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Nexus Mods Profile

About LordBathriel

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  1. Thank you for your kind words! Honestly, I'll take whatever I can get. At this point, even as an added NPC/hireling I think this would be a fun project to take on. Perhaps that'll be easier when Larian releases official tools. At any rate, if anyone is looking to have mods with written dialogue and voice work done, I'm happy to be of service! But I'm not gonna give up on Kallias either.
  2. To any absolute madlads who would be interested in falling down a rabbit hole with me, I have been writing and recording dialogue for a potential modded dragonborn Sorcerer Origin companion character for BG3, given the lack of a recruitable Sorc in the base game. I posted my first draft of this to Tiktok (https://www.tiktok.com/@lordbathriel/video/7279564708301065515) and it BLEW UP. Got a lot of comments telling me to come here and partner up with a modder to try and make an all new companion! It's an absolutely crazy idea, and a ton of work, but I wanted to know if there was any interest from the modding/coding side of it? I'd do all the scripting and VO, but I'm useless on the technical parts. Let me know if this is remotely doable, or a complete pipe dream!
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