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About KawaiiDestro

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  1. Yhea I know where the screenshots are supposed to be saved. As you can see I said I checked the PNG files inside the folder -_^ And by the way, the flikering is not normal, the game has never done like this before (and I made like +900 screenshots before) Next advice? same problem, still searching for fix, but how I understood that they changed this. So now, when you press take screenshot, game couple seconds rendering it, avoiding your graphic settings to make best quality screenshot, but they f*#@ed up, cause people getting pixel mess
  2. Anyone know how to fix that problem? In game everything looks good, but when I press spacebar, I'm getting this pixelated mess in the end
  3. When to find that top? Seen couple times in game, have spawn0 clothes pack https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/1890?tab=description but don't found this top in mod and game. Screenshot of top https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/3333/images/1890/1890-1624011054-890358738.png Also you can see that top on T-Bug mod https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2247 on this screenshot https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/3333/images/2247/2247-1618208477-1611822032.jpeg
  4. Hi guys, can anyone make preset of Clouds administrator with her tatoos too if that possible.
  5. And very stupid situation here that you can see your characters genetals in inventory and also mandatory sex scene of someone without censorship
  6. Can anyone make uncensor mod? If you choosed vagina or penis option in menu you will see that only in inventory, in game your character will be in pants and this is stupid when V sitting on shower in pants, come on, You can see breasts, asses and sluts at posters in game at every corner, and CD just censored that aspect of game without reason...
  7. anyone can make knife remove from hips like in RE2? Some mods, that people use looks really weird with knife flying on air
  8. Downloaded Sanctuary preset https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39152?tab=posts and all requered mods for it, everything was good, i rebuild it little for me, but after all works was done, i found that some object spawning every time when i loading save, furnace, couple grass and 1 red car, every time I'm used workbench to delete this s#*! or disable in console and every time they spawning again, what to do screenshots https://imgur.com/a/Fu0cU6M
  9. Well, i finally found that freakin problem, installation steps was wrong. 1st was XP32 Skeleton and after that TBBP dragonfly animation, now I installed TBBP first and crushes stoped
  10. This is my lovely mod https://eiheispot1.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-134.html, I don't know why he not at nexus, but now I have problem, at my old PC that mod works, but at new, with same modifications on NMM, when I trying wear cuirass, I'm getting crash? Which problem here and how solve it? Using UNP body and downloaded same ver. of menu, on old PC and new same version, because I transfered everything from it.
  11. Hello people, I want to know how old mods from Skyrim works in SE? You can remember guys like this one https://eiheispot1.blog.fc2.com/, that makes cool japanese/chinese mods for Skyrim, but how it will work on SE? Particulary this one, Sexy(skimpy) version of Demon Hunter, that i very like in old Skyrim for good quality - https://eiheispot1.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-134.html. If SE can't work with that mod, how can I converit him on SE?
  12. Anyone know name of this mod, that replaces institute clothes? You can see it in this video on 7:01
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