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  1. I did it. I needed to add them to the proper factions and give them a high relationship rank, so they don't fight each other, then, I made the Dragon to be owned by the Rider, and I added the TameDragonActivatePerk to the Rider, and the right Key Words to the Dragon, and HUZZAH, I did it! (At first I used the travel script, but that screwed with the combat, and he would rarely auto-mount, but now I just manually mount the Rider to the Dragon, and it works.)
  2. On further inspection, I found some very important Key Words that I had missed. I shall see if this works...
  3. Thank you for a reply. Yes, I was trying to manually pair them with the command, MountActor. It would say the Dragon is not an eligible mount, when I did so. I have not tried this, so I will, but I have a feeling the Dragon won't have the "NPC Ownership" option.
  4. Is it possible to pair an NPC to a Dragon? I have looked all over, and this is never spoken of anywhere, yay or nay. I built a custom Dragon Rider NPC and its Custom Dragon, and added them to the factions I thought were right, built a new faction for them, gave them the proper perks, (TameDragonActivatePerk I found on Miraak, and others) etc, and still it wouldn't pair. I looked for the script that mounts Miraak, and could not find it. I know the event is heavily scripted. So, could somebody be so kind as to tell me how, if possible, to do it so I can?
  5. Hmm. Maybe....The guy who first tried the project said it WAS possible, but he didn't have the proper equipment and space on his computer.......
  6. Ugh. Bethesda are the game's creators. They can do it, but a modder far as I know, can't add entirely new Actor Bases, and New Animations. I'm talking about animations that are created outside the game, and imported. I don't think its possible. To create a working, 4-legged dragon, just seems impossible. I see that now, and previously, I had insulted modders in my thinking it WAS possible.
  8. Dang. No one has said a thing. Not even a "Too Bad". lol
  9. I think they mostly make games for 64 bit, cause 32 bit stuff is very limited in capabilities. Wouldn't it be impossible to convert Skyrim to 64-bit unless Bethesda themselves did it?
  10. I just thought. Wouldn't it be cool to have this (Or something like it) in Skyrim? RP as a High-Elf or Blood-Elf Lord? Could someone make this? (No more unreasonable or offensive requests/comments from me) I don't think this is an unreasonable request, as I have seen similar works. It doesn't need the Verdant Spheres, but it would be cool. This is well in the possible zone, but isn't a popular idea. Why can't these things just erase?
  11. Ok. I understand, though I still think it's POSSIBLE. I know the whole Dragon VS Wyvern deal, I know the Bethesda dragons are STILL Dragons, and frankly I have no problem with them. I just wanted to see a modder challenge the limits of the Skyrim Engine, and hopefully create a 4 legged Dragon. Not as a replacer, but a new creature. I have never been mad at Bethesda, they are my favorite gaming company. The best, glitchiest games ever!! Btw, I'm not angry at modders either. I AM ONE. I "Specialize" in making NPCs and changing existing areas. (With existing material). I also know most modders have a life beyond the computer. That sum things up people/moderator? Hehe, the SkyMo Drakes are still pretty cool. P.S I haven't posted any mods cause everything ive done has already been done and better. lol Also, I was a regular visitor to that mod. I encouraged and gave ideas, but in the end it was too much.
  12. I still think it could be done. You just need an entire mod team lol. (With everyone in the team being real good at their job) Also, I'll remove the joke. It was uncalled for. Lastly, I know Bethesda could do it. I know Wyverns are their lore. I know Bethesda just doesn't want to do it. (Well, if they did we might have had worse problems than backwards flying Dragons breathing fire out the Back-end) :P P.S SkyMo would have been better off attaching it to the Bear Base.
  13. Yeah, so do I. People have asked, modders have ignored, failed, or just didn't see it. Most modders out there don't have and probably don't want to put all that time and effort into it. I create NPCs out of existing material, and change existing areas. I have no skill to do this.
  14. I really want this to become a fully animated, flying dragon. (4 legs, two wings) Doesn't anyone else? This thing is already cool, and a useful follower. (I did the follower part) Why can't someone make a REAL dragon with 4 legs and two wings? It would be so cool, and provide a new experience!! Not to mention riding one..... EDIT: It's probably impossible. Someone delete this request.
  15. I created an evil mannequin with Cicero's Gear to temporarily haunt The Asteria. It wasn't really advanced though. It actually wouldn't be that hard. All it would require is a little Scripting and AI Package. Easiest would be it stands on it's base till you activate your bed, then come to life and kill you when you wake up.
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