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Posts posted by jonas3333

  1. I could ask for 100 mods for settlement requests, but I don't understand why giving names to the random Settlers that stumble in isn't a Vanilla thing.


    Doesn't have to be anything other than some sort of label option. Totally don't mind character limits. Seems like it'd be super easy to incorporate.


    I'd just like to be able to identify them as something other than Settler.



  2. This makes the most sense and yet, I can't find any mods that do this!


    Why not add 2 armor rating enchants - one that adds heavy armor rating and one that adds light armor rating?


    This seems like the most simple way to make clothing have a high armor rating so followers will choose them.


    If not enchant, then perhaps blacksmithing capabilities on clothing.


    I just don't get why this isn't out there. Or maybe my Google-fu is weak tonight.

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