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About SirDregan333

  1. I'm having a similar problem, with a slight difference. I'm gonna try the posted solution tonight, but for now ill share my face colour bug in hopes that it sheds some light for people experiencing this for different reasons, like me. (I'm using NPC editor rather than the CK. I'm gonna try manually replacing the femaleheads files and if that doesn't work ill download CK and give it whirl, thanks btw for the info whoever posted that). Ok, basically iv created a few different mods for individual NPCs using the NPC editor (which creates mods that mod a particular NPC). Some turn out perfect in one shot, others have been... Stubborn to say the least. I'm not sure why, I have little knowledge of programing, I'm more of a mcgiver with these things, and can usually figure it out, but this ones got me stuck. There seems to be do distinction between the changes iv made between different NPCs (I didn't do anything much different with the mods, just hair, face-paint/makeup and scars (all stock, no custom hair designes or tatoos). So, here's an example of 2 nearly identical mods which yielded quite opposite results. Perhaps someone with more knowledge of the inner workings of the game can help clerify what I did differently. (I'm also using Caliente body mod and couple other NPC texture mods (face, eyes, elven overhaul) with NMM but they haven't caused any problems before this and disabling them made no difference) 2 subjects. Muiri (Breton), Brylena Maryon (Dunmer). For Muiri's mod I gave her a different hair syle (again, everything is stock, from the provided list of options, nothing made from scratch), and changed the hair colour (from dirty blonde to dark/blood red). I changed her face tattoo do a different design and colour (made it black). Then added a scar pattern. Bing badda boom. That's it. Made the Muiri mod, plugged it in, she looks fantastic. Everything worked fine first shot. Her head and body colour match perfectly and there's no neck seem. Too easy. So after that, I made a Brylena mod. The changes where nearly identical. New hairstyle and colour (different than muiris but still stock, and made it bluish black). Added face paint (different pattern, black again, looks more natural, and badass), and gave her a scar pattern of her own as well. Made the Brylena mod, plugged it in, OH GOD! What's wrong with ur face?! Her hair style changed to what i picked, but the colour didn't change. She had the scars, but no face paint, and her entire face/skin on her head was a flat light brown, like clay. With a very distinct neck seam. She looks like a creepy living statue. Im gonna try manually replacing the femalehead files with ones from the NPC face enhancing mod I have and see if it adds some colour. Any colour. If that doesn't work, im gonna go the road of Mr. Right up there and download the CK. Will let u know what happens. Thanks again for the info.
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