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  1. Yeah, what I did was import a ton of stuff I never used. I forgot that it would add huge bloat to the mod. Fortunately, everything which I imported I renamed with a prefix, so I can find it all with a few keystrokes. Now I just have to go through it all and delete the stuff I never did use (which is most of it). That's why it ended up being so big. After that, the BSA will be much more regular sized. :smile: Thanks for the advice everyone.
  2. Thanks! I'm going to look up how to do that. I still have no idea. I didn't keep track of my files manually so I guess I'm not sure how to make a zip archive without it making a .bsa for me.
  3. Hi everyone, Newbie question here: I've made a house mod. It's really nice, it uses a lot of different resources. If I pack it into a .bsa file via Creation Kit, it will give me a file of about 350 megs. That's huge. I didn't use that many different meshes, but I understand why. Is there a way to just upload the ESP to make it slimmer? I'm using some public downloaded resources from the Nexus (I checked perms and all, and even asked some of the authors anyway just to let them know). Basically, what do you guys recommend? I don't want to make it public yet. Why? Because I promised some people they can look at it first before I do. So, any tips/advice? Anything would be appreciated. Thank you in advance. :)
  4. Sorry, I've been sort of busy since a long time. I keep getting updates on this thread and I'm just glad that some people are still interested. :) I don't have Skyrim installed on either of my laptops right now but I plan on getting that done in the next month or two. I'd love to see somebody make this mod as I really think it's something that is missing in the storyline.
  5. I can't believe I posted this a year and a half ago. :) Well I do hope that somebody does eventually pick this up as it would be an interesting mod for many.
  6. Hi modders, I have never actually found a dragon shout killmove, for some reason. Either I'm looking in the wrong place, not finding it on Google, or nobody has ever made one. And I'm wondering why. After all, shouting something to death can be quite fun. So why hasn't anyone ever made a Dragon shout killmove for something like Unrelenting Force or Fire Breath? Is it possible? I'd love to see somebody make one if it is. And if it's already made, a link would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  7. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but maybe somebody will know: Is there a way to back up all your mods you have downloaded, and their configurations, with Nexus Mod Manager? Say I have a ton of mods and I want to re-install Skyrim without going to each mod URL and re-downloading from scratch? Is there a convenient way to do this? Also, on a side note, is there a way to get email alerts when somebody replies to my post in a mod "Posts" section? I can't seem to find that....maybe I overlooked something. Thanks for any help!
  8. Hi there, This may seem like a completely silly idea but maybe it'll give somebody another idea. Who knows? :) I've recently been playing a brand new Paladin character. Heavy armor, two handed, shield/longsword. A good knight. No stealing, no sneaking etc... But it recently occurred to me how... un-knightly it is to just sometimes rush into a bad guy area like a thunderstorm and just wipe everything out without challenging them to a fair fight. So my idea was this: Is there anyone interested in making a mod where a knightly sort of character can stand a distance away and call out in a very loud voice a sort of challenge? I know that I can shoot an arrow, or even just shout, but shooting an arrow means you're attacking first and that isn't very knightly (and this character isn't into bows as they're for milk drinkers), and shouting before a battle is a bit of a waste if you're going to need it 10 seconds later to get through the fight. Naturally, I don't expect any bandits to respond appropriately, and I'll have to slay them all with no quarter given. But you know, it's the fun principle of the thing. I know it sounds utterly ridiculous as every mob that sees you instantly is going to attack you anyway, but I just figured it might add a little panache into the default "Just run and slash everything because you know they're bad anyway" sort of scenario. Anyway, just an idea. Enjoy. :)
  9. Sorry I didn't get back to it until now with the holidays. It's okay Jokerine, I understand about limited time. :) And thank you MerDryad for the support. I hope somebody does pick it up. :)
  10. Ok, no problem. I'm eager to see what you can do. :)
  11. Oh that's exactly what I meant. I find the idea of catacombs for Meridia to be sort of...not very appealing anyway. Would Meridia have catacombs? I don't think so. What I was thinking is perhaps a bare bones redo of the catacombs but make a new building on the top of it with the statue, perhaps facing outwards to shine out, and have that as a main temple area, perhaps with some stables and such for horses and a blacksmith etc...like a temple/keep. Not only would it let you not have to redo all of the catacombs to make them nice (and I really don't see how you could make them look nice enough anyway....), but it would give you carte blanche on what to do on top. You wouldn't be beholden to the tunnels already in existence. Heck, you could even perhaps replace those in time with some sort of other structure complex like a grand trophy room or something. I just think that the existing catacombs and tunnels do not justify a "light and goodness" type of paladin and goddess type of environment. So I agree with you completely. The top of the mountain where the statue is, that's what I'd focus on and build around. :) Does that make sense?
  12. Hey Jokerine, sorry I didn't post a reply before as I had read the rules about not bumping your threads to the top, and I didn't want to be accused of doing that. :) I would absolutely love it if you worked on it. That would be fantastic. I really do suggest you perhaps replace the entire dungeon with something else afterwards or the like, but I'd leave it up to you. I checked out your profile and you seem to have created a lot of mods, so you obviously know what you're doing. If you want me to test it, you can email me at tyrion ATTT gmail, and I'd happily test anything you send to me. Thank you very much for the interest, by the way. :)
  13. Thank you both for your comments. I am surprised it hasn't already been done. It has been on my mind for a very long time, as I've done Dawnbreaker more times than I can count. And since I regularly pass near the temple on various quests, I always wondered about it and figured somebody had a mod out. When I finally searched for one this morning, I couldn't find anything about one and I was honestly a bit surprised since I figured I couldn't have been the only one to think about it. It seems so obvious for a good mod maker to make a mod which would do this as almost everyone I know gets Dawnbreaker at one point or another. I do hope somebody takes up the idea and makes something good out of it. Plus the original temple was kind of evil looking and could be replaced entirely with something shining and new after the quest, methinks. Maybe with a built in follower or two of the paladin type.
  14. Actually, The Hobbit was written as a children's book and not just as an introduction to The Lord of the Rings. :) (I actually read it when I was seven or eight, back in 1978 and I still own that original book).
  15. Hi mod makers, I'm wondering if this was ever done (I can't find it in search here or in Google): A redone Temple of Meridia. After you get Dawnbreaker, the temple is still completely in ruins (ever been back?) At least it is in my game. And it stays in ruins. And yet, you're the avenger/knight/paladin of Meridia and she's supposed to redo her entire temple and clean it up. But she never does. I find this to be really strange and a completely left out part of the game, which is kind of sad in a way. I'm wondering if any mod makers out there might want to fix it up. Make it a really nice temple and not a dark and cold series of tunnels with ugly iron walkways and the like. Perhaps after the quest, it could be redone over a few days or something and even make it a home, if one is so inclined as to RP a real paladin type. Perhaps with some separate apartments, stables and the like? The location is perfectly situated next to Solitude and would provide a great place to live. Maybe even have some pilgrims there inside the temple part, and a nice shrine etc...you could go wild and still remain in lore since it technically is Meridia redoing her temple and providing a place for you to base your operations. Anyway, just a thought. I was wondering about this for a long time now, but I only just remembered to post it. I do hope that somebody remakes it entirely into a beautiful place to live with the necessary amenities, a fire to warm up, a kitchen - basically, another type of Hearthfire place but inside a temple dedicated to Meridia, whom you serve. Thanks for any feedback. :) TyrionBean.
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