jel so we will need male and female voice actors or I could just use the vanilla hissing noises and try to multi-track them. Any ideas for this are welcome I think it would be a great mod.
  12. Well that doesn't work either. And I unchecked and rechecked my mod but still nothing the bodies still disappear. I also tried adding a package using the condition GetIsDead and travel to an XMarker but that didn't work. On another note, I tried changed the condition for guard dialogue so that they say "Out of the way lizard!" to NPC Argonians as well but that didn't work.
  13. I have NPCs in my mod which already exist in my savegame. They had the deadbodycleanup script attached to them but I want them to be permanent corpses as I am putting many dragon landing markers in the vicinity. Even though I removed the script in my savegame they still get sent to the green and purple room even though I both removed the script and deleted the death container in the hall of the dead. If anyone knows how I can write a new script which makes them permanent corpses, let me know. I also tried changing the attributes of the existing script, but that didn't do anything either. I could hypothetically delete the references from the mod and put in new ones but some of the actors include vanilla ones which would break quests. I don't know how to do this other than starting a new game which would be a non-option for 90% of the users of this mod.
  14. Hey thanks for the reply. I am making an Argonian poverty mod. I figure that since the Argonians aren't allowed to live inside the city they should not be allowed to be buried in the Windhelm Hall of the Dead either. I put a dragon marker on the docks and the dragons will take down quite a few Argonians. Currently I have 60+ Argonians living in the Assemblage. All of them (including the 4 vanilla) have scripts which cause a burial urn to pop up in the hall of dead with their inventory and their bodies get sent to the purple-green place. I would like to write a script where the inventory does not get stripped and upon death the bodies move to an X-marker on say the docks with some carrion birds nearby. If this sounds brutal it is because it is supposed to be.
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