I have recently reinstalled Oblivion and want to do something to make my experience what I really want. I like tomb searching, finding cool places and seeing awesome vistas. I want to hear from the community what you all believe would be a great group of Mods that are aimed at ruins, tombs, undead, cool stuff, whats a good home mod, companions...Its a lot to ask for but I've downloaded a lot and a lot has changed and I want to hear what is great now. I am not looking for God mode cheats although sweet weapons and such are ok...also whats the best (if people still use them) grouping of Marts, Fran and someones else's game play changing mods. Finally, are the mods that are landscape changing worth the disk space. I just want to be immersed in a world that reflects what I like to do in games...explore, discover and epic quests. I forgot, what about Oblivion utilities like Wyre's Bash and such? Thanks and I await your wisdom.